Celebrating 100!!!!

GOOOOOD MORNIN' Century Club Lady!!!!!!!
Cheri, You have been such a trail blazer for many of us along our journey. I am so thrilled for you and part of that comes from knowing that someday *I* will be there too. That, my friend, is what being an inspiraton is all about, and you truely are!
Congrasulations on your continued success. Can hardly wait for the pictures.
PS. It is always so great to read little blips in your profile about Lubbock, Wichita Falls, ect. I am a Dimmitt Texas girl myself, born in Abeliene (spelling? sorry) and miss my friends and family there a lot.

You are sooo awesome cheri.. Congrats on your accomplishments. Im so glad that we have some people we can contact and rely on for information. Your truly an inspirtation to the rest of us that this really is something we can do. Your amazing and congrats on your success you look amazing and I bet you feel fantastic.. YAY YOU!!!

CONGRATULATIONS ! You have come a long way baby !
I appreciate your posts and all the help you have been to me. Candice and I are excited about her upcoming surgery and the 2nd leg of my journey. I love this forum with like minded people and for that I Thank You for your contributions.
Lets Celebrate !!!