I am free from the G-Tube
Thank you guys for all your well wishes. I went to my primary care doctor today and he pulled it out no problem and it was painless I was shocked. I am so happy to be free of the drain tube. You are all such sweet caring people and Im so proud to be member of your family. Thank you Molly and Tracy for calling me and helping me get through this and thank you everyone else for posting for me and keeping my spirits up. The doc said it is a simple procedure and its pain-free. I barely even felt mine. Im so happy now. I feel like a new woman just like Molly said I would..
Thanks a million. I just love you guys to pieces

Ahhhh...things are gonna get better every day now! Hooray for your PCP! Hey, by the way, we are moving to Tacoma May 1st. I could really use a referral to a PCP and your's sounds like a winner. More on that later! Maybe we could start a Tacoma area chapter of the Dr. Aguirre support group, lol!
Congrats on having that thing out. You'll be happy to see that the little hole close fast.
Now go have a cup of something warm!
hey molly that would be cool. Would be nice to have someone to go to support group meetings with and have another friend close by that knows what we are going through. Im very close to tacoma in federal way about 15 minutes to tacoma. My doctor is in northshore which is part of Tacoma. He's super sweet and a great guy so would love to share him with you... Lisa is in oregon so she will be close by too. May 1st is my birthday what a great day to move.
Where are you now that you are moving from???

We live in Spokane, on the other side of the mountains. It is a great place to raise kids but there is a lot more opportunity there in Real Estate and other stuff. We are really excited and I am definately looking forward to being a hottie in 2005 with a new friend close by! All of my friends who already live there have been hot all their lives, lol!