Traveling alone
Hi All-
I am schedule to have surgery in December and am doing some prep work before hand. My questions is---
Has anyone had any issues with personal property theft? I work in healthcare and know that theft in hospitals is a problem- mainly by hospital visitors and venders. Did anyone take any special precautions before heading down to Mx for surgery. I would be asking the same question if I was having surgery alone any where else, but because I am so far from home and will be alone, I don't want to worry about my stuff- money, passport, computer- being stolen.
I am schedule to have surgery in December and am doing some prep work before hand. My questions is---
Has anyone had any issues with personal property theft? I work in healthcare and know that theft in hospitals is a problem- mainly by hospital visitors and venders. Did anyone take any special precautions before heading down to Mx for surgery. I would be asking the same question if I was having surgery alone any where else, but because I am so far from home and will be alone, I don't want to worry about my stuff- money, passport, computer- being stolen.
you and a friend from here might be able to join up and have your surgery around the same time instead of feeling like you are going alone and you can look out for each other. I found two other women to go with from my area
We are all scheduled with the same surgeon, same day and our flights are all together.

I went in May (by myself to freakin Juarez, Mx) and was concerned about the same thing. The psychiatrist that checks you in takes your wallet and will put it in a sealed bag and put it in a safe for you until you leave. But I brought my shiny, new, white iPad 2 and my iphone and they were fine leaving them out right by your bed. (someone from another room even borrowed my charger so they obviously brought theirs too)
You don't leave the room very much and when you do they don't touch a thing. The only reason you leave is to go for a short walk on the floor or to go take an xray (and for surgery of course but all that stuff was still in my bags then) No one was even remotely interested in looking at my stuff. I TOTALLY get your concern but you'll be fine. :)
I went in May (by myself to freakin Juarez, Mx) and was concerned about the same thing. The psychiatrist that checks you in takes your wallet and will put it in a sealed bag and put it in a safe for you until you leave. But I brought my shiny, new, white iPad 2 and my iphone and they were fine leaving them out right by your bed. (someone from another room even borrowed my charger so they obviously brought theirs too)
You don't leave the room very much and when you do they don't touch a thing. The only reason you leave is to go for a short walk on the floor or to go take an xray (and for surgery of course but all that stuff was still in my bags then) No one was even remotely interested in looking at my stuff. I TOTALLY get your concern but you'll be fine. :)