Finally home. :)
I am finally home and I am finding it wonderfully comforting.
I do have some questions for people though.
I am eating foods that I should not be. We basically travelled for three days almost. We had Bambi take us to San Diego on Saturday. Flew out Sunday. We were delayed in Chicago overnight Sunday night. Finally flew home Monday by lunchtime. So almost three days of trying to find food that I could eat without being home and having a kitchen, etc. I had baked potato with cheese, twice. I had eggs....even though I know you aren't supposed to until 4 weeks. What else? Crackers with pb and also crackers with very finely shredded canned chicken breast/ff mayo salad. It seems like there was other stuff too. Not good. How closely are people following the food rules and what is going to happen to me for cheating? I haven't thrown up, although I have felt nausea now and then (I've felt that pretty continuously though since the surgery). Is it just a matter of it not settling for you or am I actually jeapardizing my weight loss by having rushed things a bit?
Also, I get hungry! I mean physically hungry, my stomach hurts. Is anyone else feeling hungry like that?
I hope to start the walking away the pounds dvd today. I also promised my kids a walk today.
Hope everyone is feeling well today!!

hi Tamara, I think your okay but Im only 4 weeks post op myself also. I had to cheat a tiny bit too in the airport I had some chilli while waiting for our plane because there was nothing to eat at the airport. I have been doing the canned chicken with mayo also. I don't use crackers but have eaten that plain baked in the oven with some cheddar cheese on it. Just made me feel like I was eating a warm sandwich. I have been doing eggs for awhile just take it easy. Don't overdo it your body is still healing. If your not having any problems then you are probably fine but just don't push yourself. Take things slow. You've done great so far what a great weight loss since you've been home. Try going back to soups and yes I get hungry too. I know that dr aguirre said only 3 meals a day but local docs here recommend 6 small light meals. I have been doing a combo of the both. I try not to snack but when I do it's all high protein items like a string cheese or something like that. I have a slive of turkey roast whwn im really hungry before lunch or something and it makes my lunch last that much longer.
Hope this helps.
Hey Tamara
It's really you huh?? Not the hubby? It was so nice to have him there to post for you!! Tell him that he did a great job!!! Sounds like your trip home was a nightmear.. I thought mine was tough! At least I got home the same day that I left.. So If your feeling pretty good after that ordeal all I can say is WOW... I would suggest that If you are getting nausea and stuff that you slow back down a bit.. I also had some chili right after I got home. But mostly the juice was all.. I'm still eating soft type foods..I am just starting my 4th week so I don't want to pu**** too much.. I had some turkey breast from the deli (thin sliced) and some cheese for lunch. I still enjoy the tomato soup. Seems that my taste are still off, but that's ok.. Not real keen on the sweets.. Even Crystal light is hard to handle.. But the water is even harder to get down.. You just have to do what works best for you.. Glad to see you home!!

Hi Tamara, glad you're home.
I agree with Cindy. I think that the 3 meals a day thing is geared more towards when we actually eat regular food on a consistent basis a little further down the road. I think it is so we don't eat too much and slow down our weight loss. But at this point in time, you just need to eat to survive. If you get hungry every 2 hours, you need to eat something. That's my opinion. Don't know if its correct or not, but that's my opinion. Also, when you start to eat more protein or add in a protein drink, it will start to fill you up more and you might not feel as hungry. Those drinks helped me out a lot.
Also, I did want to say be careful on the stuff you are eating now. You have to remember your pouch still has stitches in it so if you get any of that heavy food caught in one of those little edges, it could make you sick. I think that's why they want us to stick to soft foods and liquids for the first few weeks. If you eat something that tears the tender, recovering stomach lining, it could probably cause some serious problems.
As far as the cheating, I don't think it is about cheating right now. I guesstimate that I am taking in about 600 calories? per day. That even seems a little bit high. So I don't think there is any chance you can slow your weight loss by the things you are eating. Right now your body is starving. As long as you don't eat candy and ice cream and all that other crap (which I don't think physically you could) I think you are going to lose no matter what.
Great job on your loss so far. That's incredible!
Gotta go,
Talk to you soon