Attention all Happy customers of Dr ALmanza!
I would like to be a part of what you are doing. If nothing more than to be made aware of some of your complaints and things you did NOT like about your experience. Maybe I can help with improving things. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. Any suggestions on how to make things better, etc.
Don't worry about donemytime/ Michelle causing a problem. If she were to really do something, she would need to expose herself, her true identity and whereabouts. As you can see, she makes her profiles private and she thinks that makes her safe. She thinks she has outsmarted the law..LOL!
Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator
on 5/29/10 2:12 am - Tuvalu
I would like to be a part of what you are doing. If nothing more than to be made aware of some of your complaints and things you did NOT like about your experience. Maybe I can help with improving things. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. Any suggestions on how to make things better, etc.
Don't worry about donemytime/ Michelle causing a problem. If she were to really do something, she would need to expose herself, her true identity and whereabouts. As you can see, she makes her profiles private and she thinks that makes her safe. She thinks she has outsmarted the law..LOL!
It's too bad that you need to USE the people here to make a living. Some of us are truthfully expressing our REAL experiences, helping others the best we can and gaining nothing. Mabye someday you will know what that feels like. Probably no...but there's always hope.
on 5/29/10 2:18 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
I would like to be a part of what you are doing. If nothing more than to be made aware of some of your complaints and things you did NOT like about your experience. Maybe I can help with improving things. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. Any suggestions on how to make things better, etc.
Don't worry about donemytime/ Michelle causing a problem. If she were to really do something, she would need to expose herself, her true identity and whereabouts. As you can see, she makes her profiles private and she thinks that makes her safe. She thinks she has outsmarted the law..LOL!
It's too bad that you need to USE the people here to make a living. Some of us are truthfully expressing our REAL experiences, helping others the best we can and gaining nothing. Mabye someday you will know what that feels like. Probably no...but there's always hope.
on 5/29/10 3:10 am - Tuvalu
I would like to be a part of what you are doing. If nothing more than to be made aware of some of your complaints and things you did NOT like about your experience. Maybe I can help with improving things. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. Any suggestions on how to make things better, etc.
Don't worry about donemytime/ Michelle causing a problem. If she were to really do something, she would need to expose herself, her true identity and whereabouts. As you can see, she makes her profiles private and she thinks that makes her safe. She thinks she has outsmarted the law..LOL!
It's too bad that you need to USE the people here to make a living. Some of us are truthfully expressing our REAL experiences, helping others the best we can and gaining nothing. Mabye someday you will know what that feels like. Probably no...but there's always hope.
Last I heard, she--and the other "Patient Coordinators"--made their money in the form of a commission based on what the patient was going to be paying to the doctor. Back in the day, it was very obvious, because if you called the doctor directly, you got a quote for a lower price.
I can't tolerate MWG, but she is speaking HER is this donemytime person, whoever she may be. That is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT than those among us who make money off of us and whose income depends on their ability to steer us to the surgeon they are working for at the moment.
Sandy the nurse was a relative lightweight who did quite well with her band and became a shill for Kuri and for CDs she is selling to "help us" with our weight loss journey...but THIS was intereting:
Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator
on 5/29/10 8:33 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
I would like to be a part of what you are doing. If nothing more than to be made aware of some of your complaints and things you did NOT like about your experience. Maybe I can help with improving things. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. Any suggestions on how to make things better, etc.
Don't worry about donemytime/ Michelle causing a problem. If she were to really do something, she would need to expose herself, her true identity and whereabouts. As you can see, she makes her profiles private and she thinks that makes her safe. She thinks she has outsmarted the law..LOL!
This sounds like a threat to me you've been reported.
Had you followed the threads you would have seen that I was saying she thinks she is safe from LEGAL PROSECUTION by hiding behind screen names and the internet.
Many people have posted their opinions and speculations of who and what I am. Much of what has been posted is NOT factual. I have offered to speak to anyone who wishes to call or email me anytime and I will gladly answer your questions and listen to what you think of me or anything else you want to say. However STILL no one has EVER done so. Thank God for the calls and emails of support from the people that really know me!
What I see is several people sitting at their computers thinking they have the right to make statements about other people based on nothing at all! They are posting their opinions of everyone and everything else only to stir the pot, even when a thread is old and dead.
Those that think they have other people’s lives all figures out in my opinion means you have your own issues. You don’t care about helping weight loss surgery patients with complications or obese people being “sold something just for profit" (as some have claimed) or post op patients needing support or whatever else you claim to be here for.
I have concluded that none of this has anything to do with anyone wanting to provide help or really wanting answers regarding anything! I think it's all about people that love drama... and that's it! Very sad.
Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator
on 5/30/10 1:01 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
Had you followed the threads you would have seen that I was saying she thinks she is safe from LEGAL PROSECUTION by hiding behind screen names and the internet.
Many people have posted their opinions and speculations of who and what I am. Much of what has been posted is NOT factual. I have offered to speak to anyone who wishes to call or email me anytime and I will gladly answer your questions and listen to what you think of me or anything else you want to say. However STILL no one has EVER done so. Thank God for the calls and emails of support from the people that really know me!
What I see is several people sitting at their computers thinking they have the right to make statements about other people based on nothing at all! They are posting their opinions of everyone and everything else only to stir the pot, even when a thread is old and dead.
Those that think they have other people’s lives all figures out in my opinion means you have your own issues. You don’t care about helping weight loss surgery patients with complications or obese people being “sold something just for profit" (as some have claimed) or post op patients needing support or whatever else you claim to be here for.
I have concluded that none of this has anything to do with anyone wanting to provide help or really wanting answers regarding anything! I think it's all about people that love drama... and that's it! Very sad.
Nice really LONG response, but it hard for me to take you seriously when not only do you get paid for recruiting new clients, which is your job and I do realize everybody needs to make a living, but when you try to cover up or redirect a legitimate complaint by hurling accusations at so called "trolls" all you end up doing is creating smoke and mirrors. Very clever of you.
I've been surfing this forum all weekend trying to research a plastic surgeon for myself.
I've come across quite a few patients of the doctor YOU are recruiting for. I see them asking for help or they just want to get their story out there and you and your clown posse are right there to try and discredit any-ones replies to their concerns that you don't approve of.
MWG or that other poster who you CLAIM is MWG. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW FOR SURE IF IT IS MWG and while you are slinging crap in her direction, the people who are suffering are STILL SUFFERING.
I don't care about you or your job. I came here following a link from another forum. I LOATHE people like you.
If you want me to I will post EVERY SINGLE COMPLAINT regarding YOUR EMPLOYER I have come across this weekend in a brand new thread so you can see exactly what I see.
I see YOU and your friends trying to control a forum that you think you have a right to control. You use this forum as YOUR OWN PERSONAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR YOUR SURGEON. I don't even care about that, what I do care about is hearing EVERY ONES EXPERIENCES whether they are good bad or indifferent.
If you don't like what you are hearing about YOUR EMPLOYER too bad. If this affects your livelihood TOO BAD, I don't know you and I am more concerned with my safety then your livelihood.
My sole reason for coming to THIS forum is to try and research a surgeon I can TRUST with my safety as well as one who does GREAT WORK.
I only became aware of YOUR presence here when I kept running across you and your friend's attacks on others.
When and ONLY when I am satisfied with my research here will I leave this forum.
Sorry but I still think you're posting just for the drama... Good luck with your research!
Over...and out!

Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator