Anyone else friggin cold?
Okay so obviously Im cold right but here is the kicker. I sit at work all day with a little space heater under my desk and I must be costing the company a fortune because I never turn it off and it's like 60 here in seattle today so it's kinda nuts but, No matter what I do my right side is always freezing. If you held both of my hands my left hand would feel normal and my right one would feel like ice cubes. Is anyone else experiencing this?? It's such a weird feeling to put my hands together and have one of them be so damn cold ... Anyone else??
I dont know about you guys, but every time I have been in any diet and I start loosing some weight, I get real cold at work, when normally I would not - I'm in Florida, the weather hear is pretty warm all the time. But that has been my expirience.
I think is has to do with your calories intake.
Count me in the cold's my thing: I can't get a close shave on my legs! Every time I get in the shower I am soooo cold that by the time I get nice and toasty, shave my legs and get out of the shower or bath, my leg hairs start to grow back instantantly because of the chills! So, I am now a waxer! Yowza, ouch! Where we live it is still in the teens at night and my skin is soooo dry fom all the ho****er to warm up.
Sigh...the unforseen drawbacks of losing 40 lbs. Oh well, guess I'll take it!
Molly Mae

Yes, I'm in the cold department too. Before surgery I was an air conditioner freak and now I have to have sweats and socks and jackets and blankets on while I'm watching tv.
One thing I did want to mention is that I asked Dr. Aguirre about Calcium and he said we didn't have to take extra Calcium with our vitamins. He said the calcium in the multi-vitamin would be plenty. After doing research and reading about the surgery we had, I disagree with him. 3 chewable Tums daily has the amount of calcium we need.
Can't explain the half and half thing...maybe a visit to your friendly local doctor.