20 days to go.........
Wow 20 days to go. I have couple of questions.
1. Should I just take sneakers and slippers? If anyone has suggestion.
2. How many $5.00 and $10.00 should be enough?
3. How much $ should I take for spendding, I will only spent for things I need - maybe a couple of suveniers, but I want to make sure I take just enough. Please give me and advise.
4. Will Bambi take me to and from the appartment when I need or will I need taxi?
5. My father will be going with me and he will keep my $, but I just need an extimate of how much will he spend in food while we are there. Not fancy just regular food.
I have so manny other question, but at least this will help me a great deal.
Genie, Candice are you ready?

Hey Candice it is getting closer for you.. Yahoo.. As for your questions
1.They do want you to have something for your feet in the hospital.. Slippers or such.. I wore slip on shoes after I got out.. Hard to tie with the binder and all
2. We had $50.00 in Ones.. Depends on how much you will be shopping and all..We started with $25.00 in ones and bought Tracys from him before he left.. Need those one's. We never used a 50 or 100 until we paid Bambi.
3.I bought alot of souveiners and only spent around $100.00 for them all. Really don't need a lot of money while there! Now if you go to La Bufadora you might need money for the trip etc.. If you are staying at the apts. your travel expence will be minimul at most..
4. Either Rosella or Bambi took me back and forth to the hospital..
5.Daddy can wine and dine on McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Dominos etc.. Also there are cooking utinsils in the apt.. My hubby lived on grilled cheese, soups, oatmeal, cereal, etc..
Good Luck Girl

Thank you GerrAnn, so what I will need most are Ones. Whats La Bufadora?
what does the binder looks like? Do we need to have it all the time after the surgery? Is it easy to put? Please be more elaborate on this binder I hear so much about.
GerrAnn thank so much for your help.
So what's your lost in the loosing side so far?

Hi Belkys
La Bufadora is just a tourist attraction that is about an hour or so from Ensenada. It was by far the cheapest place to buy souvioners. We drove our own car to Ensenada but I know that many have Bambi or someone take them.. It was ok... It was nice to get out of town and see the countryside.. I would have enjoyed whale watching just as much...lol
As for the binder...It fits around your waist and keeps you all together.. It does become your best friend and your worst enemy.. I wear it 24hrs a day.. I open it up at night when Im watching tv for a bit to air myself out and then when I wa**** out.. No big deal.. I put it on myself but it is nice when the hubby is home and he gets it nice and snugg.. I have decided after some of the wonderful advice I have gotten on here that I will try to weigh myself once a week.. I lost 16lbs once I returned from Mexico.. But the inches are coming off.. Still a bit low in the energy area, but I think I was just pushing myself too much too soon.. I have slowed down to a turtle stage for a bit. Good Luck.. I know the wait is killing you..

I am SOOOOOO ready! 

It is finally beginning to sink in that I will actually be on the losing side in only 16 days!!!! 

Here is my question: How long does it take before our body starts feeling cooler???? I am so hoping that I won't be so hot by summer time! I am so tired of being red faced and sweaty all summer! Any ideas post op people out there????

Hi from Candices mother, Kay
Candice is "ill". She has a nasty cold and her son has an ear infection, cold . With only 12 or so days to go, its harder to get well when you are worried about possible surgery cancellation. Its been very cold here and then the sun comes out and fools you into thinking spring is near. Please say a prayer for her. she needs some cheering up. We are GOING TO MAKE THAT PLAIN !
I will be praying for Candice! I know exactly how she feels! Please give her my love
and a great big ole' hug!
I still expect something to cancel mine sometimes. I don't know if you have ever done the herbs before, but I would go and get some echinacea for Candice. It is an immune builder. Fenugreek will pull the mucous out faster. Remember, I am NOT a doctor so only do what you are comfortable with. Maybe talk to the people at the Health food store nearest you. SHE IS GONNA BE 100% AND NOT ONLY MAKE THAT PLANE, BUT HAVE A VERY SUCCESSFUL SURGERY AS WELL!