Help!!!! I need some feedback!
Hi! my name is Karen. I've been struggling to find a way to have WLS for several years now. I have finally come to the decision that I'm going to have to self-pay. So here's the deal. I'm a single Mom, with two teenaged kids, but I'm willing to work alot. After finding out how much I'd have to pay, in advance of surgery here in my area (Arizona) - about $23,000 just to have it done (wow, they'd let me make payments on the last 2,000 or so!) I have decided to go to Mexico. So - can anyone tell me about how much they have or will have to pay - do they have a south of the border surgeon who does RNY and...what about after care? has anyone has success with aftercare here in the states? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance, i appreciate all of your answers!
I am scheduled for open rny in Mexico with Dr. Aguirre on March 4th. The total cost will be $9,400. That is the doctors and hospital. With lodging, food, and airfare, we are figuring about $11,500. Dr. A has a forum here on obesity help. There are other surgeons as well. Cheri Moran has a wonderful website on her experience in Mexico. Just go to (don't forget the www in front) and check it out. I too got tired of battling for my right to have surgery and decided to self-pay. All the people here who have taken that route say it was the best gift they ever gave themselves. Good luck to you, and you will be in my prayers!

Hey Karen
I also live in Arizona and I am in Ensenada, Mexico recovering from my surgery on tuesday. I paid $7,400 to doctor, $2,000 to hospital and the rest was for the Apt here $630.00, transportation $350.00 and misc. You need to have the money up front when you come here, but it is more than half the price.They have nurses that will come to where you are staying for your aftercare here. The Dr's and staff were wonderful, and I personally am very pleased with the experience I have had here. There are a lot of personal profiles on this site that will help you with your decision about a doctor to choose in Mexico if that is the way you go. I feel that I got just as good if not better care here as in the US. You were lucky to run across this site.. You will meet a lot of wonderful caring people willing to answer ALL your questions.

Hi Karen,
I had lap RNY/Fobi with Dr. Aceves in Mexicalli and paid 12,500. This included everything except airfare to San Diego. Pre op, post op needs and meds, the hotel afterwards, whi*****luded the Dr. visiting me everyday at the hotel etc. !!!
My surgery was 12/20/04. As far as aftercare I haven't need any just yet. But all I will do is go to my primary doctor for blood work every 3 months to make sure everything is ok.
Dr. Aceves has an online support group and is availible by phone (US) if you or your physician have any questions. He sends you home with your X-Ray's, Lab work, and a summary in English of the procedure.
I am fortunate that there are several WLS support groups within my community that I attended prior to the surgery and I can attend now if need be. But I happen to know alot of people who have had the surgery.
Prior to going to Mexico, my PCP was very supportive of me having the surgery it was just the insurance issue. I did not tell her that I was going to Mexico b/c I just felt people have such bad sterotypes. But since I have been back she is very happy that i did what I needed to do and she is willing to care for any needs that I have.
Even if she wasn't I would have just went to another doctor who would treat.
If you have any other questions feel free to email me.
Karen L.
Thank you so much for all of your answers! You've been so helpful. I feel really blessed to have happened upon this site right now! yahooooo! I feel more hope than I have in years! I feel if I work like a dog for awhile, I can come up with that money and its a doable amount! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Hey Karen,
We have something in common. I am a single parent of two children. My oldest is 13 years old and my youngest is 16 months old. I was trying to figure out how to have my surgery as well, for the same reasons as you. This is a good group of people here. I am trying to get my surgery scheduled for the middle of April with Dr. Aguirre in Ensenada. I'm just waiting for Rosella to say yes or no on the date I choose and if no - for a different date to be set up. I don't know about your tax return, but it may be about the same as mine. I'm expecting $5,000. back and then I'm going to work really hard on getting the rest and then I'll take out a loan for the last remaining bit of money. I so wished I could have surgery tomorrow, but realistically April will be a good time for me. I read the other posts so I saw that you were already given some good information on prices, etc I'm looking at total money for everything including time off work 12,000. It would have been closer to 11,000. but I'm adding an extra $1000 to take care of food and bills while I'm off work. What part of Arizona are you in? I was living in NM for many years before I moved to Utah. I've been to Arizona many times. You are in the right place. I feel really good about having surgery in Mexico and this group of people has helped me so much. I even asked what Dr. Aguirre's death rate was and Rosella was honest and told me. For anyone interested in that little tid bit of information, Rosella said he's only had one death in all the years of doing this surgery and that death was either 12 or 14 years ago. I'm a nurse so things like that help me in my decisions. Anyway everyone here is really great at giving you information. Welcome to the group.

Hi Melissa! it was great to get your post. I'm a nurse too, by the way, so we have that in common as well. It seems like we have the same kind of plan. Right now I'm working two jobs and saving every cent I can. Hopefully, the tax returns will help as well! $12,000 was about the figure I had in my head too. I live in Cottonwood, AZ, which is just outside of Sedona. I'm thinking that it won't be sooner than 6-8 months, depending on how quickly I can save. I don't even know if I should call Dr. A's office until I'm closer to having all the money. I'm so glad to read all of the posts. It's done my heart good to read everyone's post and has given me the first real bit of hope about having this surgery. I kind of gave up hope on having it several years back. Insurance companies can do that to you! good luck and I can't wait to keep reading what's happening with you! One death in all of those years? i'm impressed! Wow, thanks for that! Where in Utah do you live, by the way?
Thanks for the welcome Melissa!!!!!
Hi Karen!
I've been out of town so I'm catching up on the post that were entered while I was gone. I just wanted to welcome you to the South of the Border Forum. I think you are already learning what a great group of people post on this forum. Everyone is so helpful! I had my surgery in May 2004 with Dr. Aguirre and I highly recommend him. He is a very caring person as well as an excellent surgeon. I know it's difficult to have to self pay and extremely irritating that our insurance companies won't pay for this life saving surgery, but I guarantee you it is worth every penny. I've lost 98 pounds and have about 17 more to go. I feel wonderful and my blood work has come back in great shape. I have not had any problems with aftercare. I originally saw and still see my PCP (he has repeatedly told me he's glad I had WLS) but I have also found a bariatric surgeon that was willing to take me as a follow up patient. Once again, Welcome Aboard, and please e-mail me if you have any questions.
Cheri Moran