different coordinators for Ponce De Leon
Are there different coordinators for this Dr. id love to use him but im not sure im enjoying working with this coordinators. while paying a little less money i am not getting some of the same services as others that have used this doc. Im sure they are legit but im just looking for a different route such as being picked up at the airport to be taken to surgey right away vs having to stay over night at a hotel, using a hospital vs a surgical suite and using a different recovery house. i know i cant have my way with everything but ive read post from others that have gotten these services with there coordinators. just wondering
Faith is taking the first step even when you dont see the whole staircase
... MLK jr.

There are many different co-ordinators, you could definately find another, however it might not solve your problem. It seems like certain doctors have certain practices, and I don't think it's the co-ordinators who decide. Dr. Ponce De Leon has you stay in a hotel the night before and go to a recovery house after. Some of the other doctors take you straight to the hospital and have you stay at a hotel after. You might need to research other doctors and see what they offer.