Hey How is Everyone???
Hey Gerrann the staples coming out was a piece of cake... I barely even felt it.. It doesn't hurt. I was worried about the g -tube hurting but it slid right out also and I never had any discomfort or pain from that. It was a lot easier than that first tube they pulled out that drained the blood. That one felt gross. When do you come home?? Im sure your gonna be skinny minny in no time you don't have that much to lose..
Is anyone in the apartments around you? How are you passing the time?

Hey Cindy
I will be home alone starting today.. Larry is leaving me just as soon as I get a shower and he changes my bandages.. Tamara is coming into apt 1 today sometime with hubby. Bambi is taking me to airport wed. to catch a 4:00 flight to get home around 9:30 pm. Everything is going good. Sure got the bruises all over my arm and hands.. Have to cover up when we go out so that people don't think Larry is a wife beater!!! Excited to get the staples out, and the tube.

Hey Tracy,
Glad to see you are home and doing well, aside from the flare up of gout. OMG, 35 pounds already, are you trying to set a record here?? You are going to do awesome and the pounds are just going to melt off. Wi**** was in the 40's here, we had -41 this morning, but looks like it is supposed to get up around zero in the next few days. Just think before long, you will be back in that hot tub.
(Dang, I gotta get me one of those). Best wishes to you, my friend! Patty