I'm off....
Hay everyone...I'm packing up the laptop and getting it ready to go. I will be leaving early in the morning, so I guess this will be my last post before my surgery.
I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers in my behalf. This web site has done so much for me in helping me to learn about so many parts of this new Journey. Thank you also to all of you who have given me idea's, tried to calm my fears and just been there for me.
Surgery is on Wend. I'll post something as soon as i'm able.
Ciao for now.....God bless all of you...

Good luck sweetie. I know you'll do great and everything will be ok. I'm sorry that we weren't able to talk before you left. I've been exhausted from working.
I've worked 4 12 hour shifts in the last 5 days. Anyway I'll be thinking of you. Can't wait to see your upcoming posts and to know how things are going. Take care.