Margo N.
on 3/27/10 7:57 am
Margo - Burnaby, British Columbia HW 283 / SW 269 / GW 160 (I'm 5'8")
Check out my blog at http://www.vsggoodlife.com/

on 3/27/10 3:07 pm - Canada, Canada
Just why do you get so much pleasure in taking posts from the VSG forum and posting them here. I see that you only do that to "negative" posts on Almanza / Bentacourt.
Must be a reason
See my post under the original post in VSG as... I think he has a GP license from CA
on 3/27/10 3:37 pm - Elk Grove, CA
Well, I guess since this was brought over here, I will also X-post my reply:

I recently received a few calls regarding this nonsense posted to this thread.  I debated about whether or not to post.  Well, here I am!   

To donemytime, I don’t believe for one minute you are who you say you are nor did you speak to so many people that had so many complications.  You will not tell anyone who they are.  You are adamant about insisting that you want to spread the news so that all are safe from this Center.  So you would think that you would be anxious to show your proof and all the details of what you found.  But you haven’t done that.  

You say, “There have been so many reports of so many bad things..blah..blah.." Besides a few infections here and there, where are they.  From you and the other 3 people that have NEVER been to this Center?  With an average more than 100 surgeries a month in the last year or so, I would say 6 or 7 infections is a pretty good statistic!  Do you think there are any U.S. docs with less than that?    

For instance, Dr. Betancourt was NOT your direct coordinator that took your deposit then refused to return it.  He doesn’t even take calls from potential patients.  You MUST go through a coordinator!  Caught in lie #1.   

You say you talked to 12 patients only, all of which had serious complications. How is that even possible?  If this Center does over 110 surgeries per month, how could you reach only people with a complication?  Lie #2.   

You clearly state you wouldn’t have surgery with a surgeon from this Center.  Then don’t! I certainly wouldn’t book you for all the money in the world!  I mean after all, your words, anyone that would go there is willing to “Drink the Kool-Aid".  We have no Kool-Aid to sell to you dear. 

You say, again your words, “There is so much controversy there.  Why not go somewhere where there is no controversy?"  Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.  Does such a place exist?  Please tell me about any doctor with no complications.  I’ll show you one who is lying or is VERY new! 

You have done a lot of research on this board. You've known Peanutfreemom for a long time.  But you never heard of Midwesterngirl.  Clearly an attempt to try to distance yourself from her. Are you her? Hmmm... Lie #3. 

You claim to know all kinds of little details about the Center.  How do you know them?  Oh yes, you’ll say, so and so told you.  Or maybe it is because you said so? You really sound like Midwestern!  

I just hope you mean what you say and are outta here!  My guess is you're not.  You won't be able to contain yourself!  

Peanutfreemom is full of integrity and is very brave?  First let me say I wasn’t even going to address this for a couple of reason.  First I thought it would be very unprofessional of me to get involved in this person’s business since it isn’t any of my business.  I have since changed my mind, since she sent me an email, which I will post excerpts from here just to make my point.

First off, in her own email she has patients booked in to March.  Second, she comes on this board just after she receives an email from Dr. Betancourt’s assistant asking her to remove all evidence of their Center and surgeons.  Only then does she grow a conscience.  Just look at the dates of the emails!   Only then does she feel the need to blow the Clinic out of the water and post about all these, so called terrible things that she can’t work with any longer.  

This is the most UNPROFESSIONAL person I have ever seen.  Had she really had a case of conscience, instead of sending threatening emails to everyone that does business with this Center in an obvious attempt to cause loss of business, she would have contacted all of us and asked us about our client’s health.  Have we seen the same complications?  Are we having any problems out of the ordinary or seen anything that seems suspect?  She didn’t do any of that. 

By the way, I haven’t had any patients have a feeding tube or become septic or be hospitalized with a serious complication thus far.  I have been sending patients to this Center for about 1 ½ years.   

This email also contains the first and last names of her patients for March.  She has no regard for their privacy.  She included them in her email to EVERYONE!  She has no regard for professionalism.  I have no idea what happened, but I can put 2 and 2 together from just a few excerpts of her own email!  Apparently there was an issue with money and who knows what else!  I really don’t know nor do I care. 

And by the way Melanie, no one tells me what to do in my business.  I only accept legal advice from my attorney.    

Then I get the following email from the other crazy loon, below.  Gee I didn’t know I was also “doubleflame" and “fightingfat".  I guess I could go out to lunch with me, myself and I.  Sorry doubleflame and fightingfat, but she says you don’t really exist.   

