Dr. Joffee

on 7/6/10 1:36 pm
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MD’s licence revoked after sex with four patients, including twin sisters Posted: December 11, 2008, 8:58 PM by Rob Roberts

By Phoebe Powell, National Post

A surgeon who engaged in sexual acts with four women who came to him for weight loss surgeries, including twin sisters, had his licence revoked today.
Dr. Jacobo Joffe, who practiced out of Scarborough Grace hospital, pleaded no contest to allegations of sexual abuse and dishonourable conduct.
Dr. Joffe, 59, had sex with four patients at the hospital and his office between 2001 and 2007, and also instructed two of the patients to take illegal drugs during their sexual encounters. 
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario revoked Dr. Joffe’s certificate of registration, and ordered him to appear before the discipline committee again to be reprimanded, as is mandatory in sex abuse cases.
‘‘[He] took advantage of the patients’ vulnerability," said prosecutor Carolyn Silver.
Two of Dr. Joffe’s victims, twin sisters, first visited his office for surgical consultations in 2002. He eventually performed gastric bypass surgery on both. In early 2003, during follow-up care, Dr. Joffe hugged and kissed both patients and told them “every man’s fantasy is to have sex with twins." Between 2004 and 2006, Dr. Joffe visited the two women at their home about every two weeks. At this time, both were still patients of Dr. Joffe. Dr. Joffe performed sexual acts with the two women, both separately and together. Dr. Joffe also used illegal drugs with the two, one of whom bought the drugs at the doctor’s request. He asked all four to keep their relationships secret. 
In their impact statements, the four women said they suffered emotional and psychological trauma, and one said she felt “controlled, powerless, ashamed and guilty."
One victim, whose marriage ended as a result of the affair, said he “took advantage of my feelings of thankfulness toward him," while another said by the end of her relationship with Dr. Joffe “I no longer knew what my rights were. I felt I no longer had any rights at all."
Two patients stated they developed severe eating disorders following their affairs with Dr. Joffe.
 “I lost faith in the medical profession ... I thought he would never hurt us or jeopardize our well-being," said one woman. 
Said another: “I am now a different person than I used to be."
The College of Physicians and Surgeons ordered Dr. Joffe to pay $3,650 for hearing costs and $40,000 for his patients’ post-abuse therapy.
Ms. Silver characterized the actions of Dr. Joffe, who was not present at the hearing, as “the most egregious type of conduct" and said he committed “the most serious breach of trust" as a doctor.

Read more: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/toronto/archive/200 8/12/11/md-s-licence-revoked-after-sex-with-four-patients-in cluding-twin-sisters.aspx#ixzz0sxpWGKkQ
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/10 10:43 pm
Thanks for posting this Jan.    Many of us have seen former patients of his post on the Ontario, Canada forum that have no aftercare or terrible results due to this surgeon.    He continued to operate and perform surgeries even though he knew his license would be revoked in Ontario and left many patients with no aftercare for follow up or complications.

Here is his latest ad - beware!  He's back in Mexico - god help those patients that go to him not knowing his past.


Non-Smokin guy
on 7/7/10 2:42 am
I know several people that are patients whom are very pleased with this surgeon while in ON & MEX. He's been in Mexico for a few years now practising. The ones I spoke to on the ON forum are aware of his past but still went to see him. Now they keep contact with him in Mexico. 
on 7/7/10 7:36 am
 The College of Physicians and Surgeons would not revoke a licence without very ligit reasons.
 I would consider your friends lucky but would never recommend a friend of mine to have surgery done by a surgeon that's lost a licence.   Your friends were not his type, he didn't drug them to have sex with them.
Non-Smokin guy
on 7/8/10 5:35 am
Hey I don't dispute having sexual relations while they are still your patients is very unethical and disturbing. But saying "Your friends were not his type, he didn't drug them to have sex with them." is a bit much. According to certain people I spoke with personally, they agreed to meet in hotels and consented to use drugs & alcohol. It was only after a relationship ended very sour did this all come to light. I'm not in support of him or against, I just know what I've been informed of and there's lot of info not published for obvious privacy reasons. As for his surgical skills I've heard he is good with many very happy but I'm aware of those unhappy too.
(deactivated member)
on 7/7/10 7:45 am, edited 7/7/10 7:47 am
Here is the link to the complete charges against Dr Joffe from the Ontario College Of Physicians & Surgeons.     He did alot of damage to alot of patients.

http://www.cpso.on.ca/docsearch/details.aspx?view=6&ddid=528 &id= 53039


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Past Findings: Details

Committee: Discipline
Appeal Status: No Appeal   Appeal Decision Date: 
Hearing Date:  11 Dec 2008    Decision Date: 11 Dec 2008
Publication Date: December 2009
Decision Summary:


It was alleged that Dr. Jacobo Joffe committed acts of professional misconduct, in that:

  • he has sexually abused patients; and
  • he has engaged in an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the cir****tances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.

