Happy Tuesday what are you all eating
I was hoping to see a weight loss this morning but nothing of the sort lol. Here is my menu for today
lipton soup with noodles 1 cup
protein drink
refried beans from taco bell
Common you guys post what your eating.. That means you too Tracy..
It helps us all to know what you guys are doing so we can help each other.. Now get to it

Cindy, I was just talking to mom and she said some of her first foods where. Cream of Wheat, Jello, Pudding, Applesauce, Potatoes & Gravy,
Creamy soup, Cooked Carrots ( Yummy), Deviled Ham.
She said anything pureed, Meat she pureed and put Gravy over it(Yummy)
Nothing Spicey. She said she ate alot of stuff, she just blended it.
Scalloped potatoes(Blended) Yummy....
She said if things got stuck, she munched on ice chips and it pushed it
through. She is gonna get on here later and give you guys a bunch of
helps. She had a Cheese burger last night, it took her an hour to eat it
but it stayed down, after about 4 months she was hungry for fry's
and we went and she had 2 nuggets and 4 fry's and she was full.
No Tortilla's they turn into glue, crunchy taco's are always better.
and believe it or not Baby food was really good, just the cereals with
applesauce, Banana's, fruity stuff.
acorn squash, with brown sugar,or substitute. Cooked.
Hope this helps,
Breakfast - 2oz Card Select Yogurt, 1 Melba toast with Peanut Butter
9:30 - Protein Shake
Lunch - 1 Cup of Wanton Soup
2:30 - Protein Shake
Dinner - I am going to try some Taco Bell Beans
Allot of times I eat some:
Cream of Chicked Soup 98% Fat Free, Cream of Mushroom 98%Fat Free,
Pudding, Mashed Potatoes, Mac & Cheese, Melba Toast with Peanut Butter on it, Also I have started eating a couple of Peaches sometimes.
If we Eat Out I usually order Soup
Hi Cindy
Leave it to a kid to have soup and refried beans for breakfast.. Today I expanded my horizons a bit.. After all I am at 2 weeks...
1 scrambled egg/ cheese (will try salsa next time) too bland
protein drink
2oz applesause
small piece of bananna
dinner will be
cream of potatoe soup
rasberry yogurt
protein shake
3tums (yummy)
Have a good day you guys.. Great Job Tracy..
I plan on weighing once a week if I can stay away from the scales.. But I do know that the inches are melting away.. Cant keep up the underwear!!!

lmao at the last comment. WHat would Larry say lol too funny!!! Glad you are doing well Gerrann I wish i could stay away from the damn scale lol It calls to me though.. I should throw it up high somewhere I think I will have mike put it up where I can't reach it..
We should have a post on one day where we all post our weight loss. What do you think??

Sounds like you all have a real handle on what to eat! I liked the Oatmeal and cream of wheat for breakfast. I also drink the Kirkland brand protein drinks when Im on the run. It goes down great and stays there.
When I was young, my mother used to make a piece of toast, fry an egg over easy, and warm about 1/2 cup of milk. she would place the toast in a bowl, put the egg on top and pour the milk over. I have been able to do that and keep it down. I started that at 9 mo. post op.
I have to change things around often so I don't get tired of the same ol!
You are all doing great. Just remember when the pounds are not dropping, the inches are! When that happens, watch out, you drop a size!
Cheers to all of you.