Weed out the bad surgeons
I am desperately trying to learn everything I can about surgeons in Mexico. It is very difficult to find specific information about their practices, how many issues their patients have, etc. I cannot even find any forums just listing doctors to avoid. I find this inconvenient. If anyone has horrible experiences with these doctors, I would love to know who they are so I can avoid them while I am making decisions. Of course, everyone's opinion of any doctor is different, but if there are real serious problems with any of them, I would like to know your opinion.
This is so hard and people are not great about staying bad things about places. I really struggled with this, but I want the switch and there is really only one Dr in Mexico for that surgery. I vetted my place so, I can say the https://www.facebook.com/Mexicali-Bariatric-Center-224544617 630456/ is worth considering. They do all the surgeries and as far as I can tell is one of the best places in MX I'm getting a switch there on Aug 19.
Here are two to avoid
Dr. Mario Almanza- http://www.abc15.com/news/national/dozens-injured-during-wei ght-loss-surgery-in-mexico
And I heard some mixed things about Dr. Kelly, so I decided to avoid him. Look at this link and what is says about Dr. Kelly. http://www.mexicoweightlosssurgeons.com/ Ramos Kelly, M.D., has recently been excused from various hospitals in Tijuana, including Florence Hospital.
I am with galaxygirll I had heard some bad thing my self about those doctors but all you can do is your research on them. I had my surgery in Tijuana and seen read and heard only goo thing about my surgeon I went with Dr.Quinones. He and his staff did a great job on taking care of me and treating me like fam. hear is a little info on him.....
- Chief of General Surgery at Tijuana County General: August 2003 to September 2006.
- Associated Professor of General Surgery: 2003 till 2006.
- Coordinator of Surgical Interns: 2005-2006.
- Associated Professor of Anatomy in UABC, School of Medicine: 2006 to Date.
- Regional Delegate of The Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery, in the State of Baja California.
- Member of The Collage of General Surgeons of Tijuana.
- Member of The Mexican association of Endoscopic Surgery.
- Member of The Collage of General Surgeons of México.
- Board Certified in General Surgery since 2004.
Proctor Certified
Surgical Proctor Teacher of Bariatrics.
- Hope this can help you a little keep in touch on who else you find that is not such a good surgeon it is always nice to know. Good luck to you and if I had say in it I would strongly recommend Dr Quinones. Like I said great surgeon.
I used Dr Q as well, 3 months out and no problems. Thought he was awesome and his team made the entire experience easy.

It's not about losing weight.....it's about gaining confidence too. It's not about shrinking in size, it's about growing in strength
I can only tell you about the doctor that I ended up having my sleeve done with, Dr. Fernando Garcia of Tijuana Bariatrics. I am 18 months out, 111 lbs lighter, my scars are tiny and I am healthy. Given these things, I think he did an excellent job. Choosing a surgeon is very difficult and I ran into a lot of pitfalls when choosing mine. I would definitely think of a long list of questions to ask each coordinator and see who answers them the best. I can probably come up with my list of questions that I used, if you would like. It was extremely important to me to have the procedure done at a hospital with an ER and ICU, and not a clinic, but other things may be more important to you. Of course, I also advocate doing what you are already doing, which is trying to find anything negative about the potential surgeon. Good luck to you, whomever you choose.
I went with Dr. Jose Rodriguez Villarreal in Juarez thru Belite Weight. He was very professional and the hospital is a CLASSY place. I really liked it there. Everything was new and looked nice, was clean, etc. I've heard about other board members here talk about Dr. Quinones and a few other surgeons.
Medical tourism is a huge, HUGE thing for Mexico - bringing in millions of dollars to their country. The bad doctors don't stick around very long. If you go thru a company in the US, like Belite Weight or A Lighter Me, you'll be working with a surgeon they refer patients to all the time. I know how you feel, I was skeptical too. But after going there and talking with a few people in the van getting shuttled back to the states, it really isn't nearly as scary as we made it out to be in our own head. Its a legit practice. I know, because I'm 100lbs down and I did it in January. I only wish I had done it sooner.
I'm curious about who you chose. I'm scheduled for the D.s procedure with Dr. Illan and can't find much about him.