I will tell you that I have been in this business for over 8 years now.  I have seen people just like this come and go.  There will always be crazies on these boards.  What is sad is that most are not really crazy, they are making money referring patients to other doctors.  The sad part is that they are not very good at sales and the only way they know how to sell is to trash the Big Guy.  I was once with another doctor who became a “Big Guy".  He was nothing when I started with him, then he grew to over 100 surgeries a month.  Then guess what? Yup!  The same thing!  He became this horrible butcher that shouldn’t be practicing medicine!  You see, whenever ANY practice gets really big, some of the others want to try to knock them down a few pegs and send more business their way.  It usually works for a short time, until the “Big Guy" has so many happy patients, that it’s just too ridiculous to post the same old stuff.     

Special note to Michelle, I don’t make threats I can’t keep.  I do have an attorney on retainer as you well know.  I do things legally and correctly.  That’s how I do business, you should learn from that.   

So go ahead and take your best shot.  I was here before you came and I will be here after you leave.  Still helping people suffering from obesity become healthy and happy again!        

By the way Boscogirl, if you would like to find out more about becoming a coordinator, give me a call and I can put you in touch with the appropriate person!  

Much Love!    

Here are the emails. Enjoy…..  

(from Midwesterngirl aka Michelle)   From: Bipley < [email protected]To: [email protected]
Subject: CCing this to your attorney  


Call me psychic but I have a hunch... you are going down with Betancourt.  The fake doc wannabe.  You posted his license, I *have* the original thread where YOU posted his fake medical license on my hard drive along with your IP address.  Betancoourt has a 7th grade education and stole the medical license of a "real" doctor and you were duped, you fell for it! BWAHAHAHAHA

You threaten to sue everyone that posts truth on the boards.  The REAL truth is you have no case and you have no money.  You couldn't afford to sue everyone you have threatened if your very life depended on it.

I'm going to sit back, point, and giggle.

Before you suggest I contact your attorney, do note.. I already did.


BTW... when you posted on the boards that I lied to your lawyer claiming *I* did not really post the posts but instead, claimed that I was suffering from identity theft, if you should care to check your emails you will see I made no such claim.  I'm just going to let you hang yourself. ;o)))  I believe you may have already done that.

BTW... IP address check... doubleflame and Fightingfat... they are you.  You just hung yourself and I'm going to watch this drama play out and enjoy every minute.      

(From Peanutfreemom, aka Melanie)  

……….. and continues to refer patients to you is legally liable both in Canada and in the United States.   Your clinic had no patients of mine past the end of January……….     Our website will be changed as soon as possible.  It is certainly not in our interests to have your clinic's information on it.   Please do not email me or contact me any further about this, or about any other matter, or I will be forced to report you to the appropriate authorities.  

Thank you, Melanie  

Melanie Wildman
President, CEO
Weight Loss Forever Ltd.
Suite 28-901 1st Ave. N
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1Y4
t: 306-665-8891
f: 306-665-8848
c: 306-262-4855
  ________________________________________________________________________   On 2010-03-26, at 12:28 AM, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:

  Read below. How is it that Melany on December knew of supposed infections and still continued to book patients on march 29th. Mmmmmm. It's a mystery. Sounds fishy.also our info is still on melanys website. By the way she ran away owing $11,000.00. We will follow up with Melany.I never took her for a thief      

On Mar 25, 2010, at 12:16 PM, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXwrote:
Good afternoon Melanie!    Per Dr. Betancourt, please remove all references to Dr. Almanza and Emmanuel Medical Center from your website immediately.   Thank you in advance for your quick cooperation in this matter!!    

On 2010-03-10, at 2:53 PM, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote: Your patients for March


Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator

(deactivated member)
on 3/30/10 10:05 am - AZ
On March 27, 2010 at 10:37 PM Pacific Time, zsflower wrote:
Well, I guess since this was brought over here, I will also X-post my reply:

I recently received a few calls regarding this nonsense posted to this thread.  I debated about whether or not to post.  Well, here I am!   

To donemytime, I don’t believe for one minute you are who you say you are nor did you speak to so many people that had so many complications.  You will not tell anyone who they are.  You are adamant about insisting that you want to spread the news so that all are safe from this Center.  So you would think that you would be anxious to show your proof and all the details of what you found.  But you haven’t done that.  

You say, “There have been so many reports of so many bad things..blah..blah.." Besides a few infections here and there, where are they.  From you and the other 3 people that have NEVER been to this Center?  With an average more than 100 surgeries a month in the last year or so, I would say 6 or 7 infections is a pretty good statistic!  Do you think there are any U.S. docs with less than that?    

For instance, Dr. Betancourt was NOT your direct coordinator that took your deposit then refused to return it.  He doesn’t even take calls from potential patients.  You MUST go through a coordinator!  Caught in lie #1.   

You say you talked to 12 patients only, all of which had serious complications. How is that even possible?  If this Center does over 110 surgeries per month, how could you reach only people with a complication?  Lie #2.   

