Where are my peeps at? lol
Hey guys. Still battling this stupid cold. I have taken every medicine known to man and probably overdosed on it trying to get this sore throat and stuffy nose to go away. I woke up this morning and my throat is fine.. YAY.. Now i just gotta work on the sniffly nose.. Im going to get some vicks tonight. Time to get drastic. Going to go kung fu on this cold. I can't be sick... I refuse.!!! Well Tracy if I don't talk to you before you go be safe and have fun. I will be there on Tuesday and will come check in on you and post to the board on how your doing. We are staying in the apartment that 1st night and then Mike and I both will be at the hospital. He's staying there with me for the 2 days we are there so I figure why pay for the apartment during that time. Im soo excited. This is our last saturday being this fat
YAY. If you or Gerrann want to email me at home since Im obviously not at work my home email is [email protected]... HUGSSSSS Good luck !!!
Your surgery sister
Heard from Lisa she is as excited as I am. I feel like we are planning a party.. except at this party we all leave with the same scar

Cindy - might be a little late, but it can't hurt to try....if you haven't been taking Zinc, start now! I found that if you take it as the cold is just starting or before you get sick (like your kid is sick and you know you're going to get it) it really kicks the cold down dramatically. Either way, it may be too late to get the positive effects, but it will help boost you up for surgery though.
It's really getting close for you now! How exciting! Hope you get rid of that cold quickly!
Hey Girlfriend
Are you ready?? Do what Dina said to do with the Zinc! Got my mexican insurance for the car last night... Getting last minute things ready. And heading out Monday morning early for Boise for a quick visit.. Try to break up the last week before I head down there Sunday morning.. I will be online Monday night when I get into Boise.. Want to check up on you and Tracy. I am real excited for you guys..

Hey Girl...
Well I woke up this morning and went and had Breakfast outside, we have a small lake, and it was so peaceful. I'm so weird because I try to hold all my emotions in but really the only thing I am feeling is Peace. These last 2 days have goon so fast.
You work hard and kick that cold, have a safe trip down and I will post Monday night.
Hey Tracy,
It is wonderful to hear you say that you are having a peaceful day.. I have no fear of the surgery that is to come.. Or the hard work we have ahead of us... I have just been struggling with the excitement and anticipation of the trip and the longgggggggggg time it has taken for this day to get here.. But it is here for you... Yeepee I think I can keep my promise of nice sunny days ahead for you.. It is beautiful out this way today.. May the sun shine down on you!!

Hi, I was reading your posts and I have to say I got goose bumps. Yes, I remember the peace I felt. You will continue with that feeling because the experience is so wonderful. What a strange way to describe surgery but it is wonderful. I felt the same way on the eve of my wedding but surgery had better results!!! I had an edge because I am from Mexico and Spanish is my native tongue but remember they will all understand and if they don't they will not give up until they do! Much different from the hospitals in the US. Prayers all around!
Hey chickie...I am a geek. Up until this moment I have considered myself 'computer savvy'. But now I feel like a nerd. I have been viewing message boards for over a month now and just this moment found the South of the Border section.
Now I know who Tracy is! Hopefully I'll get to sneak in and see you on Wednesday when I go to my appt. with Dr A. Only 40 hours left until I leave for Ensenada. Wahoo! See you soon. Lisa