
Just want share!

on 8/15/11 12:10 pm - Huffman, TX
Hi you guys.... I had surgery with dr almanza at jerusalum hospital..... I have to say that it was not what I quite expected.. I did think alot of things that went on there was not very professional however the surgery went well and dr almanza was very nice.... the recovery house was totally k ottic..... alot of people way to many and yes there were people sleeping everywhere not to mention some of the drivers had friends over drinking at nite... I left the recovery house and went to a hotel only because I didn't feel comfortable and I think it is important to have a serenity place to recover.... like I said it was ok but somewhat misleading...  I would use dr almanza again my surgery went well but the rest of my experience wasn't very good.... You get what you pay for.... that is totally true.... Good luck to everyone Oh yeah my surgery was July 31 two weeks post op......

on 8/15/11 12:51 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Glad your surgery went well. See,NONE of that kind of stuff went on while I was there. The drivers usually weren't even there after about 700pm. It was busy and all the beds were full but everyone had a place to sleep and there were no problems.   It is hard for me to share my experience sometimes cause it ws so different from some other people who went to the same place.




on 8/16/11 2:31 am - Red Oak, TX

I read your page,, I thought you were a nutritionist by the way you explained water weight, in respect to carb intake.. That was great.. and has been added to my knowledge bank... So after reading your post I got noisy and started reading others that like you were doing really well with their surgeries.. I have been so encouraged.. For some reason ,,as it gets closer to my date, 08/31/2011 I get to wondering if I am even really that fat to have such a major surgery, I mean a size 2X can be very cute with the right outfit.... Silly I know...

OK , back to topic,, while looking at others personal journey,, I found a women that had been hit in the head accidentally by a hammer,, after her surgery,, and she went into great detail about Post concussive Syndrome. This struck home with me because I had a head injury about a year ago, NO I did not go to the hospital,,, ""Don't run at the pool""... well any way she described the syndrome and I had all of the symptoms. So, now I am feeling better, and not just thinking that I was going crazy,, I share this with you because I know that you are in the medical field,, And could somewhat appreciate the irony of it... It is as though coming to this site and meeting all of the people here is my destiny....I know how that sounds but I am so happy about this site.

Dont be discouraged to share with us ever, everyone might not need it,, but I have benefited greatly from you ,,, I thank you ,,,, Smile, kiss on the cheek, and a thight hug....
on 8/16/11 2:15 am - Red Oak, TX
Congratulations on your surgery !!!!

I was just wondering, if what you experienced was cultural differences!!!

From my understanding there is a great variation in lifestyle,  between the borders.

Also, I know that in the states if maybe frownded  upon to celebrate in front of clients. But , in hispanic culture, for birthdays, and such it would be in the reverse. That if you did not include everyone then they would feel that they were leaving you out.. And some  believe that having fun helps to forget your pain, so they may have thought they were being hospitable (sp).
on 8/16/11 8:49 am - Huffman, TX
thanks... I am starting to feel really good and am learning my new tummy... I think that is the most difficult part about it and since going to dr almanza there is really no after care or guideance included so I really think this board helps alot....

as far as cutural differences NO MA"m!!!  I am totally open minded therefore  I think I did well accepting what is ... is what is...  but having buddies over and staying til 2:00 in the morning is totally disruptive and it also is not professional when people are trying to recover!!!!  They can party somewhere else or refrain from drinking at least.... Dont get me wrong I enjoyed them and like I said I am very opened minded they were very helpful and sweet just alot of stuff that went on should be done somewhere else.....
on 8/16/11 10:57 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Did you tell your coordinator? They want to know things like this cause it is the only way they can ask that corrections be made...




on 8/16/11 12:46 pm - Huffman, TX
No I sure didn't... but I was just answering her Q's.... don't want to get anyone in trouble and I hardly doubt things that are not a common occurance will be addressed... I really liked dr almanza and I am totally happy with the job he did......

Good Luck to all!!!!
on 8/16/11 1:45 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
reporting not commom occurrances keeps them from becoming common occurances.




on 8/16/11 12:58 pm - Red Oak, TX
Hello,, I agree, going to a MX facility does reduce some of the information,, especially post op dietary needs. I went to 3 Dallas surgeons before making the decision to go to MX. All of the nutritional plans post op are the same to a certain degree.. But I have learned more from this site that I would not have known the protein rule, which I found in a post from another poster. They had to be very carefull with protein intake. So they did the research to find out exactly how much protein to take to keep hair from falling out and produce weight loss,, but not the 40 g and above quoted in some of the US doctor literature. There is an actual health protein calculator, based on your body make up. This is important to me, because I am very muscular, taking in the amount of protein quoted on some of the documentation from these brochures would not hurt, but is'nt really necessary. So like you said I am learning alot... of helpfull information. I was reallhy worried about taking in that much protein,,

Just so you know,,, While in college, I helped my classmate out with some problems she was having,, so when she returned to MX for her brothers wedding she brought me back some Tequilla (sp) as a thank you. She attempted to give it to me in class,,, she thought it was funny,,, and did not see a problem with having alcohol on a college campus, ,, She laughed when I pannicked,, I kept my distance from her until after graduation... She is a great person but,, that really scare me... So that is why I questioned the cultural awareness,,,, they are not even aware sometimes that it could be a bother,, did you attempt to say anything,, They may have stopped.., !!!

on 8/16/11 2:46 pm - Huffman, TX
No I didn't say anything to them.... or complain my husband and I went to Hampton and really enjoyed it..... I was just letting you know what kind of experience I had... Thats it.... It is over and done with.... Only reason I told this story so that whoever might go where I did would not be surprised if a couple of things like this happen..... better to be prepared and what may happen so at least you are aware of them.... some people that sort of thing doesn't bother them..... up to the individual.... Just giving you my experience am not trying to change the way they do things.......thats all I am going to say about the subject....
Hope this helps.
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