Dr. Joya - Good and Bad - I need info about this dr. please
I have never heard anything negative about this doc. I know there are several people on the VSG board that have used him so maybe post this over there. This board has become so negative that not very many people even come here so that is probably why no one has responded. Wishing you ALL the best...the sleeve is AWESOME!!
On June 23, 2010 at 9:23 AM Pacific Time, dlayton603 wrote:
Can anyone give me a little insite on Dr. Joya and your experience with him in Mexico? I want the good and the bad - if there is any. I have my surgery scheduled with him Dec. 17th 2010 .
I had my VSG last November with Dr Joya. I am thrilled with the results and all went well with my surgery and post op care while in PV. I have been going to my GP back here in Canada for follow up blood work monitoring (at 3 and 6 months). You are in good hands and he and his staff will take good care of you.
The only useful tip I can ever think of is to get your prescriptions from him the day of you consultation with him and then have them filled prior to your surgery. Not that it is difficult, but you may have to go to more than one pharmacy to get them all filled so it just takes one thing off your plate once the surgery is done. Best of luck to you.
I had my VSG last November with Dr Joya. I am thrilled with the results and all went well with my surgery and post op care while in PV. I have been going to my GP back here in Canada for follow up blood work monitoring (at 3 and 6 months). You are in good hands and he and his staff will take good care of you.
The only useful tip I can ever think of is to get your prescriptions from him the day of you consultation with him and then have them filled prior to your surgery. Not that it is difficult, but you may have to go to more than one pharmacy to get them all filled so it just takes one thing off your plate once the surgery is done. Best of luck to you.