You say there's no bad? Read these.
A previous Betancourt coordinator speaks out: -out-Thoughts-re-Dr-Amanza/#33866779
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (04/07/09) Member Since: 03/27/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/25/10 12:32 pm
Hello Emerald,
You may not know me. I used to post on OH frequently, but since I had my TT and BA in January, I really haven't been posting very much. To be completely honest, I've been avoiding the boards, because I'm embarrassed by my naiveté.
I don't want to be publically trashing the clinic, this is not at all my intention. I still believe Dr. Almanza is an excellent surgeon.
I had my surgery with Dr. Almanza last April and I had an absolutely wonderful experience. So much so, that this fall I started my own company and began to refer people to his clinic. Up until January, I had a very high opinion of the clinic. My brother, a doctor, even flew down with me and his best friend had the surgery, which he was able to watch. Everything was good, very clean, very professional - but the surgery took place at the Hospital Vida, not at the new Jerusalem Hospital.
Of the people I sent there, almost half wound up with incision infections - mostly minor. At first, I believed the clinic that they were doing everything they could to find out why and to stop the infections. But, it actually got worse. Three people I know and met in person in January (one was one of my referrals, one was a woman who attends our support groups's sister, and one was a man I met when I was there in Jan) are all still on feeding tubes from the leaks they had after surgery. One of them almost died and was on life-support for over a month. Thankfully she is recovering, although she is still in the hospital and cannot walk on her own. I spoke to her sister yesterday and she is doing well and is in good spirits, but her sister said that she still does not know that she was the 6th sleeve surgery that day.
One of my referrals (a nurse) got an infection so bad, that she needed to go to the hospital every day and get her wound packed for two months. I actually went with her every morning to be with her as it was very painful and I felt responsible. I eventually learned how to clean and pack her wound, and started doing it for her at her home. We jokingly referred to it as our little "dates". I had lunch with her yesterday, and she is doing great now, btw.
Another referral (also a nurse) had a severe infection that took two months to fully heal. He did post on OH, as did another woman who had her surgery also posted about her infection at the same time (she was accussed of being a paid poster, and she was not, btw). Most of the infections wound up being minor. A higher infection rate among obese patients is normal. But that rate should still be under 3-5%. I got really scared when they continued, and I even called several of my clients before they went and told them about the infections and told them that I thought the clinic had fixed the problem (which I had believed), but if they wanted to cancel they could.
Another patient in December had a leak, which they fixed and she suffered no ill-effects (other than an incision infection) you can read her posts on her blog on OH (ezimmer). She was the first leak, and at first I thought she was the 1% who will get one. But as you know, it is higher than 1%. If I personally know 4 people with leaks in just 2 months, then something is really, really wrong. To be fair, one of the leaks wasn't Dr. Almanza's fault as that patient was a revision and the leak was from the scar tissue.
I stopped sending people there after I was there in January because they were doing too many surgeries. One of my referrals came home and told me that she overheard Dr. B say, "Stack em & rack 'em - get 'em in!". My last patient who ever went there, told me after that she had no blood work done before her surgery, no cardiogram and was just rushed into the OR late in the day. She was fine, thank god (small infection in the main incision, but it cleared up right away) but she was the 7th surgery that day. 7?!!! They had promised me no more than 3 sleeves and 2 lapbands in a day.
How can you clean and prep an OR in that short of a time? How is there time to clean the equipement between surgeries? People were sleeping on the floor. Staff were goining without sleep. It's just dangerous. This was not what things were like when I had my surgery. I had excellent care. And I wanted excellent care for my people.
I run a small company. We refer people for weight loss surgery. We have a support group, we have a clothing exchange, we work with 2 psychologists, and we stay in constant touch with all our people. I started doing this because I care about people and I just wanted to help others. In fact, I took a large pay cut to do this and gave up an upper-level management position. Because I had such a good experience there last year - the last thing I ever expected was this.
Also, on a personal note - I had my plastics there, and I was (and am) very, very happy with the work Dr. Lara did. But he was told, and then told me that my stiches were all dissolving stitches. Well, some of them didn't dissolve. I emailed him directly (and sent him pictures) to ask him if I should keep waiting, or if I should see my doctor. He emailed back right away, and told me to get in to see my doctor asap and have them taken out. Turns out that the stitches were put in the way you would for dissolving, so you couldn't just snip them off, they were tied in internally. I actually had to have a second surgery at home to get them out and now I have extra scars. Not that's the end of the world that it happened to me... I'm still happy with the outcome. But I couldn't imagine letting anyone I knew go through that. There are safer places to go.
Sooo, basically, that's why I no longer recommend that clinic. I think they are nice people, and I think - like me - lots of us have had a wonderful experience there. But I think they are now doing so many surgeries it's become dangerous.
I have heard of others experiences - people who have posted on OH,but I haven't spoken to them personally, so I just want to stick with what I personally experienced.
I miss being on the boards and I miss all you guys! I don't want to be a part of the 'surgeon wars' but I don't want to see anyone get hurt either :)
I know some people will be upset that I have posted this, some won't believe me, and some will be upset that I haven't posted my opinion earlier. And I agree, I should have posted something ealier. But come what may, I need to - at the very least - be honest about my experience.
Hope that answers your question.
Another infection: -out-Thoughts-re-Dr-Amanza/#33866779
Laurie D.
pembroke pines, fl
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (03/03/10) Member Since: 10/17/02
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/25/10 3:13 pm
I had my surgery on March 3. I had incision infections. When I went to my own doctor to have the stiches removed he did not like the way they looked. I went a week later and they were still infected. My doctor said that he sometimes sees an incistion that has infection, but not all of the incisions with infection. He seemed to think it had to do with hygene in the operating room. Again that is his opinion and I respect it. I am still treating the infection but it is much better.
Other then that I am fine and was treated very well in the recovery house.
Doing surgery until 3AM... Almanza too tired to operate: -out-Thoughts-re-Dr-Amanza/#33874981
Mandyness ..
Metro Atlanta, GA
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (03/06/10) Member Since: 09/26/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/25/10 6:50 pm
It is true about the number of surgeries they do a day. They were working until 3 am on the day I was scheduled to have surgery (Friday), and LUCKILY I got bumped to Saturday which made me the first and only surgery that day.
I had a good experience other than the overscheduling.
Another infection: ATIONS-EMMANUEL-MEDICAL-CENTER-DR-ALMANZA/page,3/#33878213
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (11/10/09) Member Since: 10/20/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/27/10 1:49 pm
I've been lurking on some of these threads too and thought I had to add my voice to Mel's here. I also live in Saskatoon, in fact, I was one of the patients that Mel has mentioned who went for my surgery with Dr. Almanza (in November, not December but close enough) and had a leak. I personally know of one other person on these forums who has blogged about her experience with Dr. Almanza and about her leak in November as well, so I know I'm not the only one in that month alone.
I will say this - Dr. Almanza is a sweet man, he appeared very thorough to me. The clinic was clean to the best of my knowledge, but it certainly did get crowded. And I had to wait a day and a half before they fixed my leak - in fact, I wasn't even told that I had one and was going to be sent back into the OR, Mel had to call me from Canada to tell me. She had kept track of my progress and touched base with the staff there the entire time I was down. I'm glad they caught it before I left, but I was upset that nothing as communicated to me by the staff at the clinic. They sent me home the following day with nothing - no pain pills, no antibiotics. It was straight from the xray to the airport and though it was great to be out of the clinic and on my way home, I was a little put out that I hadn't even gotten to see Dr. Almanza or Mr. B before I left. I guess it happens when you're in such a busy clinic! I think it was the culmination of all of these experiences that she's seen first hand that has caused Mel to stop advocating for Dr. Almanza and the clinics that he works for but I do know that she is not out to bash them or ruin their business and is definitely not criticizing those who have chosen Dr. Almanza as their surgeon - because frankly he was hers, and mine but I can definitely see that, in light of all this new information she just wants to make sure that everyone is FULLY informed before they make their decision going forward. You can't fault her for that.
As for me, I also acquired a severe infection once I got home from the clinic, like I've heard many others talk about. Not just one or two of my incisions but ALL of them were oozing, 2 split back open and I could just touch the area around them and get gobs of puss from them. I am a meticulous person and I followed sanitary instructions to the letter, so I know that it had nothing to do with the products that I was using or the way I was doing it, infection happens to a lot of us and we just have to deal with it as it arises, lung infections were also not uncommon. Luckily enough, Mel was available to take me to a great walk-in clinic doctor here and he cleaned everything, put me on antibiotics and had me on my way. Things have healed up nicely now but I can definitely vouch for some of the things people have said on here with regards to the clinic.
I love my sleeve. I do not ever regret having it and my experience wasn't nightmarish or anything, but it wasn't ideal. If I had any inkling of the number of leaks and infections coming out of that clinic, I would have simply chosen another one. There are so many great surgeons to choose from and even though everyone is going to throw their two cents in on who's the best, I just have to say that the decision is ultimately yours and yours alone. Do as much research as you can, weigh the pros and cons, take everyone's advice and criticisms with a grain of salt and ultimately, go with your gut (or at least...20% of it *lol*).
