Paying Bambi
Bambi is going to provide my transportation to and from the airport. So, I pay him cash when he picks me up right? Does it matter if I pay him in large US bills? I heard from someone on this board that it is hard to spend large bills in Mexico because it is hard to get change.
I know! I am giving way too much thought to the details!
Hey Kris,
I paid Bambi half of the money when he dropped us off at the hotel in Ensenada and the other half when he dropped us off at the airport on the way back. I believe almost everyone pays him everthing up front when he picks them up. I had my mom with me and she likes to "run the show". She insisted this is the way things should be done since she did not have the trust level I had because of this site. Bambi was very flexible and we paid him in large bills. You will really enjoy his professionalism as well as his company during the trip. It was really worth it for us.
Felling better today? I know it's one day at a time at this point huh? Also, I was gonna tell you not to feel bad about being behind on packing and shopping for all your postop needs. The night before I left after my kids were all tucked in and the house was spotless, all *their* shopping was done and I was totally exhausted I pulled an all nighter including two trips to Wal-Mart and all my packing and a pot of coffee. I never slept after that for very long until I was under general anesthesia for surgery two days later. Gotta love being a mom and a worry wart, lol! You'll do great!
Hi! I am in Ensenada right now with my husband. I am having surgery with Dr. Aguirre in the morning. We paid Bambi the full amount in larger bills (20's) on the way to the apartments. I would really have liked to get a bunch of smaller bills before we came, but I didn't think about it until Saturday afternoon and we flew out very very early Monday morning so I didn't have a chance to go to a bank. We exchanged some money today so we have pesos. The shops downtown all have dollars but if you go anywhere off the beaten track they do not have the change. We went to the big supermarket last night and used a twenty and they did not have change. They had to wait while someone else brought change out. Anyway, don't worry about it too much. It will all be fine.
Take care,

Hi Tamara, good luck with your surgery! I'll be there in 2 more weeks--
less actually---but I had to quit counting......It was making me tooo
nervous. I'm am trying to accomplish some things at home and work..when I raelly just want to be there! I will be checking the boards for your update.s.......and, you will definitely be in my prayers!
I paid bambi when we got there. I just gave him large bills and he was fine with that. He was very informative and helpful so don't worry about him leaving you there or anything. He's there in a drop of a hat. He's very professional and will take care of you no matter what you need. When we were staying in the apts Tracy called him because they had no propane in Apt #1 and he was there in less than 5 minutes. Don't worry about anything with bambi he's a sweety
-23 pounds and counting.