Hospital Bajanor and Dr. Jose Pedro Herrera Terrazas
I want to have lap band surgery, and I know people who have had it and I know people who have had other bariatric surgeries as well. I have been doing research, and I saw a website for this hospital and doctor but I haven't found any testimonials here about these doctors. IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WHO CAN GIVE ME SOME INFORMATION ABOUT EXPERIENCES WITH HOSPITAL BAJANOR AND DR. JOSE PEDRO HERRERA TERRAZAS in Tijuana, Mexico?
Thank you.
I have never heard anything about Dr. Jose Pedro Herrera Terrazas, good or bad. I have read not so good things about Bajanor here in this message board, you could look into past posts and ask the persons who actually went there. I think they had to came back without the band for some reason, can't remember exactly.
lap band-dr aceves

I'll look into that. Thanks for telling me about it. If you come across any of those people, please give them my e-mail and ask them to drop me a quick line. Thank you! God bless you.
Andrea Jade My email is:
[email protected]