Response to the Allegations

Dr. Joffe entered a plea of no contest to the allegations.

Facts and Evidence

The following Uncontested Allegations for a Plea of No Contest were presented to the Committee:

Dr. Joffe, a general surgeon, did not contest the following facts for the purposes of this proceeding only:

Patients A and B

In 2001, Patients A and B were referred to Dr. Joffe for weight loss surgery and attended at his Scarborough office for consultation.

Dr. Joffe performed gastric by-pass surgery on Patient A in 2002. Patient B’s gastric surgery was booked for 2002 but she cancelled her appointment. Dr. Joffe eventually performed gastric bypass surgery on Patient B in 2005.

Patient B attended for consultation with Dr. Joffe for lap band surgery and eventually had this procedure done in 2003.

In early 2003, during follow-up care and other medical needs, Dr. Joffe would hug and kiss Patients A and B on their lips and tell them how attractive they were.

In the summer of 2003, Dr. Joffe engaged in sexual touching and kissing of Patient A at his office.

In December 2003, Patients A and B attended a Christmas party with the lap band support patients and Dr. Joffe. Dr. Joffe remarked that Patients A and B were “hot." Dr. Joffe kissed them on the lips and hugged them.

In January 2004, Dr. Joffe arranged to meet Patients A and B at a hotel, where Dr. Joffe engaged both women in sexual touching and kissing. On this date, Dr. Joffe also engaged Patient A in oral sex as well as intercourse at her residence.

Between January 2004 and 2006, while Patients A and B were still his patients, Dr. Joffe attended their home approximately every two weeks and almost every week during the summer months where he engaged in various sexual acts with them, both separately and together, including fondling, ******** *********** and sexual intercourse. They also engaged in sexual acts in his office.

During these attendances, Dr. Joffe initiated and engaged in illicit drug use with Patients A and B, which Patient A purchased for Dr. Joffe at his request.

Dr. Joffe took steps to conceal his relationship with Patients A and B, knowing the professional consequences to him if the relationship was discovered.

Patient C

In 2002, Dr. Joffe performed lap band surgery on Patient C.

Commencing approximately two weeks following the lap band surgery, and while she was still his patient, Dr. Joffe initiated and engaged in sexual activities with Patient C, including oral sex and sexual intercourse. These sexual activities occasionally occurred at the hospital when Patient C attended at Dr. Joffe for follow-up appointments and adjustments of her lap band.

Dr. Joffe told Patient C not to reveal their relationship to anyone, knowing the professional consequences to him if the relationship was discovered.

Patient D

In 1999, Dr. Joffe performed gastroplasty on Patient D.

During follow-up medical visits post-operatively, and while she was still his patient, Dr. Joffe initiated and engaged in various types of sexual encounters with Patient D, including oral sex, and sexual intercourse. On occasion, these sexual encounters occurred at the hospital. In 2005, Dr. Joffe performed lap band surgery on Patient D. Their sexual relationship lasted until 2006.

Dr. Joffe told Patient D to keep their relationship a secret, knowing the professional consequences to him if the relationship was discovered.


The Committee reviewed and accepted as correct all of the facts set out in the Uncontested Allegations for a Plea of No Contest. Having regard to these uncontested facts, the Committee accepted the plea of no contest and found that Dr. Joffe committed acts of professional misconduct, in that he:

(a) sexually abused patients; and

(b) engaged in an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the cir****tances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.

Reasons for Findings

In making the finding of sexual abuse, the Committee had particular regard for the egregious nature of the conduct, which was repeated over a significant period of time and involved a number of patients. These acts took place in a variety of settings including a hospital, doctor’s office and patient homes, all of which should be considered safe settings. The scope of the sexual abuse committed by Dr. Joffe deeply offends the decency of the profession.

