Hi Linda. I'm still trying to make a decision also, but hear great things about Dr. Aceves. I know Sari is not totally happy with her surgery. She loves Dr. Aceves so I think she might be losing too slowly for her expectations. I see you are from Hattisburg. I love it there. We have family all over Mississippi and go through Hattisburg on our way to Florida.
I have not had surgery yet with Dr. Aceves, I am going next month. I did join the support group they have and have been reading what his banded patients have to say. I recommend you read them, just today I read a couple of them that really inspired me. Some people are really getting small!!!
I am so excited
Maria E.

Hi Linda
You already know how I feel about the band and Dr. Aceves.
Hi Robin
Yeah, you are right about my slowslowslow loosing, but it is my fault not the bands.
I am at the stage where I have yet to have a fill and I stopped loosing. I am a exercise fanatic and try to eat right. Currently I am on junk mission and this is totally unlike me.
I believe that I have jepordised my own loosing and it had noting to do with the band. I have had a period about every other week since the surgery and I believe that the blood thinners could have contributed to this. Well I do not know about you ladies, but my hormones seem to get the best of me, when I have a pms I crave junk so if I sound negative and *****y
I probably am, this is just not typical for me so please forgive me.
I love Dr. Aceves and I am one of those that did have a minor complication during surgery and I still think the experience and the band rocks. I also should be happy I lost 25 lbs. I am no longer morbitly obese, just plain obese. I lost initially quick but it has slowed and I am not eating as great as I should. I think Karyn Taylor is a great success story and you should ask her what she thinks of the band. Ask me again in a month
and I am sure I feel less *****y

I've been lurking on this webpage for a month or so but have yet to post here. I, too, am considering Dr. Aceves for the lapband - so I'm interested in what people say. I haven't actually conversed via email or phone with his office, but I think his website is very professional (as opposed to some that seem sort of too glam-glitzy). I hope to have the procedure done mid-January.
Jackie S