I can only hope that everyone gives some of these people with complaints or concerns a bit of leeway because really what they're doing is challenging us and trying to understand what's best for them and looking for some sort of an online support forum - how novel?!
Overbooking surgery/Almanza working long hours: -out-Thoughts-re-Dr-Amanza/
Mandyness ..
Metro Atlanta, GA
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (03/06/10) Member Since: 09/26/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/25/10 6:50 pm
It is true about the number of surgeries they do a day. They were working until 3 am on the day I was scheduled to have surgery (Friday), and LUCKILY I got bumped to Saturday which made me the first and only surgery that day.
I had a good experience other than the over-scheduling.
"Doctor" Betancourt treats patients: CENSE-FOR-DR-ANDRES-BETANCOURT/
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (04/07/09) Member Since: 03/27/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/27/10 4:13 pm
Interesting. The story he told me was that he used to be a bariatric surgeon and performed open RNY procedures in the 1980s/90s but that he realized he wasn't a very good surgeon and he didn't enjoy it, so he decided to employ other more talented surgeons instead. He said he wasn't trained or licensed to perform laproscopic surgery anyway.
He did give me a needle in my arm with some sort of narcotic in it when I was there after my tummy tuck. It made me feel woosy, and disoriented. I didn't like it all at, so I just lied and said I wasn't in any pain after that, as I didn't want any more medication.
He does treat and give advice to patients while posing as a doctor. Dr. Almanza is the surgeon, but "Dr." Betancourt certainly presents himself as a phyician, not simply as a business owner of a surgical clinic. This is why I feel morally obligated to say something.
Betancourt poses as licensed MD: CENSE-FOR-DR-ANDRES-BETANCOURT/
Heather D.
Austin, TX
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (10/29/09) Member Since: 08/09/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/27/10 3:46 pm
The story I received was that he had a stroke and could no longer do surgery because of that. This copy of his "license" is much better than the one I saw from MWG. Still, it's shocking. Especially when I think back to the medical advice he gave just while I was there. Like how he told me to "just take whatever" when I asked about something for a sinus infection I developed while at the recovery house (smog + open windows = ugggh). He told two of the four patients who had surgery on the day I did that they could eat whatever they wanted the day before surgery. He said, "Why exercise when you can have plastic surgery?" Lots of things like that.
Thanks for posting this, Mel, and backing up what MWG has been saying for quite awhile now. It's so crazy. I'm just glad I made it out of there with as few problems as I did.
Another infection: er-the-top/page,2/
VSG (10/23/09) Member Since: 05/28/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/24/10 2:58 pm
Dr. Almanza is a fine and experienced (although quite young) VSG surgeon.
The clinic, the recovery house and overall experience is iffy at best.
I was surgery #6 on my day of surgery - plus there was some kind of emergency revision that came in and delayed the whole day. I didn't even go into the OR until almost 7pm. With each passing hour I became more and more nervous that doctor fatigue would in some way harm me - or worse.
I had my surgery there October 22, 2009. On March 9th, 2010 my PCP advised that my surgical wounds are (FINALLY) healed. 4 1/2 months for my surgical incisions to heal!! My incisions were badly infected -- presumably by the sutures that were used by Emmanual that day (my PCPs assumption).
Later, with the high # of infection incidents being reported, Dr. Betancourt did, in fact, advise (via Shirley) that it was all caused by a bad batch of sutures. Why some who went there during that time period had very serious infections and others (like me!) were lucky to just have local site infections, I'll never know. But I do know that I had to be given two more rounds of strong antibiotic and was packing wounds up until about two weeks ago.
My complaints:
1) Too many surgeries in 1 day - unsafe by any standards.
3) Nurses didn't use gloves.
4) Recovery house had very low beds, hard to get in an out of post-op.
5) Recovery house had visiting dogs that urinated and pooped everywhere. They were cute and I love dogs. I just didn't think it was appropriate considering all the new, raw post-ops residing there.
Overall the people are very nice. And the price was right. And VSG is a relatively easy procedure for an experienced surgeon, which Dr. Almanza is. HOWEVER I would ask myself a few important questions before booking with this outfit:
1) Why are there not similar posts about Joya, Aceveses, Pompa, Alvarez, etc....? Or not to the extent. It seems that most all the controversy revolves around one particular clinic.
2) Is any complication worth the extra $1-2K it would cost to go to a clinic/hospital where there doesn't seem to be the level of controversy?
I hope this helps. Oh...and don't EVEN THINK about getting collagen via this clinic. I have been living with a big disaster since 10/22!
Dogs pooping in the recovery house: er-the-top/page,2/
Dr. Almanza is a fine and experienced (although quite young) VSG surgeon.
The clinic, the recovery house and overall experience is iffy at best.
I was surgery #6 on my day of surgery - plus there was some kind of emergency revision that came in and delayed the whole day. I didn't even go into the OR until almost 7pm. With each passing hour I became more and more nervous that doctor fatigue would in some way harm me - or worse.
I had my surgery there October 22, 2009. On March 9th, 2010 my PCP advised that my surgical wounds are (FINALLY) healed. 4 1/2 months for my surgical incisions to heal!! My incisions were badly infected -- presumably by the sutures that were used by Emmanual that day (my PCPs assumption).
Later, with the high # of infection incidents being reported, Dr. Betancourt did, in fact, advise (via Shirley) that it was all caused by a bad batch of sutures. Why some who went there during that time period had very serious infections and others (like me!) were lucky to just have local site infections, I'll never know. But I do know that I had to be given two more rounds of strong antibiotic and was packing wounds up until about two weeks ago.
My complaints:
1) Too many surgeries in 1 day - unsafe by any standards.
3) Nurses didn't use gloves.
4) Recovery house had very low beds, hard to get in an out of post-op.
5) Recovery house had visiting dogs that urinated and pooped everywhere. They were cute and I love dogs. I just didn't think it was appropriate considering all the new, raw post-ops residing there.
Overall the people are very nice. And the price was right. And VSG is a relatively easy procedure for an experienced surgeon, which Dr. Almanza is. HOWEVER I would ask myself a few important questions before booking with this outfit:
1) Why are there not similar posts about Joya, Aceveses, Pompa, Alvarez, etc....? Or not to the extent. It seems that most all the controversy revolves around one particular clinic.
2) Is any complication worth the extra $1-2K it would cost to go to a clinic/hospital where there doesn't seem to be the level of controversy?
I hope this helps. Oh...and don't EVEN THINK about getting collagen via this clinic. I have been living with a big disaster since 10/22!
Another infection: tions/
Clackamas, OR
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes Lap Band (01/27/10) Member Since: 01/14/10
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/30/10 10:01 am
I have been doing really well with my weight loss. I am down 39 pounds in 9 weeks. I have lost a total of 2.5 inches. I went for a fill but because I can only hold 2-3 ounces in my stomach, I did not need one. (I have a 10cc band.) I have had some complications with everything. When I got home from Mexico, I got my first infection. It was a small staph infection at my port site. Antibiotics cleared it up. Two weeks later another staph infection, it started at the port site and spread to underneath my breasts. Again, antibiotics and steroids this time and it cleared up. At the beginning of March another infection, this time it started on the right side of my abdomen and spread to the port site, more antibiotics and steroids to clear it up. Sunday another infection started at the port site, spread from under my breasts, down my abdomen, in my belly button, and then down to my groin area. Again more antibiotics, steroids, pain meds (it is extremely painful), and drainage tubes to help drain the infection. If the antibiotics do not work, I will have to go in for IV antibiotics. I constantly cry because of the pain and smell that comes from the infection. I have missed a lot of work and have fallen behind in school (working on my Bachelor’s Degree) and to be honest have become very depressed. I have had one doctor tell me my body is rejecting the band. Another has told me it was something that happened during surgery, and another one says I need more vitamins. I am only eating what does not upset my stomach. I am taking daily vitamins, cut back on my sugar, have been tested for diabetes, eat yogurt, and still I get these damn infections. I have called the doctor in Mexico and he says just to come back and have the band removed. I am at my wits end here. Oh and to add the cherry to my cake, when I tried to register my band with Lap-Band®, they said my number does not exist. Any thoughts on any of this…….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Another leak/infection where Betancourt was playing doctor; ost-re-Dr-Almanza-on-VSG-board/
Zeeland, MI
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VGB (01/12/10) Member Since: 12/25/09
[Latest Posts] Post Date: 3/26/10 4:47 pm
my husband and I had our surgeries in Jan. with Dr. Almanza, as I had posted back then John did have a leak that developed sometime the day we left, we flew back home and John had emergency surgery to repair the leak. We met PnutFreemom there and had talked to her, the decision to post this had to have been very hard for her and I feel her decision to post this was wise. John and I struggled with how to post the problems that he had and decided to just post the facts, our surgeon here said that the surgery was done correctly but an abcess developed after the leak test was done and that when the drainage tube was pulled that allowed all stomach content to leave his body. John's drainage tube was taken out right before we left at that time there was still alot of drainage (which turns out to be his gatorade coming out his stomach in to the ball) Dr. B didn't seem concerned and we were in a hurry to catch our flight so we left.
We were taken care of very well and things were very clean, as far as infections went we don't think we had any, but our incisions did take a long time to heal completely.
I did feel that the clinic was to busy with to many people there some even spent there second night in a hotel because the recovery house and Dr B's house were full.
WE are doing great and at this point do not regret our decision to have surgery, we are losing weight and feeling great but it was a very long road of recovery for John and a very scary time for both of us.
John and Kari Bush
Another infection:
Okay everyone.... brand new here - (so.... HI!!)
- well, I've been "stalking" the site for a while now but seeing this post today has prompted me to go ahead and register so I could respond.
Let me apologize right away for the excessively lengthy post, but I got started and just couldn't stop!!
My name is Libby.
From all my reading, I feel like I "know" a few of you already! 
