Holiday stress????
I am a little stresssssed about this Holiday season and the food involved. Last year I had the lap band surgery and was only a few weeks out so I had no problem sticking to the plan. This year it is a different story. I have been very good all year , have lost almost 100 lbs and in the back of my mind there is voice that tells me I have earned a good meal. I am getting very nervous about being able to handle it.
I have told my family I would not be cooking myself so I plan to stay away as much as I can.
If anybody has anyhelpful tips please share.
lap band -dr aceves

Strangely I am not worried at all. How bad can I be, right? Even if I do get naughty there is only so much my new stomach can take, I have learned this.
I can only tell you to try and take it easy and don't be so hard on yourself, it is just another day where your band is put to the test.
100 lbs is excellent!!! congratulations!!!!I think you should be giving us a few pointers