What to take to Mexico?
Okay so it's getting closer 28 days till I'm in Mexico having surgery and Im wondering again if someone can tell us what to take with us. My doctor for my aftercare is having me on liquids for a full month after surgery so I guess I will just take some chicken noodle soup to drain. Any other thoughts? I have found out that I am going to be down there with 2 people I have met here so I am grateful to have met two new friends who will be down there with me also. Thank you guys for your input.
Surgery date January 26th 2005
Hi Cindy!
I have a list of what I packed and also the foods I took with me on my web site at cherimoran.com . Don't forget the www. I just can't put it together here becaue it would create a link. I haven't added lip balm to my list, but I did take some and was glad I did. I wish you the best as you prepare for this exciting time.

I guess I have fallen behind, I was really hoping that with these past 2 weeks off work I would have made my list but I have hardly started. So hopefully I can get on it and we will have to compare lists. I can't wait to see ya'll down there, I'm sure it will be here before we know it. I remember saying I can't wait till I can say "In Less than a Month".
Guess I better get started...
Tracy W
Where will you be staying while you are in Mexico? And where in Mexico are you having your surgery? and how long will you be there?
When I went I didn't take anything with me bu****er as I was only down there for 24 hours. However when my sister had hers done -- she had to fly in from Indiana -- it was different for her as she would be there for a week. I met her down there (we live 2 hours away) and brought her some Isopure clear liquid protein, then we (my dh and I) went to one of the local supermarkets and bought her some gatorade and juices (much less expensive there than here). Her dr supplied her with some gatorade and the hotel he had her booked at catered to those who had wls. They had consume on the menu, along with other pureed items. She ate mostly in the room tho as she had a hard time handling watching other people eat.
I said all that to say, it all depends on the answers to the questions I asked at the beginning. If you are staying at a hotel that caters to wls patients then most of you needs will be met by them. Have you asked your dr or his assistant what you will need, what will be available to you. The biggest thing is how long will you be there? If you are like me, only 24 hours, then you'll find that the hospital supplies the juice, etc. But you will need toiletries (shampoo, etc), jammies are easier then a nightie as they will want to look at your incisions. You will be put in a "hospital gown." You will want a robe for when you are walking after the surgery and slippers (some of the hospitals supply them, some don't.)
If you are driving down, you'll want a soft fluffy pillow with you. Use that when you drive home over your tummy as the seat belt can rub the incisions... if it doesn't use it to rest your head on... multi-use. hahaha. If you are only staying 24 hours, you really don't need a change of clothes as you will only wear your clothes there and home. Once you get there you change in to a hospital gown.
Definately have water with you. You can drink the water in the hotels now. There is no problems with that, but when you travel back and forth you will want some with you.
If you are staying more than 1 day, then I recommend that on the day you get there you as the hotel where the local store is and get some juice there to keep in your room. (it can get expensive ordering it off the menu). I don't know if you've ever been there before, but most of the businesses take USA dollars. You'll even find that when they ring up your purchases they have the peso amount and below or beside it the dollar amount. The distinction between the two is the peso has a single line thru the "S" and the USA has a double line.
I hope this helps.
Kathleen Osborne
7/29/04 Dr Ricardo Vargas Q., TJ
Hi Cindy!
I was under the impression you were having your surgery with Dr. Aguirre. Is that correct? If so, why is your doctor having you do liquids for a month after surgery? Dr. Aguirre allows soft foods when he allows you to start eating on the 4th day after surgery. My understanding of why other doctors have you do liquids is because of the way they place the drain in the top of the pouch. This is unnatural so the pouch has to learn how to drain. Dr. Aguirre doesn't do that. He puts it at the bottom where it should be. As a result, your pouch doesn't have to learn how to drain an unnatural way. I was just curious about his reasoning. I hope everything goes great for you. It won't be long now!

Hi Cheri yes I am having my surgery with Dr Aguirre but my aftercare is all going to be done up here in Seattle and my aftercare doctor is very strict on what we can and can't do. No milk or sugar and no foods even mushy for the 1st month. He says he likes to make sure the stomach has a chance to heal before you go introducing anything that could possibly get stuck or cause a problem. Im just going by his instructions since he is the one who will be really taking care of me once I have this done. I am hoping he is just being on the cautious side. That is the only explenation I have. I know dr Aguirre lets you have some mushy stuff but I won't get to have that for even a month after surgery... I've heard of other doctors up here doing that too, Im really not sure the reason but I have to go by what he says otherwise I'd have to find another aftercare doctor and there aren't that many that are willing to take patients from Mexico. DO you have your aftercare done in your home state and what does your doctor say or do??
Thanks again for so many responses Im working on my list and making sure everything is confirmed and ready to go.. Im so very excited..
Thanks (( Hugggs))
Hi Cindy!
Thank you for responding to my question! I'm just so intrigued by the wide variety of insturctions WLS patients get that I always like to find out why. I'm sure a liquid diet won't hurt and I bet you will lose a lot of weight duing that month. You definately have to follow your doctor's instructions. Yes, I have been able to find a bariatric surgeon that does my followup. Initailly my PCP was the only one doing my follow up. In August I started going to the support group meetings of a group that meets in Abilene, Texas. There are numerous doctors represented by the group. A nurse that works with Dr. Warnock from Wichita Falls, Texas comes down and does the meetings. She was supportive of me but concerned that I didn't have a bariatric surgeon doing my follow up. She encouraged me to contact Dr. Warnock, as she felt he would be willing to take me as a patient. He agreed to take me and I saw him for the first time in October (my surgery was in May). He was extremely pleased with my progress and the only change he made to what I was doing was to add 2 calcium tablets to the vitamins I was taking. I never cease to be amazed at how great I feel! I feel like a whole new person. I honestly don't think I realized how much my obesity affected my outlook. I thought I was happy before, but it was nothing compared to how I feel now. I'm so glad you have the opportunity to have a new life too. You will love Dr. Aguirre and his surgical team and Rosella. They are all really neat people. They do everything in their power to make your surgery successful and to make you comfortable while you are in Ensenada. I wish you the very best and will be praying for you.