I had my sleeve surgery on November 21st, 2009 at Dr. Andres Betancourt's Emmanuel Medical Center with Dr. Almanza... and yes, I too, ended up with a pretty nasty staph infection.
Now, admittedly, my experience was one of rushed plans, lacking in any type of research whatsoever with this hospital / doctor, in particular... I had fully researched and prepped for the mini gastric bypass surgery with Dr. Rutledge in Nevada a year prior but when funding fell through, was left to start over from scratch.
Having come into a little money suddenly on November 19th, I half-heartedly did a few internet searches to take a peek into what the self pay procedures were costing these days - - and stumbled upon a coordinator for Dr. Almanza offering an amazingly alluring fee for the gastric sleeve.
I made the call.... checked a few resources.... and my coordinator, Rita - says, "What are you doing on the 21st?".............. TWO DAYS LATER, she meant......... wow!! So it was a bit of a wild ride from there, but I flew out the next day to San Diego - stayed over at the Holiday Inn Bayside - and met the hospital transport back at the airport the following morning, who took us into Mexico and to the hospital.
The experience (while my family was CERTAIN that I would touch down in the middle of a warzone and awake from surgery having had my organs harvested for the black market!!)
was quite a pleasant one, for the most part.
Very warm and welcoming, the doctors and staff were quite accommodating every step of the way.
The hospital, while simple, was cleaner than some US hospitals I've seen.
The language barrier was something I wish I'd considered a bit more - - but really caused no major issues.... I had what I needed, when I needed it and never felt the least bit "unaccounted for".
The ONLY "issue" I had while in the hospital (which really did seem like a pretty big issue to me) was that the nurses did not wear gloves when working on my IV. They had a very difficult time due to my small "uncooperative" veins, and there were at least four attempts by different staff before the anesthesiologist finally stated that he would put the IV in himself once I was in the operating room.
Moments before I went in, another nurse made a SUCCESSFUL attempt to get the IV in. *thank GOD!!* (OUCH!!)
But, through all the sticks - - all the blood, trying to get the IV in place.... I noticed that none of them had worn gloves.... *note, that I bled quite a bit!*
I mentioned to my "surgery mate" of my concerns.... and she seemed to shrug it off and have no matching concerns of her own..... by then, I was swooshed off to the operating room and when it was over, was too concerned with my recovery too rehash the thought in my mind, I guess.
Two days in the hospital and then on to the recovery house.
I actually stayed at Dr. Bettancourt's private home (a couple doors down from the recovery house) because they were quite full over there and Doc Andres felt I would be more comfortable at his home with his staff. I agreed.
Every aspect of my care was attended to and despite the normal post op pain and discomfort, I enjoyed a very peaceful stay.
I felt that my recovery was going very well, but since I had made the trip alone, had begun missing my family and requested to go home a day early.
All seemed well and arrangements were made for me to go home the next morning.
I have to say, that once I left the hospital - there were no longer "vitals checks", etc. - which I suppose is the norm - - - but had there been a couple of those throughout my recovery stay, it might have been brought to our attention that I was harboring a low grade fever, even the night before I left Mexico.
I noticed that there was some redness around the largest of my incisions... but Doc Andres had checked prior to my going home - and I wasn't really having anything more than what I thought was "expected post op pain" - so... my drainage tube was removed - (MAJORRRR PAINNNNN!!!)
*probably due to the abscess that was already beginning to build* - - - and off I went.
Medical transport across the border (and me with no passport!!) and back to the San Diego airport for my flight home to Fort Worth.
I arrived home around 5pm that evening... (my 4th day out) and was EXHAUSTED, in pain, and light headed........ of course, I was sure that I just overdid it with the flight, walking through the airport, etc. (even though I had to summon a wheel chair transport to get through the airport to my parked vehicle).
Got through the night with my pain meds, cold sponge baths and as much SLEEP as I could get.
The next morning.... more of the same..... but the pain was worsening... my belly was bloating.... redness around the incision was broadening .... I could keep NOTHING down, vomiting and dry heaving.... and in one terrifying moment later that afternoon, my largest incision site burst open, literally FLOWING with an outpour of infectious pus!!
Of course, with no private health insurance - I was another self pay headed to the closest urgent care center for evaluation...
By that time, I had an increase in the fever and the pain was so unbearable, I could barely stand for more than a few seconds at a time.
Seems I was suffering a grapefruit sized abscess at my incision site (which had filled by then, into another of my sites which had also begun to seep)...
The doctor listened to my sleeve experience and surprisingly enough, without judgement, did her best to not only provide excellent care, but to do so while keeping my self pay status in mind.
A culture was done and I received an injection and three prescriptions (after I couldn't tolerate one in particular) to treat staph infection and was warned that I should be hospitalized - and that if ANYTHING worsened or there was not an immediate positive response to the antibiotics, that I would have no choice but to be admitted. I was receiving the highest and most potent treatment available in an outpatient situation.
THANKFULLY...... after three weeks of what I thought must be what hell is like - - I think I am finally on the mend.
While in the urgent care clinic, I did contact one of the coordinators whom I'd never spoken to, but for some reason, had the number for... Shirley..... because the doctor needed to know what antibiotic I had been sent home from Mexico on.
She was cordial.... helpful.... and pleasant. Yet, I never heard from her again.
Yet another coordinator, Michele, (for Patti Lissberger) finally contacted me on 12/10 with a simple "how are you" email.... stating that Patti Lissberger prides herself on her after care contacts and "connections"....
I responded via email to Michele.... (cut and pasted the very email address she had provided).... and received, several days later, a response stating that I must have typed the wrong email address and that I should contact someone directly from the ISA Bariatric website. ::weird::
Again I responded - to three other email addresses, including Patti Lissberger's.... and after a couple more days, received a very generic phone message from Michele.
I didn't bother trying to call her back.
I am making my way...... recovering slowly........ having some issues with tolerating different things.... and I'm sure will have a billion questions throughout the journey....
But for now.... I just wanted to post MY experience and say that while I do believe there are a few things here and there that the Emmanuel Medical Center and staff could improve upon, I can't honestly say that I regret the experience... I may even go back again! (but I will definitely be more aware, more aggressive to state my concerns in the moments that I have them and better versed on what to expect.)
~ Just my 2 cents....
Nice to "meet" you all!!!
~ Libby
Complaints about aftercare issues:
Hi Libby. I remember meeting you there. I can't remember if it was you or your roommate that stated they had the lapband that had tore a 4 inch hole in their stomach and they were getting the sleeve done. The day you all came to the clinic was the day I was checking out to go to the recovery house. I only met you both for a few minutes. I had surgery the same day as Mitzi. Kristina, Tasha and Jesus all had surgery on the 20th. Mitzi also had problems later with a small infection. I haven't heard from any of the others except Jesus and he apparantly didn't have any problems but he had the RNY done.
I also noticed the glove thing and I also mentioned it to my roommate. I also agree about them not checking vitals once you go to the recovery house. I think at the very least they need to check them before they send you home.
I spent one night at Dr. Betancourts house. I enjoyed my stay for the most part aside from being cold most of the time and Dr. Batancourt's spare bed was hard as a rock. I feel everyone treated me good and I have no complaints about that. I worry about the infections going on at the time. That's all I was ever trying to say. I hope they can take care of the problem and people can go home on the mend. Not dealing with more problems, making a bargain surgery cost a lot more in the end.
Future patients are told that those with infections are fake, they never did the surgery. It should be noted that on another board this patient posted emails, an OR report, pre/post op orders, and a detailed description of the hospital and what was in the food pantry:
Hi Bill
Sounds like we will be at Emmanuel with Dr. Almanza at the same time. I'm a patient...vsg...What are you having.
For one thing, this story is totally fake as there was no such surgery done on that date...
I have forwarded the info to Dr. A, his staff, and the site admin. Another fake story was posted on ObesityHelp by a Maria S she altered the details, but mostly the BS! These posts are part of a smear campaign by a poster who gets kickbacks from the mx dr she supports. She attemptst to instill fear in anyone who uses Dr. Almanza. I think it was removed as it could in no way be substantiated. Go back and read NJSleever's posts----doesnt ring true....I am a nurse (17 years ICU) and what she said DID NOT ADD UP whatsoever. If you ask njsleever her for info she cannot, will not provide it.
If you'd like to talk please PM me and we can exchange phone numbers. I cannot give all details publicly as this serious case of slander/libel is under investigation. As a man in business, you can certainly understand that all a man or woman has is his or her good name. Bill, I hope to hear from you and it sounds as if we will be meeting in a few weeks.
Patient feels she must prove she is telling the truth to another Almanza patient having surgery in 2 days:
Holly - I knew that there would be a reply like this soon. Please find my email correspondence confirming my deposit payment for surgery. I am not doing this for any reason but to HELP PEOPLE FROM SUFFERING WHAT I AM SUFFERING. Imagine how I feel to read this while I sit here in a hospital still facing the unknown. There have been successes at Emmanuel and I pray you are one! I do! PM me and I can forward you the post op report they gave me and all my emails. If you were lied to by your coordinator - you may want to challenge her with this information in hand. Below I removed the coordinator and my last names and email addresses as a privacy issue. I also removed my address from the PayPal receipt. Good Luck and God Bless!
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Shirley
To: 'Marie '
Sent: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 17:24:13 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: RE: Receipt for Your Payment to JERUSALEM HOSPITAL Got it!!! RESPECTFULLY, Shirley EMMANUEL MEDICAL
From: Marie
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 9:05 AM
To: shirleyr
Subject: Fwd: Receipt for Your
Payment to JERUSALEM HOSPITAL -out-Thoughts-re-Dr-Amanza/#33866779

Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (04/07/09) Member Since: 03/27/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/25/10 12:32 pm
Hello Emerald,
You may not know me. I used to post on OH frequently, but since I had my TT and BA in January, I really haven't been posting very much. To be completely honest, I've been avoiding the boards, because I'm embarrassed by my naiveté.
I don't want to be publically trashing the clinic, this is not at all my intention. I still believe Dr. Almanza is an excellent surgeon.
I had my surgery with Dr. Almanza last April and I had an absolutely wonderful experience. So much so, that this fall I started my own company and began to refer people to his clinic. Up until January, I had a very high opinion of the clinic. My brother, a doctor, even flew down with me and his best friend had the surgery, which he was able to watch. Everything was good, very clean, very professional - but the surgery took place at the Hospital Vida, not at the new Jerusalem Hospital.
Of the people I sent there, almost half wound up with incision infections - mostly minor. At first, I believed the clinic that they were doing everything they could to find out why and to stop the infections. But, it actually got worse. Three people I know and met in person in January (one was one of my referrals, one was a woman who attends our support groups's sister, and one was a man I met when I was there in Jan) are all still on feeding tubes from the leaks they had after surgery. One of them almost died and was on life-support for over a month. Thankfully she is recovering, although she is still in the hospital and cannot walk on her own. I spoke to her sister yesterday and she is doing well and is in good spirits, but her sister said that she still does not know that she was the 6th sleeve surgery that day.
One of my referrals (a nurse) got an infection so bad, that she needed to go to the hospital every day and get her wound packed for two months. I actually went with her every morning to be with her as it was very painful and I felt responsible. I eventually learned how to clean and pack her wound, and started doing it for her at her home. We jokingly referred to it as our little "dates". I had lunch with her yesterday, and she is doing great now, btw.
Another referral (also a nurse) had a severe infection that took two months to fully heal. He did post on OH, as did another woman who had her surgery also posted about her infection at the same time (she was accussed of being a paid poster, and she was not, btw). Most of the infections wound up being minor. A higher infection rate among obese patients is normal. But that rate should still be under 3-5%. I got really scared when they continued, and I even called several of my clients before they went and told them about the infections and told them that I thought the clinic had fixed the problem (which I had believed), but if they wanted to cancel they could.
Another patient in December had a leak, which they fixed and she suffered no ill-effects (other than an incision infection) you can read her posts on her blog on OH (ezimmer). She was the first leak, and at first I thought she was the 1% who will get one. But as you know, it is higher than 1%. If I personally know 4 people with leaks in just 2 months, then something is really, really wrong. To be fair, one of the leaks wasn't Dr. Almanza's fault as that patient was a revision and the leak was from the scar tissue.
I stopped sending people there after I was there in January because they were doing too many surgeries. One of my referrals came home and told me that she overheard Dr. B say, "Stack em & rack 'em - get 'em in!". My last patient who ever went there, told me after that she had no blood work done before her surgery, no cardiogram and was just rushed into the OR late in the day. She was fine, thank god (small infection in the main incision, but it cleared up right away) but she was the 7th surgery that day. 7?!!! They had promised me no more than 3 sleeves and 2 lapbands in a day.
How can you clean and prep an OR in that short of a time? How is there time to clean the equipement between surgeries? People were sleeping on the floor. Staff were goining without sleep. It's just dangerous. This was not what things were like when I had my surgery. I had excellent care. And I wanted excellent care for my people.
I run a small company. We refer people for weight loss surgery. We have a support group, we have a clothing exchange, we work with 2 psychologists, and we stay in constant touch with all our people. I started doing this because I care about people and I just wanted to help others. In fact, I took a large pay cut to do this and gave up an upper-level management position. Because I had such a good experience there last year - the last thing I ever expected was this.
Also, on a personal note - I had my plastics there, and I was (and am) very, very happy with the work Dr. Lara did. But he was told, and then told me that my stiches were all dissolving stitches. Well, some of them didn't dissolve. I emailed him directly (and sent him pictures) to ask him if I should keep waiting, or if I should see my doctor. He emailed back right away, and told me to get in to see my doctor asap and have them taken out. Turns out that the stitches were put in the way you would for dissolving, so you couldn't just snip them off, they were tied in internally. I actually had to have a second surgery at home to get them out and now I have extra scars. Not that's the end of the world that it happened to me... I'm still happy with the outcome. But I couldn't imagine letting anyone I knew go through that. There are safer places to go.
Sooo, basically, that's why I no longer recommend that clinic. I think they are nice people, and I think - like me - lots of us have had a wonderful experience there. But I think they are now doing so many surgeries it's become dangerous.
I have heard of others experiences - people who have posted on OH,but I haven't spoken to them personally, so I just want to stick with what I personally experienced.
I miss being on the boards and I miss all you guys! I don't want to be a part of the 'surgeon wars' but I don't want to see anyone get hurt either :)
I know some people will be upset that I have posted this, some won't believe me, and some will be upset that I haven't posted my opinion earlier. And I agree, I should have posted something ealier. But come what may, I need to - at the very least - be honest about my experience.
Hope that answers your question.
Another infection: -out-Thoughts-re-Dr-Amanza/#33866779

