Live from Ensenada and freaking out
Hello my family,
I arrived in Ensenada today, and I am totally freaking out!! I keep asking my self what the hell am I doing here in Mexico having surgery. If it weren't for my aunt and mom that are here with me, I am sure I would already be on a flight back to I am really really really scared!! The hospital is just not what I expected, even though I was pre warned of the "clinic feel". I am just so freaking scared. I talked to Randy a few minutes ago, (we are in the same hotel) he sounds great!!! He reassured me lots! Please Please pray for me and my well being. I will have my mom or aunt update as soon as I out of surgery.
Hey April! Big hugs...Man, I absolutely hate that totally out of control , what the heck am I getting my self into feeling. You have come this far for a reason. I'm not trying to be a cheerleader. It is an very personal decision what you are about to go through. But I just want you to know that you are in my prayers tonight as you try to sleep and tomorrow as you are in the hands of Dr. A and God.
Best of luck .
at 7am you will be lifted up in prayer
April: I woke up this morning praying for you and Molly and me and my daughter...and I got this strong feeling that God is holding all of us in the palm of His, I don't hear voices!!! I just have this sense of peace for all of us. You'll be in my prayers all day, but I'm totally convinced you will be fine. Stop thinking like a nurse and just coast with it...."casting all your cares upon Him for He careth for you." Love ya sis! Jody (See you next Monday)
Awwww you are going to be just fine sweety.. Think positive thoughts especially before surgery. Keep thinking about next year being outside in some cute shorts and feeling like a thousand bucks.. Do not worry sweety, everything will be fine, He will take very good care of you and you have all of us holding your hand..
Please keep us updated on your progress and let us know how everything went. I have heard that the hospital is quite small but you know what that just means they have more time to attend to making sure you are okay.. They will have someone watching you at all times to make sure you are doing great.. Keep positive and stay focused on the big picture. This is a small step in the new you and the great life you have ahead of you. Your going to pull through this like a trooper.. BIG HUGS from Seattle
I too will be there in January experiencing this same fear as you so you have to promise you will post good thoughts for me too. Good luck sweety.. We are all praying for you.

I talked to April last night on the phone. I did not realize she was a nurse.
This morning I went to the hospital to get the G tube and 1/2 of the staples removed. They got done at 8:30. I asked to see
April but they said she had already been taken into surgery.
I plan on going back to the hospital this evening to check in on her.
I have prayed for her. I know she is in competent hands.
It is truly a culture shock here. There are often new buildings next to burnouts, a lot of the housing is nothing more than hovels. In one block you fell like you are in a modern city, walk just another block or two and it seems like a third world country. Don't let that scare you. I feel safe when I walk the streets.
April, I'll continue to pray for a speedy recovery for you. Best wishes.