Highest high/lowest low
Yesterday I had the highest high and the lowest low. In the morning I received an email from Nina at Dr. Aceves' office letting me know that I have a surgery date!!!! February 5, 2005. Barely a month away!
Later I got an email about my mortgage. See, I'm refinancing my house and using the money to pay for surgery. They told me everything was finished, and I was supposed to close today, Friday. Suddenly though, the underwriter decided to deny my loan. I don't understand what's going on, and I am **SO** upset! I can't pay for the surgery without this!
Plus I owe money to my exhusband and he's bothering me for it. I was really devastated. I just don't know what to do. I am trying to gather my thoughts today and figure out an alternative. I just want to crawl into my bed and cry.

awww don't worry Jennifer these things have a way of working themselves out. I know how you feel. I have had to wait 2 years for this surgery and ended up taking out a loan from medi-credit. Maybe you can try them and see if they will give you a loan that you can pay off when you are able to refi??
Good luck hon.. No sad faces..

Well, after much wailing and nashing of teeth, I have located....ummmmm.... alternative financing.
I may have sold my soul to the
we shall see.
Thanks for your support. It's so maddening to have it so close and then feel it slip away.
February 5..... I have my countdown calendar on my computer desktop!