pembroke pines, fl
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (03/03/10) Member Since: 10/17/02
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/25/10 3:13 pm
I had my surgery on March 3. I had incision infections. When I went to my own doctor to have the stiches removed he did not like the way they looked. I went a week later and they were still infected. My doctor said that he sometimes sees an incistion that has infection, but not all of the incisions with infection. He seemed to think it had to do with hygene in the operating room. Again that is his opinion and I respect it. I am still treating the infection but it is much better.
Other then that I am fine and was treated very well in the recovery house.
Doing surgery until 3AM... Almanza too tired to operate: -out-Thoughts-re-Dr-Amanza/#33874981

Metro Atlanta, GA
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (03/06/10) Member Since: 09/26/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/25/10 6:50 pm
It is true about the number of surgeries they do a day. They were working until 3 am on the day I was scheduled to have surgery (Friday), and LUCKILY I got bumped to Saturday which made me the first and only surgery that day.
I had a good experience other than the overscheduling.
Another infection: ATIONS-EMMANUEL-MEDICAL-CENTER-DR-ALMANZA/page,3/#33878213

Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (11/10/09) Member Since: 10/20/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/27/10 1:49 pm
I've been lurking on some of these threads too and thought I had to add my voice to Mel's here. I also live in Saskatoon, in fact, I was one of the patients that Mel has mentioned who went for my surgery with Dr. Almanza (in November, not December but close enough) and had a leak. I personally know of one other person on these forums who has blogged about her experience with Dr. Almanza and about her leak in November as well, so I know I'm not the only one in that month alone.
I will say this - Dr. Almanza is a sweet man, he appeared very thorough to me. The clinic was clean to the best of my knowledge, but it certainly did get crowded. And I had to wait a day and a half before they fixed my leak - in fact, I wasn't even told that I had one and was going to be sent back into the OR, Mel had to call me from Canada to tell me. She had kept track of my progress and touched base with the staff there the entire time I was down. I'm glad they caught it before I left, but I was upset that nothing as communicated to me by the staff at the clinic. They sent me home the following day with nothing - no pain pills, no antibiotics. It was straight from the xray to the airport and though it was great to be out of the clinic and on my way home, I was a little put out that I hadn't even gotten to see Dr. Almanza or Mr. B before I left. I guess it happens when you're in such a busy clinic! I think it was the culmination of all of these experiences that she's seen first hand that has caused Mel to stop advocating for Dr. Almanza and the clinics that he works for but I do know that she is not out to bash them or ruin their business and is definitely not criticizing those who have chosen Dr. Almanza as their surgeon - because frankly he was hers, and mine but I can definitely see that, in light of all this new information she just wants to make sure that everyone is FULLY informed before they make their decision going forward. You can't fault her for that.
As for me, I also acquired a severe infection once I got home from the clinic, like I've heard many others talk about. Not just one or two of my incisions but ALL of them were oozing, 2 split back open and I could just touch the area around them and get gobs of puss from them. I am a meticulous person and I followed sanitary instructions to the letter, so I know that it had nothing to do with the products that I was using or the way I was doing it, infection happens to a lot of us and we just have to deal with it as it arises, lung infections were also not uncommon. Luckily enough, Mel was available to take me to a great walk-in clinic doctor here and he cleaned everything, put me on antibiotics and had me on my way. Things have healed up nicely now but I can definitely vouch for some of the things people have said on here with regards to the clinic.
I love my sleeve. I do not ever regret having it and my experience wasn't nightmarish or anything, but it wasn't ideal. If I had any inkling of the number of leaks and infections coming out of that clinic, I would have simply chosen another one. There are so many great surgeons to choose from and even though everyone is going to throw their two cents in on who's the best, I just have to say that the decision is ultimately yours and yours alone. Do as much research as you can, weigh the pros and cons, take everyone's advice and criticisms with a grain of salt and ultimately, go with your gut (or at least...20% of it *lol*).
I can only hope that everyone gives some of these people with complaints or concerns a bit of leeway because really what they're doing is challenging us and trying to understand what's best for them and looking for some sort of an online support forum - how novel?!
Overbooking surgery/Almanza working long hours: -out-Thoughts-re-Dr-Amanza/