You clearly state you wouldn’t have surgery with a surgeon from this Center.  Then don’t! I certainly wouldn’t book you for all the money in the world!  I mean after all, your words, anyone that would go there is willing to “Drink the Kool-Aid".  We have no Kool-Aid to sell to you dear. 

You say, again your words, “There is so much controversy there.  Why not go somewhere where there is no controversy?"  Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.  Does such a place exist?  Please tell me about any doctor with no complications.  I’ll show you one who is lying or is VERY new! 

You have done a lot of research on this board. You've known Peanutfreemom for a long time.  But you never heard of Midwesterngirl.  Clearly an attempt to try to distance yourself from her. Are you her? Hmmm... Lie #3. 

You claim to know all kinds of little details about the Center.  How do you know them?  Oh yes, you’ll say, so and so told you.  Or maybe it is because you said so? You really sound like Midwestern!  

I just hope you mean what you say and are outta here!  My guess is you're not.  You won't be able to contain yourself!  

Peanutfreemom is full of integrity and is very brave?  First let me say I wasn’t even going to address this for a couple of reason.  First I thought it would be very unprofessional of me to get involved in this person’s business since it isn’t any of my business.  I have since changed my mind, since she sent me an email, which I will post excerpts from here just to make my point.

First off, in her own email she has patients booked in to March.  Second, she comes on this board just after she receives an email from Dr. Betancourt’s assistant asking her to remove all evidence of their Center and surgeons.  Only then does she grow a conscience.  Just look at the dates of the emails!   Only then does she feel the need to blow the Clinic out of the water and post about all these, so called terrible things that she can’t work with any longer.  

This is the most UNPROFESSIONAL person I have ever seen.  Had she really had a case of conscience, instead of sending threatening emails to everyone that does business with this Center in an obvious attempt to cause loss of business, she would have contacted all of us and asked us about our client’s health.  Have we seen the same complications?  Are we having any problems out of the ordinary or seen anything that seems suspect?  She didn’t do any of that. 

By the way, I haven’t had any patients have a feeding tube or become septic or be hospitalized with a serious complication thus far.  I have been sending patients to this Center for about 1 ½ years.   

This email also contains the first and last names of her patients for March.  She has no regard for their privacy.  She included them in her email to EVERYONE!  She has no regard for professionalism.  I have no idea what happened, but I can put 2 and 2 together from just a few excerpts of her own email!  Apparently there was an issue with money and who knows what else!  I really don’t know nor do I care. 

And by the way Melanie, no one tells me what to do in my business.  I only accept legal advice from my attorney.    

Then I get the following email from the other crazy loon, below.  Gee I didn’t know I was also “doubleflame" and “fightingfat".  I guess I could go out to lunch with me, myself and I.  Sorry doubleflame and fightingfat, but she says you don’t really exist.   

I will tell you that I have been in this business for over 8 years now.  I have seen people just like this come and go.  There will always be crazies on these boards.  What is sad is that most are not really crazy, they are making money referring patients to other doctors.  The sad part is that they are not very good at sales and the only way they know how to sell is to trash the Big Guy.  I was once with another doctor who became a “Big Guy".  He was nothing when I started with him, then he grew to over 100 surgeries a month.  Then guess what? Yup!  The same thing!  He became this horrible butcher that shouldn’t be practicing medicine!  You see, whenever ANY practice gets really big, some of the others want to try to knock them down a few pegs and send more business their way.  It usually works for a short time, until the “Big Guy" has so many happy patients, that it’s just too ridiculous to post the same old stuff.     

Special note to Michelle, I don’t make threats I can’t keep.  I do have an attorney on retainer as you well know.  I do things legally and correctly.  That’s how I do business, you should learn from that.   

So go ahead and take your best shot.  I was here before you came and I will be here after you leave.  Still helping people suffering from obesity become healthy and happy again!        

By the way Boscogirl, if you would like to find out more about becoming a coordinator, give me a call and I can put you in touch with the appropriate person!  

Much Love!    

Here are the emails. Enjoy…..  

(from Midwesterngirl aka Michelle)   From: Bipley < [email protected]To: [email protected]
Subject: CCing this to your attorney  


Call me psychic but I have a hunch... you are going down with Betancourt.  The fake doc wannabe.  You posted his license, I *have* the original thread where YOU posted his fake medical license on my hard drive along with your IP address.  Betancoourt has a 7th grade education and stole the medical license of a "real" doctor and you were duped, you fell for it! BWAHAHAHAHA

You threaten to sue everyone that posts truth on the boards.  The REAL truth is you have no case and you have no money.  You couldn't afford to sue everyone you have threatened if your very life depended on it.

I'm going to sit back, point, and giggle.

Before you suggest I contact your attorney, do note.. I already did.


BTW... when you posted on the boards that I lied to your lawyer claiming *I* did not really post the posts but instead, claimed that I was suffering from identity theft, if you should care to check your emails you will see I made no such claim.  I'm just going to let you hang yourself. ;o)))  I believe you may have already done that.

