Tijuana, VSG, Dr Kelly and Me :)

on 5/2/13 10:02 am
VSG on 04/22/13

Ok, I'm going to give every bit of my story in detail so grab a glass of water lol.  I'm new to this board but just found it, I'm pretty active on a few others.

It all started around the first of March, 2013 when my friend (who just scheduled with Dr Kelly for May 16) mentioned you could get weight loss surgery in Tijuana for about 5k.  I laughed so hard I almost spit out my drink and was like YAH RIGHT, I'll get right on that.  After I went home I did a ton of research and a few days later I said, ok, if I'm still this heavy next year I will schedule the surgery, possibly in the states.  I've been a medical professional for 15 years and had that old Tijuana reputation in my mind.  After researching for hours, days on end I found Dr Kelly's profile. Hey, this guy is a member of FACS and the American Society for Bariatrics etc and had done a transplant surgery residency in the US.  Really?  7,000 surgeries?  Really?  Well ok, I was impressed.  $5500, REALLY? lol.......ok.  I prayed and thought about it for a long time and looked at other surgeons.  I read all the Dr Kelly gossip, about his unfortunate death and him leaving his coordinators behind.  I can totally relate.  I'm a midwife and deal with major complications that are not something I cause or can avoid.  He operates on the most at risk population possible.  Then I read that the bariatric surgery death rate was 1 in 400.  I prayed about it and felt totally at peace.  I looked at Dr Aceves and he seems wonderful also, but I just couldn't justify the extra $3,000 when Dr Kelly had as much as more experience........he just never split from his coordinators and had them drag him through the mud.  One of the most respected midwives in this area lost a baby a few months ago, which of course tore her and the family a hole in their hearts that will never close.  Thankfully we support talented midwives (she had taught and trained so many over the years) when something out of control happens, in MX I guess they drag you through the mud for years.   In MX I'm sure that all Drs have deaths, there is no way that they have escaped the 1 in 400 statistic if they have done thousands of surgeries.  It is just impossible.  I talked to Lora a lot and even had Dr Kelly call me.   I prayed some more and decided instead of waiting until I gained another 100 pounds in a year to just go ahead and go for it, so I scheduled for April 9th.  I texted Lora constantly, she was always so sweet and helpful.  She was a patient of Dr Kelly's also and doesn't get paid per patient, just a salary.  I even tried to trick her once to see if she was really a coordinator and asked her if there were any other surgeons she might suggest.  She said I had a lot of options but she had chosen Dr Kelly.  I was relieved to know she really did just work for him (I'm a suspicious person lol).

The week before my scheduled surgery I started the pre-op diet.  I had a higher BMI (50, 49.something at my actual surgery) so it was all liquids for me.  Ugh.....terrible.  Then on day 4 my husband developed pneumonia and my daughter caught the flu from him.  Surgery cancelled.  Lora was really nice and I rescheduled for April 22nd.  Lucky me I got to do the preop diet again (I regained all the weight back from the 4 days before from pizza....i'm sick) and stuck to it the whole 7 days!  I lost 11 lbs.

The day of surgery I picked my mom up super early and we headed for our 7 hours of flights to San Diego.  I tried to buckle my seat belt and it wouldn't buckle.  Oh my goodness.  I had to ask the stewardess what to do and she discreetly handed me an extender.  Nothing more reassuring you need WLS than not being able to fit into a pretty large seat belt on the plane.  When I got to San Diego I received a text from Alina telling me Dr Kelly's wife would be there in about 10 minutes.  I had to sit in the sunshine for 10 minutes, oh the horror.  A gorgeous, sweet lady got out of a very nice 15 passenger van and introduced herself and grabbed my luggage.  It was Dr Kelly's wife Cecy.  On the way to the hospital she apologized for her Engli**** is ok.  We communicated pretty well and she told me about the areas we were passing etc.  It was neat.  When I pulled up to the hospital I was impressed.  From hearing about it I thought it might be a bit run down but it was very nice.  I was taken to lab, xray, seen the attending Dr and the cardiologist all within about an hour.   They took care of you but there was no waiting around until that was over.  After that I was in my bed having a nervous breakdown and praying with my mom.  I asked for something to calm me.  They gave me something and it helped a little.  When they came to get me the Anesthesiologist came in and introduced himself.  Ooops........Dr Kelly had already been in twice.  I forgot to mention that.  He took his time and answered my zillion questions, what a kind caring man.

