Hi Pam, I have my surgery scheduled for next Tuesday, 6/1, with Dr. Rumbaut and spoke with him last night. Feeling Confident!! Everything is in place and the pre-op support I have received from his office and Anne Marie, belighter, is wonderful. I am not sure when your date is, but feel free to contact me next week. I should be back in US on Friday and can pass on any information I have to you. Therisa
Hi Pam, I am back. Had Surgery on Tuesday and flew back on Thursday. Dr. Rumbauts' support staff is excellent you will have no problems there. The hotel staff is also well adjusted to his patients and were very helpful. Difficulties I experienced, even though I'm from Texas, was the heat.
The day after surgery, though I felt well, I stayed in my air conditioned room.
Try not to over do it! Thursday went downtown to browse the shops, the hotel van will take you there if you like. We stayed there for about an hour before the heat got us. Again everyone is different - I have a problem with heat others did not. As for gas discomfort - it comes and goes but it is workable and every day you get better. Ocassionally I would relieve some of the back gas pain by getting into the shower - warm water made it feel better. Shower not bath! Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.