Hey Tracy
is this eliptical machine your working out on just like the one with your legs or is it the one where your like climbing and using your arms too? Just curious. Im going to copy you. We have one of the elipticals at our place too but it's just your legs and your almost like running in place is that the same as yours? also I forgot to give you my email so you can get ahold of me on the weekends and ofcourse you have our number
My email is [email protected]
Thanks buddy and congrats on your weight loss. Your gonna be skinny in no time
Your doing fantastic

Yes it is the one where you are running in place, so also include the arms but mine does not it is just the legs.
This is like the one I use...
add "www" to "precor.com/hpr_efx.php"
I am sold that it is because of it that I am able to keep loosing.
This Machine is a "NO Impact" machine so it is good on your knees and you do bounce so it is OK to your tummy.