My ah-ha moment that lead me here (to WLS)
I know we all have our reasons for endng up here on these boards ect. but I wanted to share mine. First let me say that I didnt have weight issues until my late teens early 20's. I went on the depo shot for birth control and it reaked havoc on my body. Anyway gained about 20 lbs in that year. Then got married, had a child you all know the drill...:) Overall gaines about 60 then..Well lost all the weight when I was 28 and got divorced lost some more. Then got remarried and here we go again, now the biggest I have ever been. I have been in denial for about 3 yrs about how big I had gotten and let it go. Now we have made it to my ah ha day. My daughter was receiving an award at her middle school (most improved science) and I took my niece with me to the presentation. Well after my niece tells me my daughter may get into trouble at school the next day but didnt want to tell me. I thought it was because she had been bad and didnt want to get into trouble. I made her tell me and this is what she said... "mom I got into trouble because I slapped a boy at school because he called you fat".. I did my best "thats ok honey" smile and told her thank you for the gesture but it was not ok to hit anybody and I acted like I was ok but I was dying inside. I was heart broken that I had let this happen to me and that me own child had to defend me. I was embarassed and ashamed. My mom and aunt and grandmother are all over weight. I am following in those footsteps and if I dont stop the cycle so will my daughter. So here I am praying this will be the tool I need to change my life and hers. So thanks for reading and I would love to hear your stories too!
Your post brought tears to my eyes. It's a heck of a thing to realize how what we do effects not only ourselves, but those we love so much.
I agree with the point you made to your daughter about knocking the snot out of the jerk kid. I also hope you are proud of the sense of family you instilled in your daughter and the self-assurance your daughter has.
Good luck and I will be looking for the great progress you will make.
I will be 11 months out on Sunday and have lost a total of 82 pounds (63 post surgery). My weight is fairly stable at 150-ish and I really feel well both physically and emotionally.
....just one her how to make a fist so next time she can really knock the crap out of 'em!
Your post brought tears to my eyes. It's a heck of a thing to realize how what we do effects not only ourselves, but those we love so much.
I agree with the point you made to your daughter about knocking the snot out of the jerk kid. I also hope you are proud of the sense of family you instilled in your daughter and the self-assurance your daughter has.
Good luck and I will be looking for the great progress you will make.
I will be 11 months out on Sunday and have lost a total of 82 pounds (63 post surgery). My weight is fairly stable at 150-ish and I really feel well both physically and emotionally.
....just one her how to make a fist so next time she can really knock the crap out of 'em!
On May 13, 2010 at 2:18 PM Pacific Time, N H. wrote:
Sam,Your post brought tears to my eyes. It's a heck of a thing to realize how what we do effects not only ourselves, but those we love so much.
I agree with the point you made to your daughter about knocking the snot out of the jerk kid. I also hope you are proud of the sense of family you instilled in your daughter and the self-assurance your daughter has.
Good luck and I will be looking for the great progress you will make.
I will be 11 months out on Sunday and have lost a total of 82 pounds (63 post surgery). My weight is fairly stable at 150-ish and I really feel well both physically and emotionally.
....just one her how to make a fist so next time she can really knock the crap out of 'em!
(Although I wish I couldve seen it)

I am ready for a happy ending!!
RNY on 05/03/13 with
hey sammmmmmm, what a story ,
im sure it broke ur heart but u know what ? u had ur epihfany ur doing something about it yayyyyy for you i too always wanted to make my kids proud of me but fer sure im doing this surgery for me 1st above anyone else. i cant wait to be skinny im gonna have that swagger lolol and so will u too yippeeeeeeee it cant come fast enough my son is 31 and my daughter will be 20 on my surgery day but all along growing up i always promoted healthy choices and exercising i remember exercising to the vhs tape " mousersize" with the kids im so happy they r a perfect weight they go to the gym on a daily basis
they eat healthy so i guess i did soemthing right with them at least good luckk
im sure it broke ur heart but u know what ? u had ur epihfany ur doing something about it yayyyyy for you i too always wanted to make my kids proud of me but fer sure im doing this surgery for me 1st above anyone else. i cant wait to be skinny im gonna have that swagger lolol and so will u too yippeeeeeeee it cant come fast enough my son is 31 and my daughter will be 20 on my surgery day but all along growing up i always promoted healthy choices and exercising i remember exercising to the vhs tape " mousersize" with the kids im so happy they r a perfect weight they go to the gym on a daily basis
they eat healthy so i guess i did soemthing right with them at least good luckk
see ya lighter,