BTW... IP address check... doubleflame and Fightingfat... they are you.  You just hung yourself and I'm going to watch this drama play out and enjoy every minute.      

(From Peanutfreemom, aka Melanie)  

……….. and continues to refer patients to you is legally liable both in Canada and in the United States.   Your clinic had no patients of mine past the end of January……….     Our website will be changed as soon as possible.  It is certainly not in our interests to have your clinic's information on it.   Please do not email me or contact me any further about this, or about any other matter, or I will be forced to report you to the appropriate authorities.  

Thank you, Melanie  

Melanie Wildman
President, CEO
Weight Loss Forever Ltd.
Suite 28-901 1st Ave. N
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1Y4
t: 306-665-8891
f: 306-665-8848
c: 306-262-4855
  ________________________________________________________________________   On 2010-03-26, at 12:28 AM, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:

  Read below. How is it that Melany on December knew of supposed infections and still continued to book patients on march 29th. Mmmmmm. It's a mystery. Sounds fishy.also our info is still on melanys website. By the way she ran away owing $11,000.00. We will follow up with Melany.I never took her for a thief      

On Mar 25, 2010, at 12:16 PM, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXwrote:
Good afternoon Melanie!    Per Dr. Betancourt, please remove all references to Dr. Almanza and Emmanuel Medical Center from your website immediately.   Thank you in advance for your quick cooperation in this matter!!    

On 2010-03-10, at 2:53 PM, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote: Your patients for March


You have never had a patient with an infection, eh?  Sure you want to stick to that you lying cow?

Read on:


(deactivated member)
on 3/30/10 10:07 am - AZ

Ohhh, btw....

For the 4th time I will ask you;

Previously you posted that Betancourt is a licensed MD, the clinic he rents is a licensed hospital, and that Dr. Almanza is board certified in surgery.  Do you still stand behind these claims?

Any reason you are dodging these questions, Sandy?

Margo N.
on 3/27/10 3:44 pm
I have x-posted this (and the previous thread) because they are both regarding a Mexican doctor and some folks who use this board may not be on the VSG board. I consider the OP to be an extremely reliable and ethical source for this info and I believe that folks researching docs in Mexico, as I was several months ago, should have access to this info, as well as to the many positive threads regarding this surgical practice.

Margo - Burnaby, British Columbia HW 283 / SW 269 / GW 160 (I'm 5'8")
Check out my blog at http://www.vsggoodlife.com/

on 3/28/10 12:05 am - Yuma, AZ
Well, I say let us put an end to this.  I think I will get ahold of the California Attorney General's office and forward alot of posts.  That way we can all know:

1)  If Betancourt is indeed a physician.  If the web sites I just checked from the California Physician Licensing board are correct, he doesn't have a license in California.

2)  If there are indeed web sites promoting this clinic that has surgeon's who are not licensed being promoted, then I would think that the owner's of said web sites could be sued for several different things (class action by all those who have been harmed, etc) to help the injured parties recoup some of their costs for follow up care for the botched surgeries.

3)  The AG's office can also do a computer forensic exam of computers (even the OH website if need be for deleted posts).  I'm sure this would be part of the investigation of the web sites that are promoting this physician's clinic.  It would be public record of who belongs to what IP address.  I'm sure this will be very interesting!!!!!!

4)  While they are at it, I'm sure there will be repercussions from the posting of patient names in the private e-mails that has went on.  That is a major violation of FEDERAL law and is usually addressed with very heavy fines.  I'm sure that this will not be hard to prove after the forensic computer exam is done, especially as the posts will probably be deleted and will certainly require a forensic exam.  I do know, however that people have copied the posting with the patient's names.

I am also wondering about ZSflower stating that PeanutFreeMom has threatened her.  It is usually ZS who is doing the threatening.  I have never once read any of PeanutFreeMom's posts that have been threatening.  If it is true, it is really out of character for her.  It is hard to tell though as the postings of what PeanutFreeMom appears to have been somewhat taken out of context and doesn't appear to be all there.

Just saying.

on 3/29/10 7:10 am - Fort Worth, TX
All I can say is that you are not helping by bashing Doctors.  I called my coordinator and was told that all this is a result from letting a coordinator they no longer want to endorse.

I would suggest that you let us as adults make the decision to who we want to go to without all this poisonous comments.

I almost cancelled my surgery due to fears of everything you said but now that I see this is continuing to come from the same people....YOU have lost all credibiltiy...so for that I thank you, I feel so much better with my decision now.

on 3/29/10 7:57 am - Canada, Canada
All the forums are quiet today... yay!
I am with you all the way.
See you there!
on 4/3/10 3:24 am - Canada, Canada
spoke too soon didnt I?
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