questions about out of the country surgeries
i am thinking i may end up being self pay since my insurance
has informed me that they do not cover the procedure.
how can i find out how much diffrent surgeries cost in mexico and
the other expenses? must you go there before surgery?
i dont want to spend a lot on traveling expenses.
honestly i dont think i can get a loan for much money,
so i am trying to find a cheap route.
any help would be appreciated.

Hi Kim, I went to Ensenada with Dr A. (everything went perfect), no you do not have to go there before, you meet the doc and have tests run the night before. Lots of people are concerned about the scar from open RNY vs LAP RNY well let me tell you my scar is pencil thin and actually looks better then my scar from my prior LAP gallbladder surgery. Go to Kats website (you know with the www.) she has tons of info about the entire Ensenada experience. Good luck Dot
you are in the right place kim. i stumbled across this site looking for information to combat my insurance company. i stayed awhile, dug in and spent considerable time reading the profiles and journals of several "south of the border" forum members. this was, of course, sometime after i discovered that surgery in mexico existed. the result, i am headed to mexico, surgery with dr. aguirre on february 17th at roughly one third the cost of other quotes. more important, after you spend some time reading about these doctors, you will find them to be fully competent. their charges are similar to anybody i talked to in the states. the difference seems to be in hospital charges and extras. hope this helps. marty
Going on the web and search is the way to begin. Second where are you located? If you are coming from a distance most of them will decide whether or not your a candidate via the phone. Then you fly or drive down, do your pre-op and have your surgery. My sister flew in from Indiana. And is coming back for her fills. I live in Southern Cal so I can drive easily.
As far as the prices they run from $7500 to $10,000. Depends on what you want as far as accommodations. Some include the airfare, most all of them include the hotel and shuttle services to and from the airport, hotel and hospitals/clinics.
Hope this helps.
Hi Kim!
I had my surgery on May 6 with Dr. Aguirre in Ensenada, Mexico. I couldn't be happier with the results. I had no complications whatsoever. I have lost 89.2 pounds with 25 left until I reach goal. I have a lot of information on my website. It is located at (be sure to add the www.) I am still adding information on a weekly basis. I understand the fee for Dr. Aguirre and the hospital will be $9.300 in 2005. There are links to two hotels plus the information on the 2 apartments Dr. Aguirre has available for his patients to rent. The rates listed on the hotel websites are in Mexican currency. The easiest way to estimate it in American currency is to drop the last number. I wish you the best as you research your options. If you have any questions please e-mail me.

I had my surgery with Dr. Lopez, and was happy. I have lost 30 pounds and I feel great. I contacted and they helped me finance the band.
Good luck