Dr. mario alberto almanza-reyes
To: people who are trying to put down midwesterngirl or any other people that actually give a dang about you people who are posting stuff telling us to GO AWAY!!!!!! 
Hey, your talking to lady who knows her stuff. She's not trying to scare people. She's trying to help people from going through what my mother is going through AS I TYPE THIS. Trying to scare people? PSH, I wish she would've scared me and my momma from going to this hospital/clinic.. whatever they want it to be for a day.. then we would not have to be going through HELL right now!!!!!!! You people think that our stories are fake? Go look at my pictures, read my blogs... these stories are not fake people. I'm sixteen years old, my mom's... scratch that, my best friend is on a ventilator. I haven't talked to her in 9 days because she can't talk back. I haven't seen her smile, laugh, talk, walk, BREATH ON HER OWN in 9 days! My family and I didn't blame Dr. almanza for this. We didn't , until my mom got back home and had to be rushed to the hospital THREE HOURS AFTER ARRIVING HOME, HAD EMERGENCY SURGERY, and the doctor found 5 abscess. Abscess DO NOT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT. SOOOO, Dr. Almanza HAD TO HAVE SEEN THIS WHEN HE WAS OPERATING and just sent her on her way like she would never ever find out. I will speak about this until the day that I die, regardless of people like you telling us to GO AWAY.

Hey, your talking to lady who knows her stuff. She's not trying to scare people. She's trying to help people from going through what my mother is going through AS I TYPE THIS. Trying to scare people? PSH, I wish she would've scared me and my momma from going to this hospital/clinic.. whatever they want it to be for a day.. then we would not have to be going through HELL right now!!!!!!! You people think that our stories are fake? Go look at my pictures, read my blogs... these stories are not fake people. I'm sixteen years old, my mom's... scratch that, my best friend is on a ventilator. I haven't talked to her in 9 days because she can't talk back. I haven't seen her smile, laugh, talk, walk, BREATH ON HER OWN in 9 days! My family and I didn't blame Dr. almanza for this. We didn't , until my mom got back home and had to be rushed to the hospital THREE HOURS AFTER ARRIVING HOME, HAD EMERGENCY SURGERY, and the doctor found 5 abscess. Abscess DO NOT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT. SOOOO, Dr. Almanza HAD TO HAVE SEEN THIS WHEN HE WAS OPERATING and just sent her on her way like she would never ever find out. I will speak about this until the day that I die, regardless of people like you telling us to GO AWAY.
RNY on 05/03/13 with
i am so sorry ur mom is going thru this i will say a prayer. i know i just had surgery a lil over a week ago with the same dr and i have had an excellent experience. everyone is different and there r always risks i will keep ur mom in my prayers
see ya lighter,
(deactivated member)
on 6/4/10 2:30 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 6/4/10 2:30 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
" There are always risks "
What the hell kinda bull**** condescending statement is that ?
Everybody knows there are always risks with any surgery, but the risks are higher with DR. Almanzas patients.
This thread is not about how great your experience was with the great doctor. THIS thread was about how her mother is doing and it should serve as a WARNING to others out there that are considering using this doctor in the future.
What the hell kinda bull**** condescending statement is that ?
Everybody knows there are always risks with any surgery, but the risks are higher with DR. Almanzas patients.
This thread is not about how great your experience was with the great doctor. THIS thread was about how her mother is doing and it should serve as a WARNING to others out there that are considering using this doctor in the future.
RNY on 05/03/13 with
woah!!!! i think u need to calm down sweetie
i meant no harm. however , i did have dr Almanza and had a wonderful experience too
and because of my good experience i will continue to talk about it . and as for her mother again im truly sorry and will continue praying for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i meant no harm. however , i did have dr Almanza and had a wonderful experience too
and because of my good experience i will continue to talk about it . and as for her mother again im truly sorry and will continue praying for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see ya lighter,
RNY on 05/03/13 with
your most welcome sweetie , there is a site " st therese " u can leave a prayer of petition for ur mom
here is the website
just so u know i lost my mom when i was 18 so i know how upset u r and i understand
here is the website
just so u know i lost my mom when i was 18 so i know how upset u r and i understand
see ya lighter,
(deactivated member)
on 6/4/10 2:23 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 6/4/10 2:23 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
Please PM me if some insensitive jerk leaves you a bull**** reply. I don't usually hang out on this board, but I would like to back you up if they want to "Go there"
Sending positive thoughts your way.
Sending positive thoughts your way.

RNY on 05/03/13 with
i really hope u werent implying that i was an insensitive jerk as you put it!!!
i am a grown woman and i act accordingly !!!!
i am a grown woman and i act accordingly !!!!
see ya lighter,
(deactivated member)
on 6/4/10 7:33 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 6/4/10 7:33 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On June 4, 2010 at 1:08 PM Pacific Time, browneyedDeeva wrote:
i really hope u werent implying that i was an insensitive jerk as you put it!!! i am a grown woman and i act accordingly !!!!