Metro Atlanta, GA
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (03/06/10) Member Since: 09/26/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/25/10 6:50 pm
It is true about the number of surgeries they do a day. They were working until 3 am on the day I was scheduled to have surgery (Friday), and LUCKILY I got bumped to Saturday which made me the first and only surgery that day.
I had a good experience other than the over-scheduling.
"Doctor" Betancourt treats patients: CENSE-FOR-DR-ANDRES-BETANCOURT/

Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (04/07/09) Member Since: 03/27/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/27/10 4:13 pm
Interesting. The story he told me was that he used to be a bariatric surgeon and performed open RNY procedures in the 1980s/90s but that he realized he wasn't a very good surgeon and he didn't enjoy it, so he decided to employ other more talented surgeons instead. He said he wasn't trained or licensed to perform laproscopic surgery anyway.
He did give me a needle in my arm with some sort of narcotic in it when I was there after my tummy tuck. It made me feel woosy, and disoriented. I didn't like it all at, so I just lied and said I wasn't in any pain after that, as I didn't want any more medication.
He does treat and give advice to patients while posing as a doctor. Dr. Almanza is the surgeon, but "Dr." Betancourt certainly presents himself as a phyician, not simply as a business owner of a surgical clinic. This is why I feel morally obligated to say something.
Betancourt poses as licensed MD: CENSE-FOR-DR-ANDRES-BETANCOURT/

Austin, TX
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VSG (10/29/09) Member Since: 08/09/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/27/10 3:46 pm
The story I received was that he had a stroke and could no longer do surgery because of that. This copy of his "license" is much better than the one I saw from MWG. Still, it's shocking. Especially when I think back to the medical advice he gave just while I was there. Like how he told me to "just take whatever" when I asked about something for a sinus infection I developed while at the recovery house (smog + open windows = ugggh). He told two of the four patients who had surgery on the day I did that they could eat whatever they wanted the day before surgery. He said, "Why exercise when you can have plastic surgery?" Lots of things like that.
Thanks for posting this, Mel, and backing up what MWG has been saying for quite awhile now. It's so crazy. I'm just glad I made it out of there with as few problems as I did.
Another infection: er-the-top/page,2/

VSG (10/23/09) Member Since: 05/28/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/24/10 2:58 pm
Dr. Almanza is a fine and experienced (although quite young) VSG surgeon.
The clinic, the recovery house and overall experience is iffy at best.
I was surgery #6 on my day of surgery - plus there was some kind of emergency revision that came in and delayed the whole day. I didn't even go into the OR until almost 7pm. With each passing hour I became more and more nervous that doctor fatigue would in some way harm me - or worse.
I had my surgery there October 22, 2009. On March 9th, 2010 my PCP advised that my surgical wounds are (FINALLY) healed. 4 1/2 months for my surgical incisions to heal!! My incisions were badly infected -- presumably by the sutures that were used by Emmanual that day (my PCPs assumption).
Later, with the high # of infection incidents being reported, Dr. Betancourt did, in fact, advise (via Shirley) that it was all caused by a bad batch of sutures. Why some who went there during that time period had very serious infections and others (like me!) were lucky to just have local site infections, I'll never know. But I do know that I had to be given two more rounds of strong antibiotic and was packing wounds up until about two weeks ago.
My complaints:
1) Too many surgeries in 1 day - unsafe by any standards.
3) Nurses didn't use gloves.
4) Recovery house had very low beds, hard to get in an out of post-op.
5) Recovery house had visiting dogs that urinated and pooped everywhere. They were cute and I love dogs. I just didn't think it was appropriate considering all the new, raw post-ops residing there.
Overall the people are very nice. And the price was right. And VSG is a relatively easy procedure for an experienced surgeon, which Dr. Almanza is. HOWEVER I would ask myself a few important questions before booking with this outfit:
1) Why are there not similar posts about Joya, Aceveses, Pompa, Alvarez, etc....? Or not to the extent. It seems that most all the controversy revolves around one particular clinic.
2) Is any complication worth the extra $1-2K it would cost to go to a clinic/hospital where there doesn't seem to be the level of controversy?
I hope this helps. Oh...and don't EVEN THINK about getting collagen via this clinic. I have been living with a big disaster since 10/22!
Dogs pooping in the recovery house: er-the-top/page,2/
Dr. Almanza is a fine and experienced (although quite young) VSG surgeon.
The clinic, the recovery house and overall experience is iffy at best.
I was surgery #6 on my day of surgery - plus there was some kind of emergency revision that came in and delayed the whole day. I didn't even go into the OR until almost 7pm. With each passing hour I became more and more nervous that doctor fatigue would in some way harm me - or worse.
I had my surgery there October 22, 2009. On March 9th, 2010 my PCP advised that my surgical wounds are (FINALLY) healed. 4 1/2 months for my surgical incisions to heal!! My incisions were badly infected -- presumably by the sutures that were used by Emmanual that day (my PCPs assumption).
Later, with the high # of infection incidents being reported, Dr. Betancourt did, in fact, advise (via Shirley) that it was all caused by a bad batch of sutures. Why some who went there during that time period had very serious infections and others (like me!) were lucky to just have local site infections, I'll never know. But I do know that I had to be given two more rounds of strong antibiotic and was packing wounds up until about two weeks ago.
My complaints:
1) Too many surgeries in 1 day - unsafe by any standards.
3) Nurses didn't use gloves.
4) Recovery house had very low beds, hard to get in an out of post-op.
5) Recovery house had visiting dogs that urinated and pooped everywhere. They were cute and I love dogs. I just didn't think it was appropriate considering all the new, raw post-ops residing there.
Overall the people are very nice. And the price was right. And VSG is a relatively easy procedure for an experienced surgeon, which Dr. Almanza is. HOWEVER I would ask myself a few important questions before booking with this outfit:
1) Why are there not similar posts about Joya, Aceveses, Pompa, Alvarez, etc....? Or not to the extent. It seems that most all the controversy revolves around one particular clinic.
2) Is any complication worth the extra $1-2K it would cost to go to a clinic/hospital where there doesn't seem to be the level of controversy?
I hope this helps. Oh...and don't EVEN THINK about getting collagen via this clinic. I have been living with a big disaster since 10/22!
Another infection: tions/

