5 weeks post op & 8 weeks pregnant...
I am a patient of Dr. Aguirre........
Hello everyone - I had posted before when I had first found out that I was pregnant - yes I was pregnant while I had surgery - they said thet pg test was negitive - true or not I will never know - well I just came home after a 3 day stay in the hospital whil severe vomiting and dehydrating and I had every doctor you can think of come and see me and talk to me about my "unusal" situation - I am as sick as a dog like my last pregnany and have everything else wrong - I dont feel like physically I can do this - but the thing is that all these doctors have such negitive things about this - they have all said "termination" and blah, blah, blah - I have fought them on this - I have gotten so upset - no they cant make me terminate but they have said so much about how such negitive things have happened - I am in poor health - they did talk about something called TPN - where they will put a pic line in and I can get extra supplements through there - like an IV - continuous - but they even have bad to say about that - these doctors even suggected that I got to UC Irvine to see seen because they just dont know the out come - they have no hope like I do - but like one doctor said - how will you live with yourself if something is wrong with your baby and you knew it was a possibility - I feel like I am losing hope - they want me to decided... please help with something - anything..... what do I do???
Hi Sonya, I am not a doctor but I know that I would tell the doc that told you "how will you live with yourself if something is wrong with your baby and you knew it was a possibility " to go straight to hell. Get another doc and email Rosella and get Dr Aguirre's opinion. Maybe the IV is a good possiblilty maybe you can double the protein shakes and multivitamins. I have heard of many women that have had malnutrition and still have healthy babies (think of women in other countries) By the way if you are following all the rules/advice you are eating healthier than that moronic imbecile doctor eats. Good Luck, I hope it all works out for you. I know that attitude is the key........try not to worry until you get all the facts from doctors that know. (most doctors know nothing about weight loss patients). Dot
I ditto what Dot said but would like to add that I think you should try to find and a doctor that specializes in patients that have had WLS and are now pregnant. I think a nutritionist is a good route for you as well.
All things said....this is all part of God's plan and it will work itself out just the way he wants it to.
Keep the faith and stay strong. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sonya -
This is an incredible situation and I will keep you in my prayers. I have no medical expertise, but I also feel as the others do that God will see you through this and that although it is not ideal, I think it can be dealt with effectively. The point is just finding a doctor that is willing to help.
I did a few internet searches and found this chat transcript: http://www.spotlighthealth.com/common/chat/ChatTransDetail.asp?m=1&cid=76. This doctor had a woman who was pregnant during the rapid weight loss phase and seems to know a lot about this. He lists his email address near the end of the chat. You might want to email him and ask him if he can recommend someone close to you. I think the fact that he obviously has faith in God is a plus as well. You need someone who will be able to go with your feelings based on your faith.
You might think about breaking the pouch rules as you heal up and are able to, so you can eat a little more and absorb more nutrients. You will likely still lose weight, but if you can slow down the rate of loss, you might be able to keep complications from cropping up. This is just an uninformed opinion though - obviously you should check with your doc on that to see what he/she thinks, but I think you can do this. I think it carries obvious risk, but I think you can do this with the right OB care.
Take care and please keep us updated throughout the pregnancy. I mostly lurk anymore but I really want to know how you are doing.
Hi Sonya!
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I think the doctor needed to be told "I'll be able to live alot better with myself if I give my baby a chance to live than I will be if I do what you want." I firmly believe that God works miracles everyday and he can take care of this situation. I hope you will be able to locate an OB that has experience with pregnant WLS patients. Please keep us posted.

Hi Sonya, I am so sorry to hear about your predicament. I have to say I echo the sentiments expressed here by everyone else. Let me tell you about my last pregnancy: I was soooo sick and threw up every single day for all 9 months. I kept nearly nothing down. I kept hydrated, but was too sick to even take vitamins. After I gave birth to a very healthy 7 1/2 pound daughter, I was 30 pounds lighter than when I got pregnant! One of the things the nurses told me when I expressed concern about my constant nausea is that the baby always gets it's nutrition first. You are second. So, talk to some experts who actually know what is going on, and you can probably get by with eating more frequently and taking extra vitamins. And I have no doubt that you can still lose weight, and still have a healthy baby. Good luck to you, and I will be thinking of you in my prayers.
awww sweety i was afraid this would happen. Im so worried about you and your health. Please don't get mad at me for saying this but you have to take care of yourself for your baby to be healthy. I think it's important that you either find a doctor that can understand that you do not want to terminate this pregnancy. I feel so bad for your situation and wish I could do something for you. I know your such a strong girl and can do this whichever you decide to do. You know im here for you if you need anything. Your in my thoughts sweety. I sure hope you get to feeling better....God has a funny way of making things work that are supposed to work. Will keep you in my prayers..
Hi Sonya! I was sick also when I was pregnant, for 5 months. I always through up and was sick. I did get a pic line, and it did help. The Dr's told me I should think about termination. I did not and had a perfect baby girl, and would not have cared if they had told me that my baby would be damaged, I still would never have terminated. Maybe not the same problems, but Dr telling me the same thing. Follow your heart, no matter what anyone here says, it is your choice, and everythingwill work out one way or the other.
Sonya - check out this group: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/OSSG-pregnant/
It is for pregnancy after wls. Maybe they can help you with some of your questions and concerns!