I got in the operating room and it looked much like the one I was in for my csections in the states.  The anesthesiologist asked if I was ready and said slowly, ok ok bye bye and the next thing I realized I was waking up in my room.  They had me in recovery for quite a while and I guess I was awake but it's all a blur.  I was NAUSEOUS!  I mean the kind of nausea you get when they twirl you in those things at the county fair that make you stick to your seat.  They had given me a dose of Zofran already but it was awful. Dr Kelly ok'd it more often.  Kudos to you that get up and walk.  I couldn't because I would have fell over.  I truly think it was a reaction to the anesthesia, I tend to be really sensitive to medications.  It was the exact drugs they use in the states, (oh I checked) but people are different.  I finally went to sleep and woke up about 11 hours later.  This was the first time I asked for pain medicine. They gave it right away along with some Zofran.  I had an IV with 5% dextrose so you won't get famished even though you aren't hungry.  They don't use narcotic pain medicines unless you specifically really, really need them because you need to walk.  I was given a strong IV NSAID and it worked lovely and controlled my pain.  Yes, I was sore,  I felt like someone punched me in the upper abdomen 100 times.  The first day is definitely the hardest but you heal so quickly it is amazing.  I've heard from some the nurses at Oasis speak English.  Um, well, they speak enough to understand what you need and are very sweet but I met very few that were fluent.  I used Google translate a few times with the free WiFi.  There is an attending Dr there at all times and they all spoke English probably better than I do lol.  Everyone went out of their way to be kind, and they cleaned the large room twice per day.  My mother was very comfy with her twin size bed.  She's about 5'2" and watching her lay there I figure someone 6ft or more would fit comfortably.  It wasn't tiny and had drawers underneath.  I also had a nice lil closet for my stuff.  The hospital bedding is sooooooo warm and cozy, like a really thick comforter and all.  Nice touch.

By day 2 I was feeling good and ready to roll!  I met a lot of patients, all happy, except one who was happy with the surgery/hospital but was angry with the booking agent for switching/downgrading her hotel at the very last minute.  I told her about booking directly with Lora and the Dr.  By that time I was so ready for something to drink that I snuck about an ounce or two of apple juice. I'm just going to admit it, don't follow my mistakes. Alina stopped in with a very nice packet outlining your food each step of the way and which medicines (antibiotics, prilosec and pain) to take when.  We went to Hospital Angeles because they have a new, super cool machine for leak tests that is better than the one at Florence/Oasis.  It's definitely an upgrade you don't get unless you book with the Dr because otherwise it is the agencies taking care of  your hospital arrangements etc and it is out of the Dr's hands.  The stuff you drink tastes gross and Dr Kelly came running over with some juice for me so I could get the taste out of my mouth quickly.  He is very thoughtful.  We all took pics together in the lobby afterward.

Upon arrival at the Lucerna I was so excited.  This isn't Hilton Nice, this is W nice.  Huge hotel set up like Villas with a pool with a bridge over it, a courtyard with a fountain and fish etc.  The broth was actually good, I was skeptical.  We walked around the very safe area both days and felt like I was on vacation.  I saw Dr Kelly everyday but the day I left (which is expected, seen him for 4 days).  I rested and walked around, just had fun.

On the last day Cecy told me to be ready about 9am but our flight didn't leave until 1pm so I figured it was border issues.  We actually flew through the medical lane and was in San Diego by 10am.  She was taking my mom, a breast cancer survivor to the Cancer Survivor's Park as a surprise.  How sweet.  It is beautiful by the water.  We stayed and then said our goodbyes at the airport and she told me she knew plastic surgeon's, dentists, etc and they drive from the airport multiple times per day so if I wanted to follow up with Dr Kelly and come back to TJ just let her know and she'd pick me up.  They are very kind, warm people. 

The flight home seemed like forever but it wasn't bad or painful.  I'm 10 days post op today and have lost 22lbs already (11 preop and 11 post op).  Oh, and the day I got to the Lucerna I weighed myself and I had gained back ALL the weight I lost preop.  I kinda freaked but was told it was water.  They were right!  Don't fret.

