(deactivated member)
on 3/30/10 10:02 am - AZ
On March 29, 2010 at 9:39 PM Pacific Time, fightingfat wrote:
// It just seems that the Aceves patients really need to “KEEP US ALL INFORMED"  Really???  You can google or search pretty much any of these sites and get any of this information anytime, and yet it seems there are "do-gooders" out there "trying to protect us."  Really???  I appreciate the information being put out there once, but after that it seems there is in fact some type of agenda.//  

It’s well known that Aceves has a very big referral program that anyone can participate in and get paid!  

//By the way, my friend who went to Aceves also had one of her incisions get infected too. //  

That’s IMPOSSIBLE!  I thought Aceves has never had a complication, insinuation, drama, negative report or anyone that wasn’t completely ecstatic. What else am I forgetting?


You are a patient coordinator for Betancourt/Almanza.  Tsk tsk....

Aceves does not have a very big referral program that anyone can participate, you lying cow.  If you refer a personal friend or famly member, yes... there is a referral.

Why all the fake IDs you cow?  How many do you have now?

(deactivated member)
on 4/1/10 3:28 pm, edited 4/1/10 4:11 pm
 2 deaths

on 3/30/10 12:01 pm
THANK YOU forr the information!!!
(deactivated member)
on 3/31/10 9:50 am
OK, too funny re: Aceves patients. 
Didn't know about the referral program.
Now it all makes sense!
Holy cow, I got bombarded by Aceves patients telling me I did not have Titanium staples and they were from China, yada yada.

Sorry you guys, you won't be making any commission off me!!  I will proudly refer friends and family to Dr. Almanza, based on FIRST HAND experience.
I love Dr. Almanza and I love how he has forever changed my life.
And yes, I can have an MRI!  But, it was a good try.

If Peanutfree had not been canned betcha a nickle it still would be all "Hugs and Kisses!!"
She's back all over the boards now because she doesn't have a job, not because  of any newly developed Conscience as she has tried to lead everyone to believe.   My only question to Peanutfree is, if you were so worried about licensing issues and all the other crap  you stirred up THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU CANCEL ALL OF YOUR MARCH SURGERIES WITH THE DOCTORS YOU BASH?  Too bad you don't understand about  burning bridges in life.   Kinda goes hand in hand with a little thing called Kharma.

My apologizes for adding to the drama...........  just couldn't help it. 


on 4/1/10 1:11 am - Canada

I have posted the information I have showing that "Dr."Betancourt holds a counterfeit license.
If I was incorrect, then the clinic would have simply responded with the evidence that I was wrong, and Andres Bentancourt is indeed a doctor.  Since he isn't and the clinic cannot refute my evidence, then you and others have resorted to making dishonest personal attacks against me.

I had no patients at Jerusalem Hospital in March.  All of my patients have gone to a safe and reputable clinic instead.  At no time was I 'fired' or 'terminated' by the clinic.  I choose to work with a different clinic because I felt that the number of surgeries being performed at Jerusalem was unsafe.  When you emailed me about advice on becoming a coordinator for the clinic, I did not repond to you because I was no longer referring patients to them.

If you think it helps your case to fabricate lies about me in order to deflect people from the fraud that Andres Betancourt is not who he says he is, then your tactics speaks for themselves.

The issue at hand is whether or not Andres Betancourt is actually a doctor, and he is not. 


HW: 225  |  SW: 198  |  CW: 123 | Height: 5' 7.5"  I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!
13 lbs below goal :)
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/10 4:27 am
La la land must be nice Mel!

You KNOW you were fired! (and your other buddy, to S.R.)
You KNOW you had several patients throughout the month of March.  How many THOUSANDS do you owe the doc? (Sandy J. posted the exact amount)
You KNOW about the phone call you made to one of your patient's referrals who chose NOT TO GO THROUGH YOU because you charged THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS MORE than other coordinators who are available all over the internet!  Boy did you turn that lady off!

Why would the clinic need to prove anything to you?  Who are you?  All you are is a disgruntled EX employee who no longer makes thousands of dollars in commissions each month because YOU GOT GREEDY!  (S.R, TOO!)  No one could be bothered wasting one second of their time on you!

You don't know me from a whole in the wall, Melanie.  So, don't even think for one second you can pass judgement or CALL ME A LIAR!  I witnessed your behavior in January when we were all at the  what-you-now- call- "Unsafe" clinic having our respective surgeries.  Remember how you escorted your "Friend" Jody down there to assist her after her sleeve?  Well, where were you the night of her surgery? (Yours was the next night)   Oh, that's right.  Out partying with you-know-who.  You still owe my Mom a "Thank You"  for staying with YOUR  patient all night long cleaning her vomit tray out. (plenty of staff to handle this task as well..... so don't even go there!)   (Geez, maybe you should pay my Mom a couple of thousand dollars for doing your so-called job!) And the next day you show up with a single Rose for Jody?  Gee Mel, where did that Rose REALLY come from? Is this the kind of patient care you justify  by charging thousands of dollars more from you patients? Show up with a rose the following morning?  BTW, you were one of the only coordinators who felt compelled to escort patients, to somehow justify the thousands of extra dollars you charged your clients.  But, seriously, grown-ups don't need you to hold their hand crossing the border.  Just plain, ole slimy money-grubbing tactics, IMO.

