I agree with what you said. I had a great coordinator who was there the whole time I was there. That's why I chose her. Her name is Melissa. Everyone needs to remember that each individual chose their doctor on their own and if that Dr happens to be in Mexico that things are going to be different. HELLO IT'S IN MEXICO!!! 
Everyone just needs to remember that they made their choice on their own no one forced them and to just let them be happy with that choice. I for one look for support and encouragement and NOT all of this negativity. I told myself I wouldn't get involved with any of this, but here I am. Just one more thing I bet if Dr Almanza and Dr Betancourt charged more for their surgery we wouldn't be having these problems. Thanks again Terry for your support. Talk to ya soon!!!
I just love these smileys

Everyone just needs to remember that they made their choice on their own no one forced them and to just let them be happy with that choice. I for one look for support and encouragement and NOT all of this negativity. I told myself I wouldn't get involved with any of this, but here I am. Just one more thing I bet if Dr Almanza and Dr Betancourt charged more for their surgery we wouldn't be having these problems. Thanks again Terry for your support. Talk to ya soon!!!

On April 18, 2010 at 12:54 PM Pacific Time, Boscogirl wrote:
Hi there Irene!First of all, let me start by saying that you have every right to feel the way you feel and you have every right to express it. If you regret having your surgery at Jeruselem Clinic and you wouldn't recommend it...that is perfectly fine. You are definitely not the only one to feel this way. I have always supported people's right to their own feelings and opinions and that will not change.
My problem with what you are posting is that you do not seem to have the same respect for people with differeing opinions. You keep saying we should "wake up", "admit it", "tell the truth" etc. Why do you think we are not telling the truth about our experiences? I know for one, I am. I am not an "Almanza Groupie", or "Almanza Follower", or what ever else we are being called. I also feel no loyalty to them in any way shape or form. As you said in an earlier post, they are not my friends and I paid them to do a service for me. However, those things do not mean that I am not going to tell my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE or my PERSONAL OPINION on the subject matter. I had a very positive experience there and I felt my care was more than adequate for my needs. I just so happened to really like all of them as well but that has nothing to do with my actual surgery and recovery experience.
As for the horrible complications of Stoongal's sister...yes, it is heartbreaking and it is a tragedy. I hope and pray that eventually she will make a full recovery. It is sad when this kind of thing happens and believe me, it happens every day all over the world. This is a serious surgery and there are many risks involved. In the course of my 2 1/2 years of researching bariatric surgery I have seen several people die or have serious and horrible complications due to their surgeries. It is one of the risk we all take when we choose to have surgery. I have NEVER seen this kind of outlash toward any other doctor or facility. This stuff against Betancourt/Almanza has been going on for atleast a few years and it is ALWAYS driven by one person, Midwesterngirl/Donemytime. Do you not find that the least bit concerning? Do you have no qualms about supporting someone who is obvioiusly not truthful about so many things. Maybe some of things she says are true but she ruins her credibility by lying and posing as other people and downright attacking anyone who doesn't agree with her. Do you not see this?
Back to the Stoongal's sister sitution. I DO NOT believe for ONE MINUTE that the staff of Juruselum Clinic knowingly let her leave with complications. If she and her family felt that "that something was not right" or if she seemed to feel way worse than most people do then they should have spoken up and got to the bottom of it. Stoongal and daughter had already had their surgeries there right? Well, then they knew what to expect as far as the care goes. They knew everything having been there themselves. Don't get me wrong...I am not saying this was all their fault. What I am saying is that I do not blame them or the clinic. It is just an unfortunate case of complications....which can happen to anyone anywhere. It seems that she and her family member or members insisted on leaving due to not wanting to pay more for the flights by changing then to a later date. You and others seem to want people to think that they just do your surgery and then kick you out on the street with no regard to your health or safety. You keep saying the phrase "stack em and rack em" and you are calling it a "chop shop", which I said, is your perogative, but that is not at all how I see it or what I think about the clinic. When I was there I saw them take another woman back into surgery a few hours later because of a suspected leak. My roommate had to stay at the clinic for two nights because she was in pain and she had a low grade fever. She was begging them to let her go to the recovery house when I went but they said no. They were very concerned for her wellbeing. If they just cut people up with no regard for their health then there would be way more complications coming out of there and they would most likely already be out of business by now. You don't keep getting business if you do a crappy job. By and large, most of their patients are very satisfied with their experiences and that is why people keep going there and will continue to do so.
If a person needs the "peace of mind" of being at a full blown hospital the whole time then they should absolutely NOT go to Jeruselum Clinic. They will pay around $4000 for this "peace of mind" (in MX) and if they can swing it then that is great. I mean this sincerely. I do not think this clinic is right for everyone and I have been very vocal about that. I also would never recommend that anyone go there alone. I think that would be way too hard being that the aftercare is what it is. I think of it more like having the surgery as a "day surgery" only you stay at your long lost uncle in Mexico's house (lol...those who have been there will understand this) to recover for a few days. This was perfectly fine with me. I was comfortable with it. I understood that if I had had the surgery here in my town that I would have been home in 24 hours anyway and it would be my husband taking care of me. Honestly, I don't see the difference. I do not see why people make such a big deal about the aftercare there. I had more there than I would have here (because I would have been at home) but I would have paid $15000 instead of $5500. I am a "glass half full" person and I expected to NOT have compliations so I chose to save $10K and go to Dr. Almanza. Complications are rare with this surgery but they do happen. People need to do what they are comfortable with.
