I really don't get it.....
Hey guys,
Today was the start of my 10 day liquid diet so maybe this is why I'm feeling as agitated as I am today. Regardless, I need to vent/ask some questions of my veteran Mexico WLS friends that I have come to know and love.
1.) Did anyone here have a coordinator that was just...how to I put this....not coordinated!? LOL. I asked my coordinator a week ago, do I need to be on a liquid diet prior to surgery? To which she said...nope. For some reason, that just didn't seem correct for the type of surgery I was having and for my high BMI, so I called the doctor's office myself, sure enough, they want me on a 10 day liquid diet! Why wouldn't she have looked at my health questionairre and said, "Oh yea, I should let her know.". Ridiculous.....
2.) Then I send an e-mail asking what I need to do to pay the hospital by credit card before I go down there....knowing that half of it is going on my grandmothers credit card (she was amazing enough to help me out), and she tells me to bring the cards with me to Mexico. I do not want to bring the cards to Mexico so what do I do, I call the hospital directly and they told me they can take credit cards right over the phone and e-mail the receipt. Look at that!
3.) I asked her if I was going to be picked up at the airport or my hotel. She confirmed they would come directly to my hotel in San Diego. I asked what time and she said between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. but the drivers run on "slow time" so not to worry if they are late. Is this true? Was anyone else's driver on "slow time"?
I guess all of this is getting to me because I feel like I am doing most of the legwork here. It's not rocket science! Maybe I'm just feeling this way because I am on my first day of my liquid diet and I'm irritable. But honestly, dealing with her and than dealing with my family....it's crazy. My elderly grandmother needs me to do her food shopping for her every Sat. and I faithfully do it, but REALLY? No one else, like my mom, her brother, my sister, or my Dad could step up and do it today seeing as how being in a supermarket really isnt the best thing for someone in my shoes right now? No one? Of course, they felt bad and as I was leaving to head back to my own house, they said, "Oh, we picked up a few things for you at the store for you to bring home". They bought 2% milk when I can only drink skim, Carnation Instant Breakfast but not the sugar free kind which is the only one I can have, and popsicles, not sugar free so I cant take them. Honestly, it seems like no one listens and although I appreciate their efforts, it sort of hurt me that they weren't paying attention to what I was saying to them, I even gave them a copy of the list!
I know, I know, I'm 28 years old and I shouldn't be complaining like this, but it was just one of those days...
Talk to you guys later,
xox Kel
Today was the start of my 10 day liquid diet so maybe this is why I'm feeling as agitated as I am today. Regardless, I need to vent/ask some questions of my veteran Mexico WLS friends that I have come to know and love.
1.) Did anyone here have a coordinator that was just...how to I put this....not coordinated!? LOL. I asked my coordinator a week ago, do I need to be on a liquid diet prior to surgery? To which she said...nope. For some reason, that just didn't seem correct for the type of surgery I was having and for my high BMI, so I called the doctor's office myself, sure enough, they want me on a 10 day liquid diet! Why wouldn't she have looked at my health questionairre and said, "Oh yea, I should let her know.". Ridiculous.....
2.) Then I send an e-mail asking what I need to do to pay the hospital by credit card before I go down there....knowing that half of it is going on my grandmothers credit card (she was amazing enough to help me out), and she tells me to bring the cards with me to Mexico. I do not want to bring the cards to Mexico so what do I do, I call the hospital directly and they told me they can take credit cards right over the phone and e-mail the receipt. Look at that!
3.) I asked her if I was going to be picked up at the airport or my hotel. She confirmed they would come directly to my hotel in San Diego. I asked what time and she said between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. but the drivers run on "slow time" so not to worry if they are late. Is this true? Was anyone else's driver on "slow time"?
I guess all of this is getting to me because I feel like I am doing most of the legwork here. It's not rocket science! Maybe I'm just feeling this way because I am on my first day of my liquid diet and I'm irritable. But honestly, dealing with her and than dealing with my family....it's crazy. My elderly grandmother needs me to do her food shopping for her every Sat. and I faithfully do it, but REALLY? No one else, like my mom, her brother, my sister, or my Dad could step up and do it today seeing as how being in a supermarket really isnt the best thing for someone in my shoes right now? No one? Of course, they felt bad and as I was leaving to head back to my own house, they said, "Oh, we picked up a few things for you at the store for you to bring home". They bought 2% milk when I can only drink skim, Carnation Instant Breakfast but not the sugar free kind which is the only one I can have, and popsicles, not sugar free so I cant take them. Honestly, it seems like no one listens and although I appreciate their efforts, it sort of hurt me that they weren't paying attention to what I was saying to them, I even gave them a copy of the list!
I know, I know, I'm 28 years old and I shouldn't be complaining like this, but it was just one of those days...
Talk to you guys later,
xox Kel
Hi Kel,
I'm sorry to hear your coordinator isn't doing such a great job. It kinda sucks because I'm sure you're experiencing pre surgery nerves and I would definitely think your coordinator would be on top of things. It basically sounds like you're doing a lot of her work..bummer
It's a good thing you checked into those things..good call on your part!
Good luck with your surgery and I hope everything else goes according to plan
I'm sorry to hear your coordinator isn't doing such a great job. It kinda sucks because I'm sure you're experiencing pre surgery nerves and I would definitely think your coordinator would be on top of things. It basically sounds like you're doing a lot of her work..bummer
It's a good thing you checked into those things..good call on your part!

Good luck with your surgery and I hope everything else goes according to plan
Sam could be right. But you could also call the DR direct, as you did before, and tell them what's going on and that you're not happy and can you be reassigned to a different (=competent) coordinator. Why should she be paid for YOU doing all the leg work? As for your family, they are either brutally insensitive and self-absorbed, OR they are subconsciously trying to sabotage you (people do NOT like change).
Either way, we are here for you. Hang in there - you are almost there! Remember, success is the best revenge!! LOL!
See you on the loser's bench!!!
Either way, we are here for you. Hang in there - you are almost there! Remember, success is the best revenge!! LOL!
See you on the loser's bench!!!
Keep in mind this is a bit of a drive thru service. You are going to have to advocate for yourself through the enitre process. You will get your surgery but the before and aftercare is going to be up to you. Coordinators are interesting. I had one that was clueless and another who is a bit overzealous. Don't worry, the driver will come for you. Yes, they may be on mexico time, but it all comes together. Hang in there!
Actually I did have a bad coordinator at first, just like the one you describe. She stopped responding to my emails, and then her "assistant" responded and didn't even know what surgery I was having. I instantly emailed her to let her know her services were no longer needed, and went with another coordinator, with whom I have been thrilled. I feel for you!