So, if we can't chew gum...
If we can't chew gum, what do you do to take care of the rank protein breath? I'm all OCD about smelling good, both body and breath and I used to chew sugarless gum all day long. I never worried about my breath and my teeth stayed super white.
Now, I can't chew gum and I've noticed that I have that funky protein breath thing going on sometimes. My teeth aren't as white either.
So, what do you do to keep all that under control if you can't chew gum?!
I like the mini sugar-free Altoids.� I've only found them at Target in the check-out aisle.� They come in a small tin and are much smaller than the normal sized Altoids so they aren't so powerful but they are great....especially when I've got that rank post-shake nastiness going on :)
and of course, they are sugar-free unlike the originals
Edited to add: they are called "Altoid Smalls"
and of course, they are sugar-free unlike the originals

Edited to add: they are called "Altoid Smalls"
You are free to chew gum as long as you do not swallow it, that is the concern.
Monkey breath... whole different story. ;o)