Clackamas, OR
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes Lap Band (01/27/10) Member Since: 01/14/10
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 3/30/10 10:01 am
I have been doing really well with my weight loss. I am down 39 pounds in 9 weeks. I have lost a total of 2.5 inches. I went for a fill but because I can only hold 2-3 ounces in my stomach, I did not need one. (I have a 10cc band.) I have had some complications with everything. When I got home from Mexico, I got my first infection. It was a small staph infection at my port site. Antibiotics cleared it up. Two weeks later another staph infection, it started at the port site and spread to underneath my breasts. Again, antibiotics and steroids this time and it cleared up. At the beginning of March another infection, this time it started on the right side of my abdomen and spread to the port site, more antibiotics and steroids to clear it up. Sunday another infection started at the port site, spread from under my breasts, down my abdomen, in my belly button, and then down to my groin area. Again more antibiotics, steroids, pain meds (it is extremely painful), and drainage tubes to help drain the infection. If the antibiotics do not work, I will have to go in for IV antibiotics. I constantly cry because of the pain and smell that comes from the infection. I have missed a lot of work and have fallen behind in school (working on my Bachelor’s Degree) and to be honest have become very depressed. I have had one doctor tell me my body is rejecting the band. Another has told me it was something that happened during surgery, and another one says I need more vitamins. I am only eating what does not upset my stomach. I am taking daily vitamins, cut back on my sugar, have been tested for diabetes, eat yogurt, and still I get these damn infections. I have called the doctor in Mexico and he says just to come back and have the band removed. I am at my wits end here. Oh and to add the cherry to my cake, when I tried to register my band with Lap-Band®, they said my number does not exist. Any thoughts on any of this…….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Another leak/infection where Betancourt was playing doctor; ost-re-Dr-Almanza-on-VSG-board/

Zeeland, MI
Mario Alberto Almanza-Reyes VGB (01/12/10) Member Since: 12/25/09
[Latest Posts] Post Date: 3/26/10 4:47 pm
my husband and I had our surgeries in Jan. with Dr. Almanza, as I had posted back then John did have a leak that developed sometime the day we left, we flew back home and John had emergency surgery to repair the leak. We met PnutFreemom there and had talked to her, the decision to post this had to have been very hard for her and I feel her decision to post this was wise. John and I struggled with how to post the problems that he had and decided to just post the facts, our surgeon here said that the surgery was done correctly but an abcess developed after the leak test was done and that when the drainage tube was pulled that allowed all stomach content to leave his body. John's drainage tube was taken out right before we left at that time there was still alot of drainage (which turns out to be his gatorade coming out his stomach in to the ball) Dr. B didn't seem concerned and we were in a hurry to catch our flight so we left.
We were taken care of very well and things were very clean, as far as infections went we don't think we had any, but our incisions did take a long time to heal completely.
I did feel that the clinic was to busy with to many people there some even spent there second night in a hotel because the recovery house and Dr B's house were full.
WE are doing great and at this point do not regret our decision to have surgery, we are losing weight and feeling great but it was a very long road of recovery for John and a very scary time for both of us.
John and Kari Bush
Another infection:
Okay everyone.... brand new here - (so.... HI!!)

Let me apologize right away for the excessively lengthy post, but I got started and just couldn't stop!!

My name is Libby.

I had my sleeve surgery on November 21st, 2009 at Dr. Andres Betancourt's Emmanuel Medical Center with Dr. Almanza... and yes, I too, ended up with a pretty nasty staph infection.
Now, admittedly, my experience was one of rushed plans, lacking in any type of research whatsoever with this hospital / doctor, in particular... I had fully researched and prepped for the mini gastric bypass surgery with Dr. Rutledge in Nevada a year prior but when funding fell through, was left to start over from scratch.
Having come into a little money suddenly on November 19th, I half-heartedly did a few internet searches to take a peek into what the self pay procedures were costing these days - - and stumbled upon a coordinator for Dr. Almanza offering an amazingly alluring fee for the gastric sleeve.
I made the call.... checked a few resources.... and my coordinator, Rita - says, "What are you doing on the 21st?".............. TWO DAYS LATER, she meant......... wow!! So it was a bit of a wild ride from there, but I flew out the next day to San Diego - stayed over at the Holiday Inn Bayside - and met the hospital transport back at the airport the following morning, who took us into Mexico and to the hospital.
The experience (while my family was CERTAIN that I would touch down in the middle of a warzone and awake from surgery having had my organs harvested for the black market!!)

Very warm and welcoming, the doctors and staff were quite accommodating every step of the way.
The hospital, while simple, was cleaner than some US hospitals I've seen.
The language barrier was something I wish I'd considered a bit more - - but really caused no major issues.... I had what I needed, when I needed it and never felt the least bit "unaccounted for".
The ONLY "issue" I had while in the hospital (which really did seem like a pretty big issue to me) was that the nurses did not wear gloves when working on my IV. They had a very difficult time due to my small "uncooperative" veins, and there were at least four attempts by different staff before the anesthesiologist finally stated that he would put the IV in himself once I was in the operating room.
Moments before I went in, another nurse made a SUCCESSFUL attempt to get the IV in. *thank GOD!!* (OUCH!!)