In making the finding as set out in the second allegation, the Committee had particular regard for the coercion of patients to obtain illicit drugs for use during the described sexual encounters. Additionally, Dr. Joffe pressured patients not to reveal the nature of the sexual relationships, knowing the professional consequences. These actions demonstrate a lack of understanding and respect for the moral and ethical responsibilities of a physician.

Reasons for Penalty

On the matter of penalty, the Committee reviewed the findings, heard submissions of counsel and reviewed four Victim Impact Statements filed by the College and two letters of support filed by Dr. Joffe.

There was no disagreement between counsel with respect to the need for a reprimand or for revocation of Dr. Joffe’s certificate of registration. Indeed, even if it were not required by law, the Committee was of the opinion that nothing short of revocation could adequately express the profession’s abhorrence of such conduct. The extent and degree of Dr. Joffe’s violation of patients speaks to a moral and ethical vacuum. Dr. Joffe has breached the most fundamental trust with his patients.

The College has requested that Dr. Joffe reimburse the College for funding provided to patients under the program required under the Code, by posting an irrevocable letter of credit or other security acceptable to the College, in the amount of $40,000.

The College is entitled to recover from the member money paid in accordance with this section for complainants’ therapy or counselling. The Committee was of the opinion that the request for an irrevocable letter of credit by the College was not unreasonable given all of the cir****tances of this case. The Committee had particular regard for the poignant description of the effects experienced by patients noted in their respective Victim Impact Statements, whi*****luded humiliation, distortion of normal social relationships, fear of hospitals and physicians, destruction of family relationships, depression, psychological problems and employment problems. These problems flowed from Dr. Joffe’s professional misconduct and the Committee felt that he should bear the financial responsibility for the consequences of his actions, not the membership at large.

The two letters from colleagues attesting to Dr. Joffe’s professional status and technical skill indicate a senior surgeon of repute.While this makes his failings with respect to the findings on this matter all the more tragic, the Committee was of the opinion that they had no role as a mitigating factor in the offences described.

The Committee believes that the penalty proposed by the College, given all of the cir****tances of this case, is appropriate, and meets the principles of protection of the public, denunciation of the conduct, and specific and general deterrence.

The Committee has concluded that this is an appropriate case to make an award of costs.


The Committee directed that:

  1. The Registrar revoke Dr. Joffe’s certificate of registration effective immediately.
  2. Dr. Joffe appear before the panel to be reprimanded.
  3. Dr. Joffe reimburse the College for funding provided to patients under the program required under section 85.7 of the Code, by posting an irrevocable letter of credit or other security acceptable to the College in the amount of $40,000.
  4. Dr. Joffe pay costs to the College in the amount of $3,650.
  5. The results of this proceeding be included in the register.
Jennifer D.
on 7/7/10 9:53 am
I am a victim of Dr. Joffe. He did my surgery and then left me to suffer.  I had surgery 8 years ago and have been sick ever since. I throw up regularly, have severe dumping syndrome and also have "candy cane syndrome". I begged Dr. Joffe to do exploratory surgery and he refused. At that time I did not know where to find support and I could have died of the effects of a stricture or any other complication. I am currently suffering from nesidioblastosis/hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia. I will be having surgery soon to fix this thank God.
          Thank you Cheri and Holly!
       Think twice, cut once! I've had 3 surgeries now, RNY, VSG and DS .
                                Ask me about the DS or visit dsfacts.com
2002 - RNY
2010 - RNY to VSG
2011 - Full DS-August 24th
                HW 311   SW 306  CW 235  GW 150
Non-Smokin guy
on 7/8/10 11:27 pm
Oh dear, I here you but isn't "Candy cane" Roux syndrome, severe dumping a possible complication after gastric bypass surgery.

All the best to your surgery
Jennifer D.
on 7/9/10 1:51 am
Candy Cane syndrome is a misconfiguration of the intestine. Instead of attaching directly to the stoma it runs so far past that when food empties it goes the wrong way, gets stuck and sits there until there is enough to overflow it the right way down the inestine. Makes me nauseous every time I eat. As for dumping, when I had surgery I was told it was avaoidable whereas now they call it a 'tool'. I just want people to be informed, with all the good surgeons out there, chosing a respectable one might be a good idea.
          Thank you Cheri and Holly!
       Think twice, cut once! I've had 3 surgeries now, RNY, VSG and DS .
                                Ask me about the DS or visit dsfacts.com
2002 - RNY
2010 - RNY to VSG
2011 - Full DS-August 24th
                HW 311   SW 306  CW 235  GW 150
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