Now, I'm confussed...................

It all depends on what doctor you see and where you live. You should really have everything set up BEFORE you have surgery, whichever surgery you choose.
Some doctors help you find a doctor for fills and check ups, some don't. Some people don't think about it before surgery and start looking when they need it and can't compare on prices or services.
Fills vary from 150 dlls to 600 dlls. with and without fluoro Depending on where you live it is wise to have a doctor in the US for fills just in case you can't always return to Mexico for fills or choose not to.
Complications for bands are not very common but you should be prepared for it. Most comlications aren't emergencies either( note the word MOST) and you do have time to go back or schedule and appointment with your local doctor.
The band is something you will have for the rest of your life, you will have to do special things to take care of it. In fact all surgeries requiere you have a local doctor available in case you need one, with the bypass you need regular blood check ups. This is not something you will do and just forget about and expect it to work on its own.
It does work but like you have probably heard a million times this is just a tool, you have to work with it and this includes fills, diets and exercise.
lap band -Dr Aceves
I am very concerned with the same thing and if you find anything out please let me know my email is [email protected].