I just have to say...
I just came across a supplemental insurance company that pays for gastric bypass 100% after a $500. deductable. He said the only thing that I have to do is to get a letter of medical nessisity from my Dr. I don't have to have any waiting periods, I don't have to see a dietician, or a psychologist. Right now it sounds too good to be true. The man is coming to talk to me on Tuesday of this coming week so I'll find out for sure. If this is really true, then I can have my surgery very soon. I'm so excited that I can hardly stand it. But I'll have to wait and see for sure, or if this man is just blowing smoke. He said it is a rider on the policy. I just had to come on here and post. I'm still going forward on saving up money for surgery, just in case this isn't true, like he said it is. Does anyone know anything about this insurance company? It's called: United American Insurance Company.
Anyway I'll let you guys know for sure after I talk with him. Thanks for listening. I'm doing a happy dance.
Take care all.