Dr. A patients: let's talk drains and staples
Hi Everyone, I really miss having access to the patient directory. I know I could find a wealth of information there but will ask here instead. Anyway, since it will Christmas Eve when my staples and drain are to be removed I am considering having it done at home. Can anyone share some experiences they had with either?
Many thanks,
Hey Sue,
What you are describing to me is exactly what I was looking for! I should have printed it out while I had a chance. Oh well, I know Dr A will explain it all to my mom but DH will be the one to take it out one I get back home. He loves that kind of stuff. I just like to have things all printed out and ready to reference if need be. Maybe my mom will take good notes!
Thanks for your reply, have a safe trip down!
Sorry, I can't be of any help in this area. I stayed in Ensenada long enough to have all my staples and drains removed. It didn't seem too difficult. In fact, Rozella told me it would sting when they removed the drain. I was laying there and the nurse said she was through. I asked her, "when's it going to start stinging?" I hadn't felt a thing. I know I've read where you can order an instrument to use in removing the staples. I'm sure a nurse could tell you were to get one. I hope everything goes great for you. It is amazing how good you feel after WLS.

I had mine out at home. It was not a huge deal but it is a bit strange feeling. I will tell you that I had two friends that are nurses help me. One is an RN and has been a nurse for a long long time. He took out my staples. It was no big deal and he could not get over how much better my inscion looked than what he is used to here in the states.
Nay how I had my other friend who just got out of nursing school take ou the drain. It went like this.
Drain the last of the vile bile into the bag. I don't remember exactly but I think I put the bag on for about an hour before she came over. Then we disconected the bag. She used the syringe that they give you in mexico to draw the fluid from the port on the catheter. You see there is a little balloon inside of you that holds the tube from comming out. (yes it is called a catheter even though it comes out of your tummy. In the states they use a specific type but in mexico they use the same type they put in your ureathra) any how now that that is drained you clipp the two stiches that are on the outside holding the tube from falling into the tummy. Now take a deep breath and relax and steadily pull but not tooo fast but not slow the tube out. Hurt no but uncomfortable yes. the tube is like 3 or 4 inches long inside you.
I forgot to mention that she cleaned me really good with iodine before and after. You then put a gause pad over it with some tape and you are done. I will warn you that I had some nasty goo come out of the hole but it was only a little bit and it was no big deal.
They give you detailed instructions in Mexico and all the supplies. Ask Dr A for a demonstration and he will oblidge. This is supposed to be a very common procedure for nurses in schoool so if you have any questions or want help ask a friend. Having gone through it I could have done it myself.
This catth they use is better than the open in the states. A friend from Church just had it done here by one of the top docs in Fl. They stich it inside and out no balloon. Well the stitched inside were not disolved and they were torn out with the tube. I really like mexico medicine.
I took out my drain and staples... really ended up to be no big deal. I did it myself because I was unable to get back to Dr. A after surgery because of the weather and the doctors here wanted so much background information I didnt have. I wish I had know how easy it was to remove and I wouldn't have worried. It didn't hurt at all - I just let the water out and pulled out the drain. The staples were a little tricker because I couldn't find a staple remover. I ended up just cuting the staple in half then pulling out each side seperately.