flying back home question
im trying to get plane tickets now for march to save money. i know i can leave on time but what happens if i buy now, then have a little longer than average recovery and have to delay coming home for a day or two. will they rebook your flight, is there a fee and will your patient cordinater help you with this if it happens. just trying to get my ducks in a row
Faith is taking the first step even when you dont see the whole staircase
... MLK jr.

Most airlines will change your flight for $50 - or check before purchasing if they have an unrestricted policy (Southwest & Hawaiian allows you to pick restricted & unrestricted flights - whether you can change or not).
Most hospital stays are a day - some less. Give yourself enough time from what the surgeons office tells you (one surgeons office said I would be in ICU manditory 2 days, because of my CPAP - I actually was discharged early the next morning, less than 24 hrs total).
Things do happen, if you have a place to stay locally where your surgery is happening, then see if you can get an extra day or two to give you some cushion.
Brenda : )~
Most hospital stays are a day - some less. Give yourself enough time from what the surgeons office tells you (one surgeons office said I would be in ICU manditory 2 days, because of my CPAP - I actually was discharged early the next morning, less than 24 hrs total).
Things do happen, if you have a place to stay locally where your surgery is happening, then see if you can get an extra day or two to give you some cushion.
Brenda : )~
If you have a medical issue that forces you to change your flight,a letter of medical necessity from your MX surgeon should be all you need for the airline,to change with no extra cost. I would find out from my airline what a change would cost and be prepared with that amount but I think it can be done no charge with a dr's letter.
Don't know whether your coordinator wuld handle this or not. Guess it depends on the coordinator. I would check with her/him for suure,
Don't know whether your coordinator wuld handle this or not. Guess it depends on the coordinator. I would check with her/him for suure,