another update....
Rhonda did great today, her surgery went well and her spirits are high. Tamara is doing good as well, she got her shower this morning and that helped alot. She is sleeping now, so I came back so I could post on Rhonda. Take care, and god bless you all. With out the suport of all of you I dont think Tamara would have went through with this. Thank you again. Her husband Terry.. Marty Tamara and I hope things are going better for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers..
Hey Terry
Thanks for all the updates on Tamara and Rhonda.. I knew you were a good guy..
I am so glad that I had the chance to spend some time with you guys while I was there.. You tell both of them that I am jumping for joy.
Can't wait to see them post( although you are doing a GREAT Job!!)

Hi Terry!
Thank you for the update on Tamara and Rhonda. Please let them know we are thinking about them and praying for a complication free recovery. I wanted to say thank you to you, too. You will never know how comforting it is to have a husband that loves you and takes care of you like you are doing. I wish you and Tamara the very best!