I'm back home!
Hello Everyone.
Just wanted to let everyone know that i got home and I'm doing much better. The surgery was hard for me and there were a few things that happened. But, i'm on the mend and back home.
THANK YOU!!! to all of you who kept me in your thoughts and prayers. I know they really helped me.
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the new road that we have made for ourselves.
God bless you all!!!

Glad you're home safely. Keep resting and recovering. Don't let those gorgeous boys of yours run you ragged...let them baby you for awhile. I know it is weird to be out of control and depend on someone else for every little thing, but for the next few weeks or months we have to let someone else nurture us a bit. Odd, but necessary. Hey, you might even enjoy it!
Talk to you soon
Love ya,
Thank you for the best wishes.
i felt as if my back had been hit with a baseball bat.
My internal organs felt as if they had been used as dice in a card game.
I got a lung infection and had a really hard time with that.
The epideral did nothing for me....neither did the over the counter meds, so i just had to walk off the pain.
The insition didn't hurt....it was just my insides and my lungs.
Nothing too bad in looking back. But at the time i thought i was going to die. Some people do really well and some people don't.
I was hoping I would be one of the ones who had a slick and easy time....but no such luck. Just be aware that it's not always easy.
Hey Tami.
I am still here and feeling the same as you. I can't imagine having come here by myself to do this because I have felt truly awful. I thank the Lord the Terry has been so supportive and nurturing with me. I couldn't have done this without his support. I know that some people come through wtih flying colors but I was not one of those either. I have had tremendous pain in my back (I've had this type of pain preop too but have been able to use my muscle relaxers and codeine to relieve it). I am still experiencing nausea, diahrea, some vertigo at times, and just generally feeling like poo poo. I hope the both of us can say that this was well worth it and we would do it again in another year. Right now, I just don't know if I would say that. As much research as I did, I don't think that I TRULY felt that I would not be one of the lucky ones who feel fine afterwards and have no problems.
Anyway, I am glad that you are home and hope that you feel much better as time goes on.
Take care,