Hey Lisa
I remember your post about the stitches popping through your incision. Yesterday while standing in the kitchen I noticed what I thought was a scab healing on my incision so i was picking it off and low and behold it was a stitch. It was dark blue with a knot in it so now I know what I thought were little scabs weren't. Im in the same boat as you and wanted you to know that your not alone.. Congrats on your weight loss too your doing amazing. Your supposed to be waiting for me remember lol
Big hugs

The stitch thing was odd. I don't remember anyone saying anything about that on the posts.
Be sure to get the knotted one pulled out. The one with the knot on me got infected and now I have a hole, and the medicine to fix it is $43.
I loved Dr. Aguirre but I wish he would have a packet of information for us to take home covering any questions we might have. And his after-surgery meal suggestions haven't helped me at all...a list of what NOT to eat doesn't really do me any good. I need things I CAN eat!