Question for Dr.A's post-op patients regarding meds...

I was told to get Supridol (sp) sublingual. for pain post op. I probably could have gone with out it but it did take the edge off and I have an old shoulder injury nad the way they had to secure my arm during surgery agrivated it so it was good to have. I also took one before the flight home and that was good.
In the hospital it was all narcotics. I am guessing as it was throught The IV. I had an epidural. Post surgery (that evening ) I had naseau to the point of dry heaves. In the states they automaticly give you phenergan for naseau but they don't in Mexico. They ran in with it and all was well. I would suggest asking for it prior I doubt they would have a problem giving it to you.
I am not sure of the IV antibotics but they do give them. Really not much to worry about.
My big advice is to shop at least one or two pharmacies. We went to one and they said the Supridol Sublingual was expensive and special order. We went across the street and it was on the shelf for about half what they quoted at the other store. I think it was like 17.00 US but it might have been less for the whole script.
Hope this helps.