Do yourself a favor and disappear for a few months again off these boards.  You are far from Sainthood and are, in fact,  nothing more than a trouble-maker.  Yes, I did email you several weeks ago.  You didn't respond because you had nothing to gain from me.  Just speculation on my part.  But, sometimes silence speaks louder than words.

  If you are as HELPFUL as you try to portray yourself to be, then why didn't you respond to me suggesting becoming a coordinator for another doctor..  substantiating your  rational at that time via a PM?    You claim you didn't respond to me because you were no longer referring patients to this clinic.  What a crock of S*it!  Nice try, though.  I wasn't worth the time of day........

I think you mean well with most of your other endeavors in life.  But, Mel, it is never wise to burn bridges.  You never know when it will come back to bite you. My advise to you is to close this bad chapter of your life and move on.   If you are no longer working for the said Doctors, (which you claim is by your choice) why then do you feel so compelled to waste one ounce of your energies slandering them?  Seriously, don't you have anything better to do?  Only a scorned ex employee behaves the way you do. 
You are the Marketing Master........  if you truly had left on your own volition then you clearly would have used this so-called knowledge of the licensing issues or doctoral degree issues to "Close" any new business you could drum up for a new doctor, in private.  But, because of the Public route you took you only ultimately shot yourself in your foot and ruined your own reputation.

At this point I hope you can find another doctor who would be able to trust your marketing expertise for soliciting WLS.  I fear they will see the true caliber of what you are about and snub you.  You are now labeled a TROUBLEMAKER in this industry, a malicious mud-slinger due to being scorned.   This you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Any other doc that takes you on is jeoparding his/her reputation in dealing with you, by default! 

Lose the sainthood guise cause it just ain't working for ya Mel!

And, as any savy patient will now know, best to shop around because scheduling WLS through Melanie Wildman  means I will be paying way more than other WLS patients  for the exact same services with the same WLS doctor.    Hmmmm.

As far as personal attacks against you.........  well, duh!   This goes back to  the whole point of "why does anyone owe you anything?"   No one wants to waste one more second on you Mel.  No one has to prove anything to you.  For, who are you?  That's right, a terminated employee who in FACT owes THOUSANDS of dollars for all your MARCH patients!  Show them the money Mel....  I am not the one with a CASE, as you call it.  I do not need to fabricate any lies.  Like I said at the beginning, you don't know me.  I have no reason to lie.  Hun,  I don't owe the doc thousands.  I am not out a job!  THESE ARE THE TRUE ISSUES AT HAND Mel......  and we all can see right through you.

and, Good Luck.

on 4/1/10 5:20 am - Canada
Clearly, you have been grossly misinformed. 
HW: 225  |  SW: 198  |  CW: 123 | Height: 5' 7.5"  I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!
13 lbs below goal :)
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/10 5:48 am - AZ
On April 1, 2010 at 12:20 PM Pacific Time, PeanutFreeMom wrote:
Clearly, you have been grossly misinformed. 

Doesn't this seem like a great time to sue Sandy Johnston for posting so much misinformation and attempting to harm your business?  Isn't that what she's running around screaming and whining that everyone is doing to her when in fact WE tell the truth and she does not.

I have a hunch she's going to need that lawyer she has on retainer.  If I was her I'd have one on retainer, too.

Heh... when called on her BS and backed in a corner she has her cronies (and other IDs) come out and defend her.

I am still waiting to see how she is explaining herself.  I've asked her FIVE times if she still stands behind her claims that Betancourt is a licensed MD, the clinic in the Costco strip mall is a licensed hospital, Almanza is a board certified surgeon, and she's never had an infected patient or complications in any of her patients.

She sure got quiet all the sudden.. .what's up with that?

And where is her proof of all her claims?  We have demonstrated Betancourt is not a licensed MD, we have demonstrated the clinic is an unlicensed clinic vs. a licensed hospital, we have demonstrated quite clearly Almanza is not a board cerfied surgeon, and we have demonstrated she most certainly DOES have infected patients.

What will she claim next?

on 4/1/10 8:58 am - Hoover, AL
It looks like MidwesternGirl posted something on this thread, but unfortunately most of us on here can't read it because we've been blocked!!! lol
We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
on 4/1/10 12:28 pm - Canada, Canada
Heres the post you cant see from MIDWESTERNGIRL

Doesn't this seem like a great time to sue Sandy Johnston for posting so much misinformation and attempting to harm your business?  Isn't that what she's running around screaming and whining that everyone is doing to her when in fact WE tell the truth and she does not.

I have a hunch she's going to need that lawyer she has on retainer.  If I was her I'd have one on retainer, too.

Heh... when called on her BS and backed in a corner she has her cronies (and other IDs) come out and defend her.

I am still waiting to see how she is explaining herself.  I've asked her FIVE times if she still stands behind her claims that Betancourt is a licensed MD, the clinic in the Costco strip mall is a licensed hospital, Almanza is a board certified surgeon, and she's never had an infected patient or complications in any of her patients.

She sure got quiet all the sudden.. .what's up with that?

And where is her proof of all her claims?  We have demonstrated Betancourt is not a licensed MD, we have demonstrated the clinic is an unlicensed clinic vs. a licensed hospital, we have demonstrated quite clearly Almanza is not a board cerfied surgeon, and we have demonstrated she most certainly DOES have infected patients.

What will she claim next?


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See my profile for how to research a Mexican LAP BAND surgeon, advice for newbies (Feb), motivation for all of us (May), cheap and easy cooking, and how to research a Mexican GASTRIC SLEEVE surgeon 3/09.
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