I hope you understand what I am trying to get across and I wish you no ill will. I respect your right to your opinions I only ask that you do the same for those of us that do not share your point of view.
Anyway........ for my behavior and my part in this drama I am sorry.
I wont participate in anymore internet feuding ---- its just so friggin stupid anyway..
So that being said....
Hope you all have a blessed week!!
Lap Band March 2007
Band Slipped -Emergency Removal May 2008
Dr. Lopez Corvala- Hospital Angeles TJ
VSG Jan. 28th, 2010
Dr. Almanza-Jerusalem Clinic
Band Slipped -Emergency Removal May 2008
Dr. Lopez Corvala- Hospital Angeles TJ
VSG Jan. 28th, 2010
Dr. Almanza-Jerusalem Clinic
On April 17, 2010 at 4:35 PM Pacific Time, ishary wrote:
Hey Guys.Do you really think that this clinic was professional and medically equipped and staffed to handle an emergency situation?
Be honest and if you arent able to be honest with the board at least be honest with yourselves.
I was there and I know for a fact it was and is not.
I was lucky as were you and many others we had an uneventful surgery- some people were not.
People researching this facility should know what they are getting into. The pictures on the internet make it look a lot better/bigger than it actually is.
Its not all rainbows and butterflies and cheaper is not always better.
Sometimes it only means ----you get what you pay for.
Oh and it wont hurt my feelings if you block me at all. I am not here to argue and I am not into drama. I just want to help.
I have already received an email from someone thanking me for sharing my thoughts as they were scheduled with Almanza/Betancourt and are now switching to another facility for saftey reasons.
Thats all that matters to me
And..... my insides yep they are just as beautiful as my outsides.
More so actually!!
= - )
i trust in Dr. Almanza and the anesthiologist trauma training to get them through an emergency till the ambulance arrives.
You posted on another thread that the fact there was only one doctor and one OR as a reason they were not prepared. You do realize that an anesthiologist is a doctor,right? Their ONLY job is keeping the patient alive. If I was in am emergency situation I would thank God if there was an anesthiologist in the house. that means that there are TWO doctors in the house. Is that enough,do you think?
On April 18, 2010 at 5:53 PM Pacific Time, hollykim wrote:
On April 17, 2010 at 4:35 PM Pacific Time, ishary wrote:
Hey Guys.Do you really think that this clinic was professional and medically equipped and staffed to handle an emergency situation?
Be honest and if you arent able to be honest with the board at least be honest with yourselves.
I was there and I know for a fact it was and is not.
I was lucky as were you and many others we had an uneventful surgery- some people were not.
People researching this facility should know what they are getting into. The pictures on the internet make it look a lot better/bigger than it actually is.
Its not all rainbows and butterflies and cheaper is not always better.
Sometimes it only means ----you get what you pay for.
Oh and it wont hurt my feelings if you block me at all. I am not here to argue and I am not into drama. I just want to help.
I have already received an email from someone thanking me for sharing my thoughts as they were scheduled with Almanza/Betancourt and are now switching to another facility for saftey reasons.
Thats all that matters to me
And..... my insides yep they are just as beautiful as my outsides.
More so actually!!
= - )
i trust in Dr. Almanza and the anesthiologist trauma training to get them through an emergency till the ambulance arrives.
You posted on another thread that the fact there was only one doctor and one OR as a reason they were not prepared. You do realize that an anesthiologist is a doctor,right? Their ONLY job is keeping the patient alive. If I was in am emergency situation I would thank God if there was an anesthiologist in the house. that means that there are TWO doctors in the house. Is that enough,do you think?
hope you have a nice week holykim and if I offended you over the past couple of days I am sorry.
Warm regards,
Lap Band March 2007
Band Slipped -Emergency Removal May 2008
Dr. Lopez Corvala- Hospital Angeles TJ
VSG Jan. 28th, 2010
Dr. Almanza-Jerusalem Clinic
Band Slipped -Emergency Removal May 2008
Dr. Lopez Corvala- Hospital Angeles TJ
VSG Jan. 28th, 2010
Dr. Almanza-Jerusalem Clinic
You are CORRECT! They are equipped for emergencies. Nobody else seems to mention this, just that they are not equipt to handle an emergency. Not true! Without disclosing my medical background, I will say... I was looking around for these things as well. Some of us know what to look for. It was completely different than what I thought it would look like in Mexico (I had never been before). There was a crash cart on-site!!! Dr Almanza does have trauma training. I felt very safe! I was nervous the first hour or so when I arrived cause I didn't know what to expect... I got over that as soon as Dr. Almanza and Dr Betancourt came in and talked to us.. and I saw the OR and equipment. :)
You are CORRECT! They are equipped for emergencies. Nobody else seems to mention this, just that they are not equipt to handle an emergency. Not true! Without disclosing my medical background, I will say... I was looking around for these things as well. Some of us know what to look for. It was completely different than what I thought it would look like in Mexico (I had never been before). There was a crash cart on-site!!! Dr Almanza does have trauma training. I felt very safe! I was nervous the first hour or so when I arrived cause I didn't know what to expect... I got over that as soon as Dr. Almanza and Dr Betancourt came in and talked to us.. and I saw the OR and equipment. :)
On April 17, 2010 at 2:41 PM Pacific Time, bigisbad wrote:
That's right... a place to bash your life awayKeep all the bashin right here in 1 sport instead of hijacking patients other topic.
Identify yourself and then... and only then... the posters that do not find you amusing and informative can just hit the block button.
First block was MWG... then was Donemytime... who's next?
Block Button

I honestly HATE the block button!! You can't see what they have to say, but they can bash the hell out of you!! I have had it happen many times. Okay I promis not to block you, if you don't block me and... IF you do not **** me off, have too much fun, wear green on tuesdays or ETC!!! LOL