Wouldn't a protien pill be heavenly!
I had a dream that I found a protien pill, and all my troubles were over! I know it's to good to be true, but you have to admit, it would be the greatest invention in the world! I just cannot get 70 grams in a day. I have been gagging on the shakes, and even if I eat pure protien 3 times a day, it's not enough quantity to get there. The water is easy, but dang this protien is hard work! My wieght loss has slowed, and I know it's due to the low protien intake....just gotta wait till someone invents that pill!
Just a wierd thought on a sunday morning.
Susie in Idaho
I think there are protein pills of sorts.... Spirulina comes to mind... I would head to the Health Food Store and ask.... I used it in the past, and some protein shakes boast of having Spirulina in them. I think I better get my butt to the store and help increase my intake too. It's hard getting it all in!

Hi Susie!
Your idea of a protein pill sounds like a winner to me but until then: Have you tried adding a scoop of vanilla protein to Classic Orange Chrystal Light or some other flavor? How about adding vanilla or unflavored protein to Jello, instant pudding, or soup (don't have it hot enough to boil). There are also lemonaid flavored proteins. I also enjoy making hot chocolate using 1/2 scoop Unjury chocolate, 1/2 scoop Unjury vanilla, and 8 oz of skim or 1% milk. I like to use 1% milk because it makes the protein shakes creamier and they taste more like chocolate milk. I shop the various web sites to see which ones sell samples so I don't have to buy a big container of protein and then find out I don't like that flavor.

Hi Susie!
I just ordered 12 different flavored samples from this site (I've ordered from it before) this week: http://bamart.com/texas_wls
I also ordered some "Just the Cheese" nacho flavored protein snacks. I don't know how they will taste but I thought they would be worh a try. This same place has the sample size bottles of flavorings. I have 15 of those that I ordered previously so you can really be creative with those. If we can't have a protein pill maybe we can at least make getting our protein fun!

Hi Cheri, I pulled the Unjury add you have on your website. Where did you buy the stuff? Did you order it? I've check at Walmart and Walgreen's today and I can't find it. You know, I live in Dallas....I don't like to pay shipping and handing for something that's carried in a nearby store! Thank you for ALL you wisdom!!