don't leave home without it...
Hi Marty, Just make sure that you have your cashiers checks, I had nightmares that I lost mine before the surgery and I was so happy when I put them in Dr Aguirre's hands. Don't forget your drivers license and take lots of $1 and $5 dollar bills. I took a small dense pillow to hold over my tummy when I coughed or laughed and it really helped. Good Luck, I wish you the best. Dot
Hi Marty!
I know this is an exciting time for you! Thursday will be here before you know it. Dot had an excellent list. I'll add slip on shoes and lip balm. You don't want to have to tie shoes when it's time to go walking after surgery so make sure you have comfortable shoes that slip or slide on. Since you go so long without eating or drinking lip balm sure helps keep your lips from drying out and chaping. I'm sure you've seen a lot of lists of things to take but if you want to see another one, you can go to my web site at (www.) .

Hey Marty
Yep the time is almost here!! I did buy a large long pillow for apt#2 because people kept posting that they wished they had one.. So it should be there. When Larry and I were there we just spent alot of small dollars $1,$5,$10.. Tracy's mom got american express travelers checks and couldn't use them anywhere.. Take $50.00 in ones or so.. And alot of change would help.. At the Gigante store they will make change for you if you buy something.. If you have some vhs movies to watch in the hospital I would take them!!! It can get quite boring in there if your alone.. We brought about 20 with us to leave but that would have been difficult to do at the hospital.. You will probably take twice as much as you need!! The needs are very minimul while you are there. Kuddo's on the chap stick and I used a damp rag on my face and mouth that was a life saver.. I didn't seem to have the dry mouth problem that a lot of others seem to have.. Good Luck Buddy.. We are all watching out for you.. This trip will be just as you have invisioned it to be.