But, through all the sticks - - all the blood, trying to get the IV in place.... I noticed that none of them had worn gloves.... *note, that I bled quite a bit!*
I mentioned to my "surgery mate" of my concerns.... and she seemed to shrug it off and have no matching concerns of her own..... by then, I was swooshed off to the operating room and when it was over, was too concerned with my recovery too rehash the thought in my mind, I guess.
Two days in the hospital and then on to the recovery house.
I actually stayed at Dr. Bettancourt's private home (a couple doors down from the recovery house) because they were quite full over there and Doc Andres felt I would be more comfortable at his home with his staff. I agreed.
Every aspect of my care was attended to and despite the normal post op pain and discomfort, I enjoyed a very peaceful stay.
I felt that my recovery was going very well, but since I had made the trip alone, had begun missing my family and requested to go home a day early.
All seemed well and arrangements were made for me to go home the next morning.
I have to say, that once I left the hospital - there were no longer "vitals checks", etc. - which I suppose is the norm - - - but had there been a couple of those throughout my recovery stay, it might have been brought to our attention that I was harboring a low grade fever, even the night before I left Mexico.

I noticed that there was some redness around the largest of my incisions... but Doc Andres had checked prior to my going home - and I wasn't really having anything more than what I thought was "expected post op pain" - so... my drainage tube was removed - (MAJORRRR PAINNNNN!!!)

Medical transport across the border (and me with no passport!!) and back to the San Diego airport for my flight home to Fort Worth.
I arrived home around 5pm that evening... (my 4th day out) and was EXHAUSTED, in pain, and light headed........ of course, I was sure that I just overdid it with the flight, walking through the airport, etc. (even though I had to summon a wheel chair transport to get through the airport to my parked vehicle).
Got through the night with my pain meds, cold sponge baths and as much SLEEP as I could get.
The next morning.... more of the same..... but the pain was worsening... my belly was bloating.... redness around the incision was broadening .... I could keep NOTHING down, vomiting and dry heaving.... and in one terrifying moment later that afternoon, my largest incision site burst open, literally FLOWING with an outpour of infectious pus!!

Of course, with no private health insurance - I was another self pay headed to the closest urgent care center for evaluation...
By that time, I had an increase in the fever and the pain was so unbearable, I could barely stand for more than a few seconds at a time.
Seems I was suffering a grapefruit sized abscess at my incision site (which had filled by then, into another of my sites which had also begun to seep)...
The doctor listened to my sleeve experience and surprisingly enough, without judgement, did her best to not only provide excellent care, but to do so while keeping my self pay status in mind.
A culture was done and I received an injection and three prescriptions (after I couldn't tolerate one in particular) to treat staph infection and was warned that I should be hospitalized - and that if ANYTHING worsened or there was not an immediate positive response to the antibiotics, that I would have no choice but to be admitted. I was receiving the highest and most potent treatment available in an outpatient situation.
THANKFULLY...... after three weeks of what I thought must be what hell is like - - I think I am finally on the mend.

While in the urgent care clinic, I did contact one of the coordinators whom I'd never spoken to, but for some reason, had the number for... Shirley..... because the doctor needed to know what antibiotic I had been sent home from Mexico on.
She was cordial.... helpful.... and pleasant. Yet, I never heard from her again.
Yet another coordinator, Michele, (for Patti Lissberger) finally contacted me on 12/10 with a simple "how are you" email.... stating that Patti Lissberger prides herself on her after care contacts and "connections"....
I responded via email to Michele.... (cut and pasted the very email address she had provided).... and received, several days later, a response stating that I must have typed the wrong email address and that I should contact someone directly from the ISA Bariatric website. ::weird::
Again I responded - to three other email addresses, including Patti Lissberger's.... and after a couple more days, received a very generic phone message from Michele.
I didn't bother trying to call her back.
I am making my way...... recovering slowly........ having some issues with tolerating different things.... and I'm sure will have a billion questions throughout the journey....
But for now.... I just wanted to post MY experience and say that while I do believe there are a few things here and there that the Emmanuel Medical Center and staff could improve upon, I can't honestly say that I regret the experience... I may even go back again! (but I will definitely be more aware, more aggressive to state my concerns in the moments that I have them and better versed on what to expect.)
~ Just my 2 cents....

Nice to "meet" you all!!!

~ Libby
Complaints about aftercare issues:
Hi Libby. I remember meeting you there. I can't remember if it was you or your roommate that stated they had the lapband that had tore a 4 inch hole in their stomach and they were getting the sleeve done. The day you all came to the clinic was the day I was checking out to go to the recovery house. I only met you both for a few minutes. I had surgery the same day as Mitzi. Kristina, Tasha and Jesus all had surgery on the 20th. Mitzi also had problems later with a small infection. I haven't heard from any of the others except Jesus and he apparantly didn't have any problems but he had the RNY done.
I also noticed the glove thing and I also mentioned it to my roommate. I also agree about them not checking vitals once you go to the recovery house. I think at the very least they need to check them before they send you home.
I spent one night at Dr. Betancourts house. I enjoyed my stay for the most part aside from being cold most of the time and Dr. Batancourt's spare bed was hard as a rock. I feel everyone treated me good and I have no complaints about that. I worry about the infections going on at the time. That's all I was ever trying to say. I hope they can take care of the problem and people can go home on the mend. Not dealing with more problems, making a bargain surgery cost a lot more in the end.
Future patients are told that those with infections are fake, they never did the surgery. It should be noted that on another board this patient posted emails, an OR report, pre/post op orders, and a detailed description of the hospital and what was in the food pantry:
Hi Bill
Sounds like we will be at Emmanuel with Dr. Almanza at the same time. I'm a patient...vsg...What are you having.
For one thing, this story is totally fake as there was no such surgery done on that date...
I have forwarded the info to Dr. A, his staff, and the site admin. Another fake story was posted on ObesityHelp by a Maria S she altered the details, but mostly the BS! These posts are part of a smear campaign by a poster who gets kickbacks from the mx dr she supports. She attemptst to instill fear in anyone who uses Dr. Almanza. I think it was removed as it could in no way be substantiated. Go back and read NJSleever's posts----doesnt ring true....I am a nurse (17 years ICU) and what she said DID NOT ADD UP whatsoever. If you ask njsleever her for info she cannot, will not provide it.
If you'd like to talk please PM me and we can exchange phone numbers. I cannot give all details publicly as this serious case of slander/libel is under investigation. As a man in business, you can certainly understand that all a man or woman has is his or her good name. Bill, I hope to hear from you and it sounds as if we will be meeting in a few weeks.
Patient feels she must prove she is telling the truth to another Almanza patient having surgery in 2 days:
Holly - I knew that there would be a reply like this soon. Please find my email correspondence confirming my deposit payment for surgery. I am not doing this for any reason but to HELP PEOPLE FROM SUFFERING WHAT I AM SUFFERING. Imagine how I feel to read this while I sit here in a hospital still facing the unknown. There have been successes at Emmanuel and I pray you are one! I do! PM me and I can forward you the post op report they gave me and all my emails. If you were lied to by your coordinator - you may want to challenge her with this information in hand. Below I removed the coordinator and my last names and email addresses as a privacy issue. I also removed my address from the PayPal receipt. Good Luck and God Bless!
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From: Shirley
To: 'Marie '
Sent: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 17:24:13 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: RE: Receipt for Your Payment to JERUSALEM HOSPITAL Got it!!! RESPECTFULLY, Shirley EMMANUEL MEDICAL
From: Marie
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 9:05 AM
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Subject: Fwd: Receipt for Your
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