I loved my experiences and wouldn't have changed it a bit!  I've been blessed by God every step of the way, from finding and good surgeon and guiding his hands to healing me very quickly.  I'm still paranoid about complications, but that is just me.  So far, so awesome!

Feel free to PM me with any questions or just to say hi!!

Everyone wants to hear the negatives........so I'll have to come up with some.  The traffic is TJ is nuts.  Cecy is a good driver but I'm a horrible passenger and it is like NYC going 60mph.  They test you for HIV at the hospital without your permission in your preop labs, as a medical professional in the states I thought this was crazy.....but I could really care less.  I would bring extra juice in your suitcase, I brought gatorade bottles and the little 10 oz apple juicy juices because I wanted them for my room and didn't feel like walking to get them although I walked for everything else lol.  I can't do artificial sweeteners so I brought my own Jello too, the kind you find on the regular shelves that doesn't melt when it is warm.. I think it is called Juicy Jels or something.   That's all I can come up with lol.

Dr Ramos Kelly 4/22/13

Highest 263   Pre-op 252 Current 240

on 5/2/13 11:40 am - Alamogordo, NM

I am trying to find a way to contact Dr. Kelly. I am very interested in getting the gastric sleeve. I hope you can help me. I have been on this board for a long time.

on 5/3/13 7:34 am
Dr Kelly is great.
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 5/2/13 3:12 pm - Halifax NS, Canada

I had a great experience with Dr. Kelly and his team also.

At the hospital at least one nurse per shift spoke perfect English and most of the time both spoke English.

I also loved the hotel.

I have to admit post surgery was pain free for me. I was only a bit nauseous just before my meds were due.

I'm also a nurse and I was impressed with Dr. Kelly and his team. It was such a positive experience and after the surgery it was like a vacation!

on 5/3/13 12:30 pm
VSG on 04/22/13



He has a salaried scheduler now (no dealing with agencies or coordinators now, yay) named Lora.  She is an American and was also a patient of Dr Kelly's.  Her email is [email protected].  She was very helpful to me along the way.  I can also dig up her phone number if  you'd like that as well, but I believe it is on the website.  The only website that is really owned by Dr Kelly and not someone trying to steer you to a different surgeon is www.wlsclinic.com   I learned this the hard way lol.


If I can help you in any way let me know, I don't text her much now but I must have texted her 10 times per day before my surgery.   She is available for any questions or concerns.

Dr Ramos Kelly 4/22/13

Highest 263   Pre-op 252 Current 240

on 5/3/13 3:07 pm

I am confused then.  I've been speaking with someone whom I thought was Dr Kelly's staff.  They haven't tried to steer me elsewhere nor have they bad mouthed him in any way.  I've been speaking with Cindy at Mexico Bariatric Center.  I also googled and found a press release saying he was part of Mexico Bariatric Center.   So am I still ok?   Is there someone else I should be talking to?  Will the price be any different?  (I'm looking at $7,000 for an RNY plus an additional $1,000 for hernia repair.)


I'm glad to hear your overall positive experience.  I can't book mine till July due to scheduling conflicts with vacations...but I'm so ready!

on 6/9/13 9:13 am - San Jose, CA
VSG on 07/10/13

Did you contact Dr Kelly?  Im having surgery July 10th.   Email me if you want to hook up.


[email protected]

on 5/6/13 11:24 pm
VSG on 04/22/13
Mexico Bariatric Center is just an agency. They schedule for many Drs and don't work for any specific Dr exclusively.

I liked scheduling with the Dr himself through Lora, but whichever way you schedule you'll get excellent medical care with Dr Kelly. He is awesome!!!!

Dr Ramos Kelly 4/22/13

Highest 263   Pre-op 252 Current 240

on 5/7/13 12:17 am - Halifax NS, Canada

I worked with Dr. Kelly's office and every thing went smoothly.

MBC gets paid when they book someone with Dr. Kelly. I'm pretty sure they use a different hotel and drivers than Dr. Kelly's office. I have Dr. Kelly's numbers if you need them also. message me anytime.

on 5/8/13 2:01 am

Thanks for everyone's help and clarification.  I called Lora at Dr. Kelly's office yesterday and decided I will be booking directly with them for several reasons.   If anyone wants to know more feel free to message me.  If anyone is planning on going in July...maybe I'll see you there!  :)

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