How soon after surgery did you feel you could handle a vacation to....
a theme park? I want to take my son to Disneyworld for his birthday and need to start planning for it. I am scheduled to have surgery on Dec. 2nd with Dr. Aguirre and would like to plan our vacation for the end of February beginning of March time. Do you think I will feel up to it? I am trying to relate this surgery to the c-section I had in 2000 and I was feeliing fine, pretty much recovered by 4 weeks. I would like to hear how long your recovery time has been for your open RNY surgery.
Hey Kristy,
I don't know the answer to your question, but I am having surgery with Dr. Aguirre on Dec. 3rd. I am from Portland. I guess we will travel this weight loss journey together! Are you getting nervous at all yet? Have you got your plane tickets yet? Email me if you want to compare notes.
Hi Kristy!
I don't think there is any way to know for sure if you will be ready for a vacation like Disneyworld or not. I was very blessed and had no complications whatsoever. I could have made the trip and done fine by then. My husband I went to Las Vegas less than a month and a half after my surgery and I was able to keep up with the other couple we went with without any problem. We did a lot of walking and it didn't bother me. I haven't had problems with any foods so eating wasn't a problem either. There are others that don't do that well and would not feel like a busy trip like Disneyworld that soon. I wish you the very best in your weight loss journey. You will love Dr. Aguirre, Rosella, Dr. Estralla, and Dr. Gomez! They are all just the greatest bunch of people and they sure will take good care of you. If you have any questions while you are preparing please be sure to e-mail me.