Has anyone included dental work in their trip to Mexico?
is Dr. Kelly in Tijuana? If so, I have used Dr. Lugo there several times. I had three implants done and whitening.
Acter you have the posts surgically inserted,you have to wait five months for them to heal then return for crowns application.
Crowns only can be done in his in office lab,in one day for an extra fee,or in two or three days for regular service. I will get you his web site if you like or just google dr. Lugo TJ and it will come up.
They can answer all your questions about time frame and cost.
I'm here in Mx right now, and I asked my coordinator here at the hotel about getting my teeth bleached and she's setting it up for me. There's one by the hotel, and one in the same hospital I'll be in for surgery (Vida), so she's going to check out the prices and let me know.
definitely ask your coordinator :)