Your doctor's office should be able to help you, you can ask them.
I wanted to comment that you really shouldn't chose a surgeon just because they are closer to you in distance. There are other things to consider when chosing a surgeon for such a life changing surgery. Personally I have found that the after care has been something that I have come to appreciate. There are many good surgeons in Mexico and from what I have read they all take care of you while in Mexico which is great but YOU get to go home with your band. I have a local doctor that does fills but basically that's all he does, for questions or doubts I always call or email my doctor's office. I have his cel phone but haven't had to call him yet. The response I have gotten is outstanding and this has given me peace of mind. You see you get all this questions, is this normal? can I take this? etc. and getting the answers quickly really helps.
This is just my opinion and my experience if you can research all you can you will feel better about your decison.
lap band - Dr Aceves
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. Originally I was thinking that cost was the most important factor, but now I am really re-thinking going to Mexico at all. I am not sure if I will be able to find a surgeoon here in the US for lessthan 20,000 dollars but I am concerned about the follow up care! Thanks so much and good luck on your journey!
I had lapband surgery done in Mexico, and have no regrets. The easiest way to find an experienced fill doctor is to post the question on your state's board on the OH website. Just click Local Help at the top of this screen. Not all doctors will treat patients who've had surgery in Mexico, but I found three in my area, so you'll probably find someone too. Just be sure to get it set up before you go to Mexico, because you'll need nutrition guidance, fills, etc. on a regular basis.
Hi all. There is a surgeon in Oklahoma that does the lapband for 15,200.
He's never lost a patient and is very good I hear from nurse friends that hear through the grapevine. I am still messing with money and insurance but am considering him and also still considering Dr Aceves for the surgery.
Sandy, I always am encouraged by your posts.
I went to Mexico for surgery because of the money, no doubt about it, BUT "if I knew then what I know now" it would have been my first choice. I am very happy wih my Mexico decision, really the hard part was making up my mind. Once I decided to go everything went smoothly.
It is important to have the fill doctor set in place before going if you are not conisdering going back to Mexico for fills. I can assure you that after you have been there you will want to go back for your fills, they give you the royal treatment, too bad it is not always possible.
The state board is a good idea maybe there are several out there,just waiting for you.
lap band -Dr. Aceves

I was freaking out about the after care aspect also. But the more I thought about it, the sillier that seemed. If I had my surgery in Florida where I currently live, I'd still be looking for a doc the first or second fill because I am moving to Oregon. So reallly, what's the difference between being away from the original surgeon.
As the lap band continues to gain acceptance in the United States, getting fills will be less and less of a problem. It is the #1 bariatric surgery in Europe already
I am so pleased with the care I got with Dr Rumbaut's folks in Monterray. Additionally, I felt comfortable in that town as well as their expertise.
Best of luck with your decisions!
Gail ( Day 11 after banding!)